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  • Metatropolis : Original Science Fiction Stories edited by John Scalzi - Paperback
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    Metatropolis : Original Science Fiction Stories edited by John Scalzi - Paperback

    Five original tales set in a shared urban future―from some of the hottest young writers in modern SF

    More than an anthology, Metatropolis is the brainchild of five of science fiction's hottest writers―Elizabeth Bear, Tobias Buckell, Jay Lake, Karl Schroeder, and project editor John Scalzi―-who combined their talents to build a new urban future, and then wrote their own stories in this collectively-constructed world. The results are individual glimpses of a shared vision, and a reading experience unlike any you've had before.

    A strange man comes to an even stranger encampment...a bouncer becomes the linchpin of an unexpected urban movement...a courier on the run has to decide who to trust in a dangerous city...a slacker in a "zero-footprint" town gets a most unusual new job...and a weapons investigator uses his skills to discover a metropolis hidden right in front of his eyes.

    Welcome to the future of cities. Welcome to Metatropolis.

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    • $9.95
  • Treasures of Tartary by Robert E. Howard - Paperback Adventure

    Treasures of Tartary by Robert E. Howard - Paperback Adventure

    A collection of Robert E. Howard's best historical fiction, including "Treasures of Tartary," "Son of the White Wolf," "Black Vulmea's Vengeance," "Boot Hill Payoff" and "The Vultures of Whapeton."

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    • $5.95
  • City of Sorcery by Marion Zimmer Bradley - Mass Market Paperback USED

    City of Sorcery by Marion Zimmer Bradley - Mass Market Paperback USED

    Haunted by mysterious images of hooded figures, Magdalen Lorne, chief Terran operative on Darkover, pursues a quest not only to the frozen ends of the physical world but also to the perilous limits of the spiritual world. And there she is tested by the evil sorcery of the Dark Sisterhood.

    Marion Zimmer was born in Albany, NY, on June 3, 1930, and married Robert Alden Bradley in 1949. Mrs. Bradley received her B.A. in 1964 from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, then did graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1965-67.

    She was a science fiction/fantasy fan from her middle teens, and made her first sale as an adjunct to an amateur fiction contest in Fantastic/Amazing Stories in 1949. She had written as long as she could remember, but wrote only for school magazines and fanzines until 1952, when she sold her first professional short story to Vortex Science Fiction. She wrote everything from science fiction to Gothics, but is probably best known for her Darkover novels.

    In addition to her novels, Mrs. Bradley edited many magazines, amateur and professional, including Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, which she started in 1988. She also edited an annual anthology called Sword and Sorceress for DAW Books.

    Over the years she turned more to fantasy; The House Between the Worlds, although a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club, was "fantasy undiluted". She wrote a novel of the women in the Arthurian legends -- Morgan Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and others -- entitled Mists of Avalon, which made the NY Times best seller list both in hardcover and trade paperback, and she also wrote The Firebrand, a novel about the women of the Trojan War. Her historical fantasy novels, The Forest House,Lady of Avalon, Mists of Avalon are prequels to Priestess of Avalon

    She died in Berkeley, California on September 25, 1999, four days after suffering a major heart attack. She was survived by her brother, Leslie Zimmer; her sons, David Bradley and Patrick Breen; her daughter, Moira Stern; and her grandchildren.

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    • $0.99
  • South of No North by Charles Bukowski - Trade Paperback Fiction

    South of No North by Charles Bukowski - Trade Paperback Fiction

    South of No North is a collection of short stories written by Charles Bukowski that explore loneliness and struggles on the fringes of society.

    Charles Bukowski is one of America’s best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. He was born in 1920 in Andernach, Germany, to an American soldier father and a German mother, and brought to the United States at the age of two. He was raised in Los Angeles and lived there for over fifty years. He died in San Pedro, California, on March 9, 1994, at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp.

