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  • Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    An insightful perspective on yoga and its relationship to the religion of Islam.

    Amir Fatir, nee Sterling Hobbs, was a journalist and Nation of Islam Minister when he was arrested in 1975 for a murder that someone else committed. While on death row he studied all the ancient spiritual systems to learn where he'd be after his execution. Amir found a common thread runs through Islam, Yoga, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Magic, Modern Science and Egyptian Metaphysics. In 1991 Amir received a pardon recommendation that because of politics was illegally revoked. He hasn't been physically free since the Ford Administration. While in prison he has authored books and developed award winning programs. Amir is an Astrologer whose writings connect and reveal the symbolic wisdom in esoteric systems, new age philosophies and modern science. He can't sing but still hopes to one day perform with the Temptations.

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    • $19.99
  • Rock & Roll Jihad : A Muslim Rock Star's Revolution by Salman Ahmad - Hardcover Memoir

    Rock & Roll Jihad : A Muslim Rock Star's Revolution by Salman Ahmad - Hardcover Memoir

    "The story you are about to read is the story of a light-bringer....Salman Ahmad inspires me to reach always for the greatest heights and never to fear....Know that his story is a part of our history."

    -- Melissa Etheridge, from the Introduction 

    With 30 million record sales under his belt, and with fans including Bono and Al Gore, Pakistanborn Salman Ahmad is renowned for being the first rock & roll star to destroy the wall that divides the West and the Muslim world. Rock & Roll Jihad is the story of his incredible journey. 

    Facing down angry mullahs and oppressive dictators who wanted all music to be banned from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Salman Ahmad rocketed to the top of the music charts, bringing Westernstyle rock and pop to Pakistani teenagers for the first time. His band Junoon became the U2 of Asia, a sufi - rock group that broke boundaries and sold a record number of albums. But Salman's story began in New York, where he spent his teen years learning to play guitar, listening to Led Zeppelin, hanging out at rock clubs and Beatles Fests, making American friends, and dreaming of rock-star fame. That dream seemed destined to die when his family returned to Pakistan and Salman was forced to follow the strictures of a newly religious -- and stratified -- society. He finished medical school, met his soul mate, and watched his beloved funkytown of Lahore transform with the rest of Pakistan under the rule of Zia into a fundamentalist dictatorship: morality police arrested couples holding hands in public, Little House on the Prairie and Live Aid were banned from television broadcasts, and Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers proliferated on college campuses via the Afghani resistance to Soviet occupation in the north. 

    Undeterred, the teenage Salman created his own underground jihad: his mission was to bring his beloved rock music to an enthusiastic new audience in South Asia and beyond. He started a traveling guitar club that met in private Lahore spaces, mixing Urdu love poems with Casio synthesizers, tablas with Fender Stratocasters, and ragas with power chords, eventually joining his first pop band, Vital Signs. Later, he founded Junoon, South Asia's biggest rock band, which was followed to every corner of the world by a loyal legion of fans called Junoonis. As his music climbed the charts, Salman found himself the target of religious fanatics and power-mad politicians desperate to take him and his band down. But in the center of a new generation of young Pakistanis who go to mosques as well as McDonald's, whose religion gives them compassion for and not fear of the West, and who see modern music as a "rainbow bridge" that links their lives to the rest of the world, nothing could stop Salman's star from rising. 

    Today, Salman continues to play music and is also a UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador, traveling the world as a spokesperson and using the lessons he learned as a musical pioneer to help heal the wounds between East and West -- lessons he shares in this illuminating memoir.

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  • Darling : A Spiritual Autobiography by Richard Rodriguez - Hardcover

    Darling : A Spiritual Autobiography by Richard Rodriguez - Hardcover

    An award–winning writer delivers a major reckoning with religion, place, and sexuality in the aftermath of 9/11

    Hailed in The Washington Post as “one of the most eloquent and probing public intellectuals in America,” Richard Rodriguez now considers religious violence worldwide, growing public atheism in the West, and his own mortality.

