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  • The Glad Tidings of the Messiah by Harun Yahya - Paperback

    The Glad Tidings of the Messiah by Harun Yahya - Paperback

    Jesus, whom God supported with superior wisdom, is set apart from the other Prophets in several aspects, among them that he spoke even in the cradle, and that he was the vehicle for countless miracles while he was in this world. That his status is different also can be deduced from the fact that he was raised to God's presence and that the Qur'an indicates strongly his second coming. Jesus' second coming is a very great gift of God for all humanity. For the first time ever in their lives, all people alive at that time will see a Prophet of superior human qualities. While reading this book, the reader will come to know of Jesus' miraculous life and realize that we live in a very special time. Given that his second coming will be an extraordinary, miraculous, and metaphysical event that will affect the whole world, all believers should prepare and mobilize to welcome him in the best possible way. All of the signs indicate that the second coming will take place soon, so there is no time to waste.

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    • $12.95
  • Matter : The Other Name for Illusion by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    Matter : The Other Name for Illusion by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    What is explained in this book is an important truth, which has surprised many and changed their perspectives on life.  The truth can be summarized as follows:  "All events and objects that we encounter in real life--buildings, people, cities, cars, places--come into existence as visions and feelings in our brains."

    We are taught to think that these images and feelings are caused by a solid wold outside of our brains, where material things exist.  However, in reality we never see real existing materials and we never touch real materials.  In other words, every material entity which we believe exists in our lives, is, in fact, only a vision which is created in our brains.

    This is not a philosophical speculation.  It is an empirical fact that has been proven by modern science.  Today, any scientist who is a specialist in medicine, biology, neurology, or any other field related to brain research would say, when asked how and where we see the world, that we see the whole wold in the vision center located in our brains.

    This fact has been scientifically proven in the twentieth century, and although it may seem surprising, it necessarily implies answers to two questions:  "If our lives are visions created in our brains, then who is it that creates these visions?  And who is it that sees these visions in our brains without having eyes and enjoys them, get excited and happy?"  You will find the answers to these two important questions in this book.

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  • Idealism : The Philosophy of The Matrix and the True Nature of Matter by Harun Yahya - Paperback
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    Idealism : The Philosophy of The Matrix and the True Nature of Matter by Harun Yahya - Paperback

    Many of the movies that have hit the big screen in recent years question the life of this world and point out that environments created in dreams or simulations by means of artificially generated signals can be very realistic indeed. This book examines sections of thought-provoking films that have a lasting impression on people and cause them to reflect on some realities. These explanations describe a scientific fact that is recognized around the world, and thus people's acceptance or rejection thereof has no impact whatsoever on the reality of matter's nature.

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  • Islam Denounces Terrorism by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    Islam Denounces Terrorism by Harun Yahya - Paperback Illustrated

    One of the unfortunate effects of 9/11 was the misperception that terrorism has divine approval in Islam. Islam Denounces Terrorism thoroughly debunks this notion by looking at both the Qur’an and the historical record. With extensive color illustrations, the book covers such timely topics as Islamic morality, how the Qur’an views war, the real face of the terrorists who act in the name of religions, and much more.

    About the Author

    Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar writes his books under the pen name of Harun Yahya. He is a world-renowned man of ideas. Ever since his university years, he has dedicated his life to telling of the existence and oneness of Almighty Allah, to disseminating the moral values of the Qur’an, to the intellectual defeat of materialist and atheist ideologies, to propagating the real Ataturk way and to defending the permanence of the state and the unity of the nation. He has never wavered in the face of difficulties and despite oppression from materialist, Darwinist and separatist circles, still continues this intellectual struggle today exhibiting great patience and determination.

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    • $5.95