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    • $15.99
  • A Field Guide to the North American Family : An Illustrated Novella by Garth Risk Hallberg - Hardcover Fiction

    A Field Guide to the North American Family : An Illustrated Novella by Garth Risk Hallberg - Hardcover Fiction

    For years, the Hungates and the Harrisons have coexisted peacefully in the suburbs of New York.  But when the patriarch of one family dies, the survivors face a stark imperative: adapt or face extinction.

    In sixty-three entries and an accompanying website, A Field Guide to the North American Family offers a collaborative portrait of two fictional specimens.  Photographers contributed this edition's lavish illustrations via, an ongoing, networked internet community.  Though the novella's entries can be read straight through, alphabetical heading and cross-referenced design also enable readers to move through the narrative as they see fit.

    Part fiction, part reference work, part photo-essay, this singular Field Guide invites readers and participants to consider the state of the family...and to explore the future of the book.

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    • $6.95
  • Modern Poets of France : A Bilingual Anthology - Softcover Textbook Louis Simpson, editor

    Modern Poets of France : A Bilingual Anthology - Softcover Textbook Louis Simpson, editor

    In this bilingual anthology, editor and translator Louis Simpson selects those masterpieces of French poetry that formed the taste of generations of readers throughout the world.  Here are the "moderns" of 1848, the Symbolist poets of the turn of the century, the Dadaists, and the Surrealists who flourished in the 1930s.  Also included are biographies of the poets and descriptions of main literary movements.

    Simpson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, has edited Modern Poets of France for the English-speaking reader who wants readable and accurate translations of works by such great poets as Desbordes-Valmore, Gautier, Baudelaire, Mallerme, Rimbaud, Laforgue, Apollinaire, Reverdy, and Desnos.  The translations are models of what translations should be, always keeping the original in sight,m not altering the author's meaning, form, or style in any important way.  "But," Simpson reminds us in his Preface, "poems are written with imagination and translations have to be too."

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    • $14.95
  • Classical Whodunits : Murder and Mystery from Ancient Greece and Rome - Hardcover Anthology

    Classical Whodunits : Murder and Mystery from Ancient Greece and Rome - Hardcover Anthology

    Set all over the sprawling classical world--from Athens to Alexandria, from Troy to ancient Britain--and spanning fifteen hundred years of Greek and Roman history, these twenty-one stories delve into murder and mayhem in gory and graphic detail.

    Poison was the most expeditious way to dispose of a rival, but other devices worked just as well.  Worked, that is, until ancient wisdom--in the form of the classically trained sleuth--finally prevailed.  In "The Gateway to Death," Socrates finds equitable logic an infallible tool for catching a killer.  "A Pomegranate for Pluto" exposes the horrors of the reign of Caligula.  Other cases, such as the deaths of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, and the exile of the poet Ovid, are investigated by such hoary figures as Brutus, Epictetus, and even--because the gods always get in the game--the mighty Aphrodite.

    Classical Whodunits exposes the venomous snakes lurking in the cradles of civilization.

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    • $4.95
  • Every Man for Himself : Ten Short Stories About Being a Guy - Paperback

    Every Man for Himself : Ten Short Stories About Being a Guy - Paperback

    What does "being a guy" actually mean? some of the most talented writers are about to show you. in this diverse and original collection of short stories, ten well-known writers, including Mo Willems, Walter Dean Myers, Ron Koertge, Rene Salda, Jr., David Levithan, and David Lubar, share their stories about the trials and tribulations of being a guy. sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and always honest, each story portrays the reality of being an everyday guy who gets a few life lessons and still manages to come out on top.

    From School Library Journal

    Grade 7 Up–This collection provides a refreshing look at the values, decisions, and friendships that ultimately shape a boy into a man. The stories themselves are diverse, ranging from humorous to serious, and include Craig Thompson's comic-strip styled story, Strange Powers. The anthology is full of the angst that many teens will relate to, yet also includes substantive messages; the stories perform the rare feat of being moral without being preachy. David Lubar's Shockers is about a boy who strikes up a friendship with his girlfriend's father and points up the importance of adult mentors. The book includes comics-styled biographies that pose questions to the authors about what it means to become a man.–Scott La Counte, Anaheim Public Library, CA 
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    • $4.95
  • Milk It : The Alternative Music Explosion of the 90s by Jim DeRogatis - Paperback