    Rodriguez’s stylish new memoir—the first book in a decade from the Pulitzer Prize finalist—moves from Jerusalem to Silicon Valley, from Moses to Liberace, from Lance Armstrong to Mother Teresa. Rodriguez is a homosexual who writes with love of the religions of the desert that exclude him. He is a passionate, unorthodox Christian who is always mindful of his relationship to Judaism and Islam because of a shared belief in the God who revealed himself within an ecology of emptiness. And at the center of this book is a consideration of women—their importance to Rodriguez’s spiritual formation and their centrality to the future of the desert religions.

    Only a mind as elastic and refined as Rodriguez’s could bind these threads together into this wonderfully complex tapestry.

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    • $4.95
  • The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye : A Lisbeth Salander Novel by David Lagercrantz - Hardcover

    The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye : A Lisbeth Salander Novel by David Lagercrantz - Hardcover

    The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye: A Lisbeth Salander Novel, continuing Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series Hardcover by David Lagercrantz

    From the author of the #1 international best seller The Girl in the Spider's Web: the new book in the Millennium series, which began with Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 

    Lisbeth Salander, the girl with the dragon tattoo, the brilliant hacker, the obstinate outsider, the volatile seeker of justice for herself and others—even she has never been able to uncover the most telling facts of her traumatic childhood, the secrets that might finally, fully explain her to herself. Now, when she sees a chance to uncover them once and for all, she enlists the help of Mikael Blomkvist, the editor of the muckraking, investigative journal Millennium. And she will let nothing stop her—not the Islamists she enrages by rescuing a young woman from their brutality; not the prison gang leader who passes a death sentence on her; not the deadly reach of her long-lost twin sister, Camilla; and not the people who will do anything to keep buried knowledge of a sinister pseudoscientific experiment known only as The Registry. Once again, Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, together, are the fierce heart of a thrilling full-tilt novel that takes on some of the most insidious problems facing the world at this very moment.

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    • $27.95
  • The Glad Tidings of the Messiah by Harun Yahya - Paperback

    The Glad Tidings of the Messiah by Harun Yahya - Paperback

    Jesus, whom God supported with superior wisdom, is set apart from the other Prophets in several aspects, among them that he spoke even in the cradle, and that he was the vehicle for countless miracles while he was in this world. That his status is different also can be deduced from the fact that he was raised to God's presence and that the Qur'an indicates strongly his second coming. Jesus' second coming is a very great gift of God for all humanity. For the first time ever in their lives, all people alive at that time will see a Prophet of superior human qualities. While reading this book, the reader will come to know of Jesus' miraculous life and realize that we live in a very special time. Given that his second coming will be an extraordinary, miraculous, and metaphysical event that will affect the whole world, all believers should prepare and mobilize to welcome him in the best possible way. All of the signs indicate that the second coming will take place soon, so there is no time to waste.

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    • $12.95
  • The Illuminated Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi (Author), Michael Green (Illustrator), and Coleman Barks  (Translator) - Hardcover

    The Illuminated Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi (Author), Michael Green (Illustrator), and Coleman Barks (Translator) - Hardcover

    Rise up nimbly and go on your strange journey to the ocean of meanings...

    In the mid-thirteenth century, in a dusty marketplace in Konya, Turkey, a city where Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist travelers mingled, Jelaluddin Rumi, a popular philosopher and scholar, met Shams of Tabriz, a wandering dervish.  Their meeting forever altered the course of Rumi's life and influenced the mystical evolution of the planet.  The bond they formed was everlasting--a powerful transcendent friendship that would flow through Rumi as some of the world's best-loved ecstatic poetry.

    Rumi's passionate, playful poems find and celebrate sacred life in everyday existence.  They speak across all traditions, to all peoples, and today his relevance and popularity continue to grow.  In The Illuminated Rumi, Coleman Barks, widely regarded as the world's premier translator of Rumi's writings, presents some of his most brilliant work, including many new translations.  To complement Rumi's universal vision, Michael Green has worked the ancient art of illumination into a new, visually stunning form that joins typography, original art, old masters, photographs, and prints with sacred images from around the world.

