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  • Say Goodbye to Illness by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., R.N., Ph.D. - Paperback Wellness

    Say Goodbye to Illness by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., R.N., Ph.D. - Paperback Wellness

    Acne? Addictions? Computer radiation? Latex? Anxiety? arthritis? Asthma? ADD? Backache? Bedwetting? Carpal tunnel? Depression? Colitis? Dizziness? Eczema? Hay-fever? Headaches? Hyperactivity? Indigestion? Insomnia? Fatigue? Migraines? Shoulder pain? Bronchitis? Sinusitis? Vertigo? Whatever you suffer from...there's an allergy behind it. For millions of people all over the world, these health problems may, in fact, be caused by food and environmental allergies. Allergies they never knew they had.

    In the new and revised,"SAY GOODBYE TO ILLNESS", Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, developer of Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) and the world renowned holistic allergy specialist based in Buena Park, California exposes the truth behind so many health problems plaguing people today. In her book , Dr. Devi gives a new definition for allergies and a deeper understanding of how our bodies relate to or retreat from the millions of natural and artificial substances around us. And she discloses her fascinating NAET technique, which is curing thousands of people every year of their multiple health problems. How? By tracking down their allergies. Then, through a blend of western and eastern techniques, Dr. Devi treats and beats the allergy.

    Her book is thoroughly researched and supported by hundreds of client success stories, people just like you who have suffered and now live allergy-free. This book will revolutionize the practice of medicine!

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  • Wide Awake : A Memoir of Insomnia by Patricia Morrisroe - Hardcover Nonfiction

    Wide Awake : A Memoir of Insomnia by Patricia Morrisroe - Hardcover Nonfiction

    A fourth-generation insomniac, Patricia Morrisroe decided that the only way she’d ever conquer her lifelong sleep disorder was by becoming an expert on the subject. So, armed with half a century of personal experience and a journalist’s curiosity, she set off to explore one of life’s greatest mysteries: sleep. Wide Awake is the eye-opening account of Morrisroe’s quest—a compelling memoir that blends science, culture, and business to tell the story of why she—and forty million other Americans—can’t sleep at night.             

    Over the course of three years of research and reporting, Morrisroe talks to sleep doctors, drug makers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, hypnotherapists, “wake experts,” mattress salesmen, a magician, an astronaut, and even a reindeer herder. She spends an uncomfortable night wired up in a sleep lab. She tries “sleep restriction” and “brain music therapy.” She buys a high-end sound machine, custom-made ear plugs, and a “quiet” house in the country to escape her noisy neighbors in the city. She attends a continuing medical education course in Las Vegas, where she discovers that doctors are among the most sleep-deprived people in the country. She travels to Sonoma, California, where she attends a Dream Ball costumed as her “dream self.” To fulfill a childhood fantasy, she celebrates Christmas Eve two hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle, in the famed Icehotel tossing and turning on an ice bed. Finally, after traveling the globe, she finds the answer to her insomnia right around the corner from her apartment in New York City. 

    A mesmerizing mix of personal insight, science and social observation, Wide Awake examines the role of sleep in our increasingly hyperactive culture. For the millions who suffer from sleepless nights and hazy caffeine-filled days, this humorous, thought-provoking and ultimately hopeful book is an essential bedtime companion. It does, however, come with a warning: Reading it will promote wakefulness.

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    • $1.95
  • Dr. Cocktail : 50 Spirited Infusions to Stimulate the Mind & Body by Alex Ott - Hardcover Bar Book

    Dr. Cocktail : 50 Spirited Infusions to Stimulate the Mind & Body by Alex Ott - Hardcover Bar Book

    Organic chemist and master mixologist Alex Ott distills his homeopathic and flavor-pairing expertise into delectable, mood-altering cocktails for every occasion. Want to relieve stress, boost energy, or just make an amazing drink? Dr. Cocktail has your fix.

    Dr. Cocktail features 50 spirited infusions designed to stimulate your mind and body—or just impress your date. In addition to spirits, the author uses natural, accessible ingredients such as fresh fruit, herbs, and spices. Examples include lavender and chamomile to fight insomnia; damiana tea for libido boost; and fennel-and-lemon infusions to reduce stress. Even if you'd like a perfect cocktail without the alcohol, there are some spirits free drinks, making this book suitable for most every occasion or condition.

    Set up in an easy-to-follow format, Dr. Cocktail is perfect for casual social occasions and also provides a collection of intriguing new concoctions for professional mixologists. Fully illustrated with color photography, this is a beautiful and unique book of cocktails that readers will turn to again and again.