    Milk It : The Alternative Music Explosion of the 90s by Jim DeRogatis - Paperback

    Taking its title with suitable slacker irony from a song on Nirvana's In Utero, Milk It! is an anthology of pieces written in the heat of the moment-an urgent and diverse overview that mirrors the chaotic rush of the postmodern sounds it covers. Headnotes and connective material-the "stories behind the stories"-provide running commentary on the music business, rock criticism, a troubled generation, and an attempt to put the fast-moving alternative-rock era in perspective from the safe distance of the comparatively bland new millennium. Compiled by a critic who shared the Generation X outlook, attitude, and biting sense of humor with the musicians that he covered-Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Hole, and many others-Milk It! is the first serious attempt to chart the alternative music scene. Compelling, amusing, and provocative, Milk It! captures the excitement of an era, and reckons with its enduring influence.

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    • $8.95
  • The Best American Non Required Reading 2016 - Paperback
    • 67% less

    The Best American Non Required Reading 2016 - Paperback

    In a small but comfortable conference room, in a publishing house in San Francisco, a group of high school students met weekly over the past year to read literary magazines, chapbooks, graphic novels, and countless articles. They had some good times. There was a whiteboard in the conference room, and often cartoons were drawn on this whiteboard. The cartoons were of varying quality. By the end of the year, with the help of a similar committee of high school students in Ann Arbor, and their guest editor, Rachel Kushner, they selected the contents of this anthology. The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2016 features stories about Bulgarian spaceships, psychedelic mushroom therapy, and a cyclorama in Iowa. If you don’t know what a cyclorama is, you aren’t alone. Read on to find out.


    Rachel Kushner, guest editor, is the author of The Flamethrowers, which was a finalist for the 2013 National Book Award and one of the New York Times’s top five novels of 2013. Kushner’s debut novel, Telex from Cuba, was a finalist for the 2008 National Book Award, a winner of the California Book Award, and a New York Times bestseller and Notable Book.

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    • $4.95
  • The Best American Science Writing 2007 by Gina Kolata and Jesse Cohen, editors - Paperback

    The Best American Science Writing 2007 by Gina Kolata and Jesse Cohen, editors - Paperback

    Provocative and engaging, this collection brings together the premiere science writing of the year. Featuring the imprimatur of bestselling author and New York Times reporter Gina Kolata, one of the nation's foremost voices in science and medicine, and with contributions from Atul Gawande, Elizabeth Kolbert, and Oliver Sacks, among others, The Best American Science Writing 2007 is a compelling anthology of our most advanced, and most relevant, scientific inquiries.

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  • The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback
    • 79% less

    The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback

    Together these twenty-seven articles on a wide range of today's most current topics in science, from Oliver Sacks, James Gleick, Atul Gawande, and Natalie Angier, among others, represent the full spectrum of scientific writing, proving once again that "good science writing is evidently plentiful" (Scientific American).

    From Publishers Weekly

    The editor's claim that we are now living in the "golden age" of science writing is borne out in this superb anthology of pop-science essays and news reports. Progressing from the hardest to the softest fields, the eclectic selections include think pieces on the conceptual foundations of physics, updates on cutting-edge controversies in genetic engineering and stem-cell research, profiles of leading researchers, ecological meditations and debunkings of the latest scientific fads and frauds. Among the brightest in a stellar lineup are Frank Wilczek's exploration of the worldview embodied in Newtonian mechanics; Jim Holt's humorous look at cosmologists' varying scenarios for the end of the world; Philip Alcabes's critique of the current panic over bio-terrorism; and Mark Solms's account of the return of repressed Freudian theories of the mind in contemporary neuropsychology. The essays are well attuned to a general audience, but scientists will also find them full of intriguing information and interpretations. The result is a wonderful collection that expands the mind without overwhelming it.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    • $2.95
  • Oscar Wilde : Selected Poems - Hardcover Gift Edition