    "Rumi has, to the recent amazement of many people in the Western culture as well as the Islamic culture, been able to speak directly to contemporary readers.  One of the greatest pieces of good luck that has happened recently in American poetry is Coleman Barks's agreement to translate poem after poem of Rumi.  Rumi, like Kabir, is able to contain and continue intricate theological arguments and at the same time speak directly from the heart or to the heart.  Coleman's exquisite sensitivity to the flavor and turns of ordinary American speech has produced marvelous lines, full of flavor and Sufi humor, as well as the intimacy that is carried inside American speech at its best."
    --Robert Bly

    The Illuminated Rumi is a truly groundbreaking collaboration that interweaves word and image: a magnificent meeting of ancient tradition and modern interpretation that uniquely captures the spiritual wealth of Rumi's teachings.  Coleman Barks's wise and witty commentary, together with Michael Green's art, makes this a classic guide to the life of the soul for a whole new generation of seekers.

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    • $29.00
  • Dawn and Dusk by Alice Mead - Hardcover

    Dawn and Dusk by Alice Mead - Hardcover

    For as long as thirteen-year-old Azad can remember, the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he lives in the predominantly Kurdish town of Sardasht, has been at war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, and his country has been a harsh society full of spies, secrets, and "disappearances." Still, most of the time Azad manages to live a normal life, hanging out at the bakery next door, going to school with his friend Hiwa, playing sports, and taking care of his parrot. Then Azad learns that his town may soon become a target for Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Now more than ever, Azad feels torn between his divorced parents and his conflicting desires to remain in his home or escape. His father is somehow connected to the police and is rooted in the town. His mother may be part of the insurgency, yet is ready to flee. How can Azad make the choice?

    The story of how one boy's world was turned upside down in 1987 Iran is a timely and memorable introduction to the conflicts in the Middle East.

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    • $4.95
  • The Holy Koran - Translated by John Medows Rodwell - Mass Market Paperback

    The Holy Koran - Translated by John Medows Rodwell - Mass Market Paperback

    The Qur'an, a masterpiece of immense religious and literary value, is presented in a convenient, affordable edition for a new generation of readers. The earliest known work in Arabic prose, the Qur'an is divided into 114 "suras", or chapters, containing the religious, social, civil, commercial, military, and legal codes of Islam.

    John Medows Rodwell (1808–1900) published his acclaimed translation of the Koran in 1861.

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    • $4.95
  • White Teeth : A Novel by Zadie Smith - Paperback Fiction
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    White Teeth : A Novel by Zadie Smith - Paperback Fiction

    Zadie Smith’s dazzling debut caught critics grasping for comparisons and deciding on everyone from Charles Dickens to Salman Rushdie to John Irving and Martin Amis. But the truth is that Zadie Smith’s voice is remarkably, fluently, and altogether wonderfully her own.

    "Astonishing...Smith writes sharp dialogue for every age and race--and she's funny as hell." --Newsweek

    At the center of this invigorating novel are two unlikely friends, Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal. Hapless veterans of World War II, Archie and Samad and their families become agents of England’s irrevocable transformation. A second marriage to Clara Bowden, a beautiful, albeit tooth-challenged, Jamaican half his age, quite literally gives Archie a second lease on life, and produces Irie, a knowing child whose personality doesn’t quite match her name (Jamaican for “no problem”). Samad’s late-in-life arranged marriage (he had to wait for his bride to be born), produces twin sons whose separate paths confound Iqbal’s every effort to direct them, and a renewed, if selective, submission to his Islamic faith. Set against London’ s racial and cultural tapestry, venturing across the former empire and into the past as it barrels toward the future, White Teeth revels in the ecstatic hodgepodge of modern life, flirting with disaster, confounding expectations, and embracing the comedy of daily existence. 