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    • $18.99
  • Could It Be Perimenopause? by Dr. Steven R. Goldstein, M.D. and Laurie Ashner - Paperback

    Could It Be Perimenopause? by Dr. Steven R. Goldstein, M.D. and Laurie Ashner - Paperback

    How women 35-50 can overcome forgetfulness, mood swings, insomnia, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and otehr telltale signs of hormonal imbalance

    If you are a woman in your late thirties or forties and are experiencing mood swings, free-floating anxiety, memory lapses, inability to concentrate, sleep is not all in your head, and you are not alone.

    This compassionate and comprehensive book covers everything you need to know about perimenopause -- the changes that occur in the decade before menopause -- including: How much of what you're feeling is due to fluctuating levels of estrogen. Menopause, by contrast, corresponds to a lack of estrogen. Knowing the difference is crucial to getting the right treatment. This book includes the most effective medical therapies and natural remedies and reveals why low-dose birth-control pills are the best cycle regulators: myths and realities, what you can do about missing periods, gushing periods, and periods that seem never to end, how to avoid hysterectomy and D&C, how you can prevent weight gain during perimenopause and ways to reignite your sex drive.  Addressing women's most common concerns about perimenopause, as well as many questions women tend to be afraid to ask their doctors, Could It Be...Perimenopause? provides the facts you need to make smart decisions, and enables you to understand and feel in control of the changes taking place in your body.

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  • Angels of Wrath : Wield the Magick of Darkness with the Power of Light by Gordon Winterfield - Paperback

    Angels of Wrath : Wield the Magick of Darkness with the Power of Light by Gordon Winterfield - Paperback

    This is not a book of casual curses, but a book of peace and justice. Angels are powerful beings that can be called to work great and wrathful wonders. If your sincere intent is to cause harm, confusion or disruption, the angels will comply.

    This book has not been written for those who seek spiritual enlightenment (although that may well arise from your work), but for those who seek results. Should you have any fear that this work is evil or an abuse of angelic contact, then read no further. This book is for those who have sensed the might of angels and wish to turn their power to deeds that many would believe to be dark.

    Far from being the delightful creatures of peace found in New Age artwork, angels are spiritual beings of immense strength, and this strength can manifest as wrath. Whether you are new to magick or quite experienced, this book will introduce you to a lesser-known group of angels. When called in various combinations, these angels have the power to cause devastation to your enemies. Such workings are as powerful as a curse, and often more targeted and cunning.

    There are twenty-nine powers to be revealed.

    The angels can bind, destroy defenses, remove wealth and destroy a business, while rendering your victim too weak to respond and unable to see what you are doing.

    You will have the power to silence and confuse, bringing illness and insomnia to those who trouble your life.

    For more severe enemies, you can bring the wrath of judgment upon them, and remove their ability to find spiritual sanctuary.

    You can produce hatred between those you name, while causing anxiety, dark moods and memory loss, with confusion of the heart and mind.

    There is a ritual to prevent your enemies from working magick.

    This angelic magick will only work if you are sincere in your intentions. It cannot be used to instigate casual cruelty. This is not a book of evil to delight the wicked, but a book of harmony. If you have been wronged, this book gives you the power to restore your personal peace.

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    • $12.99
  • Redwood by Umzu 100% Natural Nitric Oxide (30-Day Supply) - May Improve Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure
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    Redwood by Umzu 100% Natural Nitric Oxide (30-Day Supply) - May Improve Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure

    We all know we should lower our blood pressure if it’s high, but when we improve our blood flow, we can also gain an increase in other areas of our overall wellness!
    This 30-day supply can massively reduce the appearance of varicose veins and offer circulatory support that can treat common health issues associated with
    lack of blood flow. Vitamins C and Masson Pine Bark Extract can help fight inflammation while Garlic Bulb Extract and Horse Chestnut Fruit Extract can help
    boost natural nitric oxide production.

    Circulatory Support at a Cellular Level
    The key to an optimally functioning vascular and circulatory system is a healthy level of blood flow, and Nitric Oxide (NO) is key to that process. NO sends a big “yes” to the
    blood vessels, encouraging them to widen and increase the ease of blood flow.

    Health Made Simpler
    Improve blood flow and you can address many health concerns, including lowering blood pressure, increasing stamina, and enhancing workout performance. Combat
    cardiovascular disease with Pine Bark, Garlic Bulb and other extracts.

    Can Improve Varicose Veins’ Appearance
    Varicose veins are often one of the side effects of inflammation and blood flow problems often caused at least in part by lack of nitric oxide, so this natural booster can promote
    vein strength, improve vascular functions, and reduce related swelling. Free of preservatives and synthetic fillers, all supplements are proudly produced in the USA.

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee
    If you’re unsatisfied, please contact us within 60 days for a full, no-hassle refund.

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    • $39.95