    Oscar Wilde : Selected Poems - Hardcover Gift Edition

    And all men kill the thing they love
    By all let it be heard,
    Some do it with a bitter look.
    Some with a flattering word.
    The coward does it with a kiss.
    The brave man with a sword!
    --from "The Ballad of Reading Gaol"

    Although best known for his sparkling and witty plays, Oscar Wilde also distinguished himself as a prolific poet. From "Ravenna," a prize-winning poem he wrote in college, to "The Ballad of Reading Gaol," penned during his time in prison for homosexual acts, Wilde created a fascinating body of verse. More than 35 of his works appear in this excellent collection, and they reveal the scope and brilliance of his writing. Many were inspired by his time in Italy, including "Sonnet: On hearing the Dies Irae sung in the Sistine Chapel." Other brief pieces, called Impressions, capture the feeling of a moment: "Le Jardin" evokes a garden as winter descends. Still more honor his fellow poets, including "On the Sale of Keats' Love Letters." An enlightening anthology that Wilde lovers will treasure.

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    • $5.95
  • Afternoon Pleasures : Erotica for Gay Couples by Shane Allison, editor - Paperback

    Afternoon Pleasures : Erotica for Gay Couples by Shane Allison, editor - Paperback

    Shane Allison has put together that rarest of anthologies- bedtime reading for gay couples. Filled with romance, passion, and lots of lust, Afternoon Pleasures is irresistably erotic yet celebrates the coming together of souls as well as bodies.

    Two husbears travel down south to meet up with a horned up twink in Jeff Mann’s, “One Afternoon in the Bible Belt.” A sneaky environmentalist is sandwiched between rock-hard dick hounds, Eddy and Dale in Bob Vickery’s salacious tale, “Loggers.” Two life partners have a Sunday morning roll in the sack in “Hank Edward’s “Breakfast in Bed.” Erotic bard, Rob Rosen’s “Skyrockets in Flight,” is delicious with naughty bits in every throbbing line. These are just a few of the tawdry stories of male on male sex that grace the pages of this anthology. So lie back with the one you love or the one you lust after and enjoy. Clothing is optional.

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    • $14.95
  • I Like to Watch : Gay Erotic Stories by Christopher Pierce, editor - Paperback

    I Like to Watch : Gay Erotic Stories by Christopher Pierce, editor - Paperback

    The dance between the viewer and the viewed fuels the stories of I Like to Watch, a stunning anthology of gay erotica for voyeurs and exhibitionists. In the words of editor Christopher Pierce, "the possibilities are as varied as the individuals who have watched and performed this ritual since the first Cro-Magnon man accidentally saw two men getting it on and decided to stay and watch the show." Pierce has assembled stellar contributors including Shane Allison, T. Hitman, Jeff Mann, Rob Rosen, and more in this collection devoted to spying, ogling, teasing, flaunting, and showing off for a lover or a stranger. Every exhibitionist needs a voyeur ― and in the intimately charged scenarios of I Like to Watch, the special thrill of getting caught is as much fun as completely shedding one’s inhibitions.

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    • $12.95
  • Brief Encounters : 69 Hot Gay Shorts by Shane Allison, editor - Paperback

    Brief Encounters : 69 Hot Gay Shorts by Shane Allison, editor - Paperback

    Shane Allison has gathered together, in one volume, what comprise the very best, hottest, most creative short short gay erotica for this collection. These are not the typical one night stand stories but tales that are intriguing, thrilling, unique and always surprising! When the lights go out, a couple decides to create a sex scene of their own in a movie theater in Logan Zachary's "Back Row."In Rob Rosen's "Hot for Teacher," a student will go the distance for an "A" including seducing his studly professor. Erotica veteran, M. Christian wastes no time in getting to the good parts in his raw and raunchy blow by blow tale in "Safe Sex". Shane Allison is quickly (pun unintended) becoming one of the top writers and anthologists in gay erotica and his anthologies are always fresh, edgy, and bold. These sixty nine sexy gay quickies may be short in length but are extremely long on pleasure!