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    • $10.25
  • The Slave Who Lied But Once a Year and Other Persian Tales - Paperback
    • 46% less

    The Slave Who Lied But Once a Year and Other Persian Tales - Paperback

    Laina Farhat-Holzman, a former professor of World History and Islamic Civilization, was married for many years to an Iranian whose mother became very close to her.  During a long visit, the two women began to share fairy and folk-tales with each other for fun.  Farhat-Holzman translated the Iranian tales and packed them away until recently.

    These stories, told to her aristocratic mother-in-law by an illiterate nanny and servants, reveal much about the nature of every day Persian life, values, and daydreams.  They range from dreamy to the funny and often wicked.  They are definitely not for young children.  They reveal the nature of a people who know how to get around tyranny.

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    • $12.95
  • Jesus in the Qur'an by Geoffrey Parrinder - Paperback

    Jesus in the Qur'an by Geoffrey Parrinder - Paperback

    Until recent times Islam’s holy book has not been widely accessible to the Christian world, and consequently teachings about Jesus have received little attention. In Jesus in the Qur’an, written for both Christians and Muslims, for specialists as well as general readers, Parrinder offers a study of Qur’anic teachings about the birth, life, work, death and resurrection of Jesus. Parrinder explores all ninety-three verses in the Qur’an in which Jesus is mentioned, setting them in the context of the work as a whole and drawing parallels with the Christian gospels, wherever possible.

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    • $15.95
  • Time Presents : The New Middle East - Hardcover
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    Time Presents : The New Middle East - Hardcover

    The Middle East is suddenly a world transformed. In just one year since the Arab Spring was sparked, millions of citizens from Tunisia to Yemen have taken to the streets in revolution against the old regimes. Tyrants have been overthrown, repression is faltering, and a new generation has asserted itself in the Islamic world. From the editors of TIME comes The New Middle East, a fascinating book chronicling revolution and its impact on the world with eyewitness reporting, exclusive pictures and insightful analysis. In the midst of this upheaval, so much is new and changing: the rights of women, social media, national identity, the role of Islam in politics. Will the people get the economic and social opportunity they yearn for? What new benefits-and dangers-present themselves for the United States? TIME Middle East experts Bobby Ghosh, Aryn Baker, Karl Vick and other contributors paint a vivid portrait of a society in the throes of historic change.

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  • Islam Denounces Terrorism by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    Islam Denounces Terrorism by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    One of the unfortunate effects of 9/11 was the misperception that terrorism has divine approval in Islam. Islam Denounces Terrorism thoroughly debunks this notion by looking at both the Qur’an and the historical record. With extensive color illustrations, the book covers such timely topics as Islamic morality, how the Qur’an views war, the real face of the terrorists who act in the name of religions, and much more.

    About the Author

    Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar writes his books under the pen name of Harun Yahya. He is a world-renowned man of ideas. Ever since his university years, he has dedicated his life to telling of the existence and oneness of Almighty Allah, to disseminating the moral values of the Qur’an, to the intellectual defeat of materialist and atheist ideologies, to propagating the real Ataturk way and to defending the permanence of the state and the unity of the nation. He has never wavered in the face of difficulties and despite oppression from materialist, Darwinist and separatist circles, still continues this intellectual struggle today exhibiting great patience and determination.

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    • $5.95
  • In Other Rooms, Other Wonders by Daniyal Mueenuddin - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    In Other Rooms, Other Wonders by Daniyal Mueenuddin - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    Finalist for the 2009 National Book Award in Fiction and the 2009 Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction: a major literary debut that explores class, culture, power, and desire among the ruling and servant classes of Pakistan.

    Passing from the mannered drawing rooms of Pakistan’s cities to the harsh mud villages beyond, Daniyal Mueenuddin’s linked stories describe the interwoven lives of an aging feudal landowner, his servants and managers, and his extended family, industrialists who have lost touch with the land. In the spirit of Joyce’s Dubliners and Turgenev’s A Sportsman’s Sketches, these stories comprehensively illuminate a world, describing members of parliament and farm workers, Islamabad society girls and desperate servant women. A hard-driven politician at the height of his powers falls critically ill and seeks to perpetuate his legacy; a girl from a declining Lahori family becomes a wealthy relative’s mistress, thinking there will be no cost; an electrician confronts a violent assailant in order to protect his most valuable possession; a maidservant who advances herself through sexual favors unexpectedly falls in love.

    Together the stories in In Other Rooms, Other Wonders make up a vivid portrait of feudal Pakistan, describing the advantages and constraints of social station, the dissolution of old ways, and the shock of change. Refined, sensuous, by turn humorous, elegiac, and tragic, Mueenuddin evokes the complexities of the Pakistani feudal order as it is undermined and transformed.

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    • $18.95
  • The Qur'an : A New Translation by Tarif Khalidi - Paperback, Deckle Edge
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    The Qur'an : A New Translation by Tarif Khalidi - Paperback, Deckle Edge

    A landmark new translation of the sacred text of Islam in an elegant deluxe edition

    "An eloquent and eminently readable translation . . . much closer to the way the first Muslims experienced the Qur'an."--Reza Aslan, author of Zealot

    Literally "the recitation," The Qur'an is considered within the Muslim faith to be the infallible word of God. Tarif Khalidi, the foremost scholar of Islamic history and faith, provides a fresh English translation that captures the startling, exquisite poetry of one of the world's most beloved religious texts. Retaining the structure and rhythms of the original Arabic, Khalidi enlivens the ancient teachings and prophetic narratives central to the Muslim faith and solidifies The Qur'an as a work of spiritual authority and breathtaking beauty.

    For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

    " While being faithful to the original, [Khalidi] succeeds in conveying linguistic shifts, from narrative to mnemonic, sermons to parables. And there is an innovative component: it is the first translation that tries to capture both the rhythms and the structure of the Qur'an. . . . This translation manages to give a glimpse of the grandeur of the original. . . . A magnificent achievement."--Ziauddin Sardar, The Guardian (London)

    "What sets Khalidi apart from his predecessors is his sensitivity to the sounds and many layers of meaning of the original as well as his skill in conveying them to an anglophone audience...Khalidi's introduction and bibliographic note are marvelously succinct, explaining the textual nature and structure of the Qur'an, its place in Muslim life, and providing a very useful summary of recent research and further reading...a landmark in the history of English translations of the Qur'an."--Ziad Elmarsafy, Times Literary Supplement
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  • Democracy Matters : Winning the Fight Against Imperialism by Cornel West - Paperback
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    Democracy Matters : Winning the Fight Against Imperialism by Cornel West - Paperback

    In his major bestseller, Race Matters, philosopher Cornel West burst onto the national scene with his searing analysis of the scars of racism in American democracy. Race Matters has become a contemporary classic, still in print after ten years, having sold more than four hundred thousand copies. A mesmerizing speaker with a host of fervidly devoted fans, West gives as many as one hundred public lectures a year and appears regularly on radio and television. Praised by The New York Times for his "ferocious moral vision" and hailed by Newsweek as "an elegant prophet with attitude," he bridges the gap between black and white opinion about the country's problems. 

    In Democracy Matters, West returns to the analysis of the arrested development of democracy-both in America and in the crisis-ridden Middle East. In a strikingly original diagnosis, he argues that if America is to become a better steward of democratization around the world, we must first wake up to the long history of imperialist corruption that has plagued our own democracy. Both our failure to foster peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the crisis of Islamist anti-Americanism stem largely from hypocrisies in our dealings with the world. Racism and imperial expansionism have gone hand in hand in our country's inexorable drive toward hegemony, and our current militarism is only the latest expression of that drive. Even as we are shocked by Islamic fundamentalism, our own brand of fundamentalism, which West dubs Constantinian Christianity, has joined forces with imperialist corporate and political elites in an unholy alliance, and four decades after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., insidious racism still inflicts debilitating psychic pain on so many of our citizens. 