    • $18.95
  • Vintage Pellegrini by Angelo Pellegrini - Paperback Collected Wisdom
    • 55% less

    Vintage Pellegrini by Angelo Pellegrini - Paperback Collected Wisdom

    Angelo Pellegrini is one of America's favorite writers on the pleasures of food, wine and good company. This collection of his finest work represents the experiences of a long, full lifetime.

    From Publishers Weekly

    A celebrated cook, winemaker and gardener, Pellegrini ( The Food Lover's Garden ) was born in Tuscany in 1904 and immigrated with his family to the U.S. at the age of nine, settling in the small Washington town of McCleary. In this anthology of brief essays, of which several are being published for the first time, Pellegrini describes the difficult existence of his peasant family in Italy, the decision to move to America, and the beginning of a new life in the Pacific Northwest. In later essays he discusses educating his children and grandchildren in the appreciation of food and wine, and gives some favorite recipes, such as one for a fish sauce using the herb puleggio. Pellegrini's style is sincere and affectionate, whether his subject is his family or a vintage bottle of homemade wine. But he often lapses into an awkward or sentimentalized prose--Freud is "the presiding deity of the brotherhood of Shrinkers," while in another essay, he writes that "as a community working together and intent on the same ends, we are, at any moment in our history, more likely to be what we had intended to become than to be something else."
    Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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    • $4.95
  • Introductory Readings on Aristotle - Paperback Hackett Classics Edition

    Introductory Readings on Aristotle - Paperback Hackett Classics Edition

    Drawn from the translations and editorial aids of Irwin and Fine's Aristotle, Selections (Hackett Publishing Co., 1995), this anthology will be most useful to instructors who must try to do justice to Aristotle in a semester-long ancient-philosophy survey, but it will also be appropriate for a variety of introductory-level courses. Introductory Readingsprovides accurate, readable, and integrated translations that allow the reader to follow Aristotle's use of crucial technical terms and to grasp the details of his argument. Included are adaptations of the glossary and notes that helped make its parent volume a singularly useful aid to the study of Aristotle.

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    • $18.00
  • On Photography by Susan Sontag - Paperback Nonfiction
    • 24% less

    On Photography by Susan Sontag - Paperback Nonfiction

    Winner of the National Book Critics' Circle Award for Criticism.

    “A brilliant analysis of the profound changes photographic images have made in our way of looking at the world and at ourselves over the last 140 years.” ―Washington Post Book World

    One of the most highly regarded books of its kind, On Photography first appeared in 1977 and is described by its author as "a progress of essays about the meaning and career of photographs." It begins with the famous "In Plato's Cave"essay, then offers five other prose meditations on this topic, and concludes with a fascinating and far-reaching "Brief Anthology of Quotations."

    “Every page of On Photography raises important and exciting questions about its subject and raises them in the best way.” ―The New York Times Book Review

    “A book of great importance and originality . . . All future discussion or analysis of the role of photography in the affluent mass-media societies are now bound to begin with her book.” ―John Berger

    “Not many photographs are worth a thousand of [Susan Sontag's] words.” ―Robert Hughes, Time

    “After Sontag, photography must be written about not only as a force in the arts, but as one that is increasingly powerful in the nature and destiny of our global society.” ―Newsweek

    On Photography is to my mind the most original and illuminating study of the subject.” ―Calvin Trillin, The New Yorker

    About the Author

    Susan Sontag is the author of four novels, The Benefactor, Death Kit, The Volcano Lover and In America; I, Etcetera, a collection of stories; several plays; and five works of nonfiction, among them Illness as a Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors. In 2001 she was awarded the Jerusalem Prize for the body of her work.