    But there is a deep democratic tradition in America of impassioned commitment to the fight against imperialist corruptions-the last great expression of which was the civil rights movement led by Dr. King-and West brings forth the powerful voices of that great democratizing tradition in a brilliant and deeply moving call for the revival of our better democratic nature. His impassioned and provocative argument for the revitalization of America's democracy will reshape the terms of the raging national debate about America's role in today's troubled world.

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    • $12.00
  • The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican's Last Crusade by Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam - Paperback
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    The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican's Last Crusade by Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam - Paperback

    Following the release of their first three international bestsellers Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were swamped with interview requests from radio, television, and print media outlets around the world. When they accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI one full year in advance, even naming the very month and year he would step down, global shockwaves raised compelling questions regarding why the Vatican has an advanced telescope perched atop Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching Earth. Authors Horn and Putnam visited the mountain and spoke with the astronomers. 

    After their second report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope's top astronomer took to the airwaves (and on the Vatican Observatory website) in an attempt to explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing in regard to the LUCIFER device on Mt. Graham, as well as their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may soon have on planet Earth's religions (Christianity in particular). 

    Then, in the third book by Horn and Putnam, On the Path of the Immortals, the authors set out with cameras and field investigators to unearth their most astonishing discovery yet: Mt. Graham is a portal the Native Americans who fought the Vatican and NASA told them a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows and the authors uncovered, it is not the only one. Even then, they had no idea what secrets the Vatican was shielding until now... 


    *Tom Horn s greatest prediction yet (this will shake the foundations of the world!) 

    *The WMD that ISIS will use, and how it will lead to an Apocalypse 

    *Petrus Romanus, Albert Pike, the Islamic State, and the coming Armageddon 

    *Pope Francis becomes the Destroyer (or shall there be another?)... 

    *The Last Crusade Agenda, hidden in plain sight 

    *The prophecy of the Last Roman Emperor in the Vatican vaults 

    *The prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl on the Muslim's Mahdi 

    *Giants, a hidden Vatican doorway, and the coming Battle for the Cosmic Mountain 

    *Why many Christians, Muslims, and Jews will accept the Last Emperor as Messiah 

    *Preparations by the Occult Elite and their Visions of the Final Roman Emperor

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    • $16.00
  • The Cooperating Witness : A Novel by Barbara Laken - Hardcover Espionage
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    The Cooperating Witness : A Novel by Barbara Laken - Hardcover Espionage

    Jamal Hassim is a respected Air Force major. Ahn, his brilliant Philippine wife, is a leading scientist at the Centers for Disease Control. For years they’ve operated a successful Islamic charity in partnership with the U.S. AID program. But when the NSA accidentally picks up a suspicious phone call, the true purpose behind their charitable work takes on a sinister and deadly cast. Are the Hassim’s using tax dollars to finance a devastating terrorist attack on U.S. soil? Or are they well intentioned aid workers whose private words have been misunderstood? The FBI sends Conner Skilling, an experienced cooperating witness domiciled in East Asia to find out. On the remote South Pacific island of Vanuatu, Skilling uses his considerable skills as a retired con man to orchestrate a series of taped conversations in an effort to probe the Hassim’s motives. But is this taped evidence trustworthy, or just a ruse to deflect attention from a more dangerous plot? A series of spellbinding clues based on fact and fiction reveal a criminal conspiracy that includes an internationally famous businessman with a taste for danger, a phony sheik, hundreds of stolen surface to air missiles, pump and dump stock fraud on Wall Street, a rouge detective from Brooklyn, and a trail of betrayal and deceit that reaches into the uppermost sanctums of the Justice Department. Inspired by the true exploits of a financial criminal turned informant, this action-packed legal thriller takes readers on a wild ride through board rooms in Australia, plantations on forgotten Pacific isles and into a New York City courtroom in pursuit of the shocking truth.

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  • A Christian Reads the Qur'an : Honest Reading, Honest Reflection by James Wright - Paperback

    A Christian Reads the Qur'an : Honest Reading, Honest Reflection by James Wright - Paperback

    Why would a Christian read the Qur’an? To criticize it? To convert to Islam? Many of my Muslim friends want me to read it because they believe the Qur'an is the most important book in the world. 

    I don’t want to criticize the Qur’an. My purpose is to invite others on a quest for truth and respect. Far too often Muslims and Christians live in parallel universes. Reading the Qur’an can help build bridges of respect between one other. The Qur’an says “do not argue with the People of the Book except in the best way” (Surah 29:46 Al-Ankabut).

    "This can also be very readable to Muslims because it runs smoothly and seems to contain no dogmatic complexities...I like the conclusions especially the ultimate one in chapter 55. I would say, Yes it's perfect for the audience..." Mr. Nadir, Arab author.

    "I'm sure that this book will touch the hearts of many people and stir their thinking..." Mr. L, Turkish author and scholar. 

    "I congratulate you on having done a thorough evaluation of the Qur’an through the eyes of a Christian. It is a daunting task and your years of working in the Islamic world have given you some good insights and stories to share which do raise many valid questions. These questions should provide some good food for thought for people to think about." Dan Wickwire, author and scholar Middle East.

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    • $14.95
  • Muhammad : His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings - Paperback
    • 50% less

    Muhammad : His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings - Paperback

    Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources is an award-winning 1983 biography of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by Martin Lings. The book provides a new account of the sira or the life of Muhammad, with details that had not been elaborated in other accounts. It is based primarily on old Arab sources that go back to the 8th century, of which some passages are translated for the first time. It is not contradictory to other accounts but rather offers new insights and new details. The book also includes excerpts from original English translations of speeches by men and women who lived close to Muhammad, heard him speak, witnessed his actions, witnessed the way he interacted with situations and witnessed events he encountered throughout various stages of his life.

    “This work is widely recognized as the most readable account of the life of the Prophet to date.”--Times of London

    “For those interested in Islam in one way or another, it is mesmerizing.”--Parabola

    Scrupulous and exhaustive in its fidelity to its sources, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources is presented in a narrative style that is easily comprehensible, yet authentic and inspiring in its use of language, reflecting both the simplicity and grandeur of the story it tells. The book has been published in 12 languages and has received numerous awards, including acknowledgment as best biography of the prophet in English at the National Seerat Conference in Islamabad. 

    A revised edition of the internationally acclaimed biography of the prophet

    • Includes important additions about the prophet’s spread of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states

    • Contains original English translations from 8th and 9th century biographies, presented in authoritative language

    • Represents the final updates made on the text before the author’s death in 2005 

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    • $10.00
  • Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson - Hardcover Nonfiction
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    Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson - Hardcover Nonfiction

    Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan Hardcover

    by Greg Mortenson  (Author), Khaled Hosseini (Foreword)

    From the author of the #1 bestseller Three Cups of Tea, the continuing story of this determined humanitarian’s efforts to promote peace through education

    In this dramatic first-person narrative, Greg Mortenson picks up where Three Cups of Tea left off in 2003, recounting his relentless, ongoing efforts to establish schools for girls in Afghanistan; his extensive work in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan after a massive earthquake hit the region in 2005; and the unique ways he has built relationships with Islamic clerics, militia commanders, and tribal leaders. He shares for the first time his broader vision to promote peace through education and literacy, as well as touching on military matters, Islam, and women—all woven together with the many rich personal stories of the people who have been involved in this remarkable two-decade humanitarian effort.

    Since the 2006 publication of Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson has traveled across the U.S. and the world to share his vision with hundreds of thousands of people. He has met with heads of state, top military officials, and leading politicians who all seek his advice and insight. The continued phenomenal success of Three Cups of Tea proves that there is an eager and committed audience for Mortenson’s work and message.

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