    • $12.95
  • Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters - Paperback VINTAGE Classics 1962

    Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters - Paperback VINTAGE Classics 1962

    Originally published in Reedy’s Mirror from May 29, 1914 until January 5, 1915 and then first in book form in 1915 with an expanded edition in 1916, “Spoon River Anthology” is a collection of poetry inspired by the tombstones of the dead in a small rural American town. There is no real Spoon River as the entire town and its inhabitants are fictional but much of the town and its deceased occupants are based in part on Masters’ own childhood growing up in small towns in Illinois. Spoon River Anthology is Edgar Lee Masters’ masterpiece, a collection of poetry that weaves a tapestry of the lives of a group of small-town Americans, which taken together reads like a novel critiquing the notion of the idyllic rural American life. A critical and financial success from its first publication, Spoon River Anthology is a truly original work of American literature, the likes of which there has not been before or since. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper; follows the expanded 1916 edition with its additional thirty-five poems, “The Spooniad”, and the epilogue; and includes an introduction by May Swenson.

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    • $10.00
  • The Art of the Short Story edited by Dana Gioia and R. S. Gwynn - Paperback
    • 16% less

    The Art of the Short Story edited by Dana Gioia and R. S. Gwynn - Paperback

    This affordably-priced collection presents masterpieces of short fiction from 52 of the greatest story writers of all time. From Sherwood Anderson to Virginia Woolf, this anthology encompasses a rich global and historical mix of the very best works of short fiction and presents them in a way students will find accessible, engaging, and relevant. The book's unique integration of biographical and critical background gives students a more intimate understanding of the works and their authors.

    From Publishers Weekly

    A robust volume of 63 stories from 52 authors from 20 different countries, Gwynn and Gioia's anthology seems destined for undergraduate classrooms. Most of the editors' selections come from the usual literary heavyweights, authors like Hemingway, Chekhov, Joyce, Borges, Faulkner, Welty and Melville. But they do include a handful of more contemporary writers, such as Chinua Achebe, Ha Jin, Sandra Cisneros and Alice Munro as well. Each author receives a page-long biography, which dispenses some interesting facts (e.g., Tolstoy's infidelities, Woolf's depression, Gogol's madness, Poe's poverty, Mishima's suicide), gives a careful analysis of the author's works and sets them in the context of various literary traditions. Garcia Marquez's use of magical realism, for example, is connected to the surreal writings of Kafka, Maupassant, Cheever, Singer and Rushdie. Teachers and would-be writers will especially appreciate the "Author's Perspective" that accompanies each short story. This commentary, written by the author of the story itself, is used by the editors to illuminate the fictional text: its aims, its context or its workings. Sherwood Anderson and Raymond Carver's essays, for example, offer advice on the craft of writing. Margaret Atwood discusses Canadian identity; Alice Walker writes on race and gender; Camus discusses revolution and repression. Fitzgerald's self-interview and Cheever's "Why I Write Short Stories" both contain a comic edge, while Flannery O'Connor's essay explains the importance of religious grace in her stories. The anthology also includes instructional sections on the basic elements of short fiction, writing about fiction, critical approaches from various theoretical schools and a glossary of literary terms. With all its supporting material, the collection may seem geared for the student, yet its flexibility also allows for browsing by the casual short story reader.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 

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    • $15.95
  • Heart of the Old Country by Tim McLoughlin - Paperback Fiction
    • 53% less

    Heart of the Old Country by Tim McLoughlin - Paperback Fiction

    "Part coming-of-age story, part thriller, it’s got all the ingredients for what may be a whole new genre."—Entertainment Weekly

    "McLoughlin in his first novel easily ranks with Richard Price."—Penthouse

    Based on Heart of the Old Country, The Narrows is now a major motion picture starring Kevin Zegers, Vincent D’Onofrio, Sofia Bush, and Eddie Cahill. This is not the Brooklyn of Spike Lee or Matty Rich, but a counterpoint, where the hangers-on—those left behind in the white flight to the suburbs—continue to “do business” while defending their shrinking borders.

    Tim McLoughlin is the editor of the multiple award-winning anthology Brooklyn Noir and its companion volumes. His work has been included in The Best American Mystery Stories. He lives in Brooklyn.

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    • $7.50
  • Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft and Others - Paperback Anthology
    • 26% less

    Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft and Others - Paperback Anthology

    "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."—H. P. LOVECRAFT, "Supernatural Horror in Literature"

    Howard Phillips Lovecraft forever changed the face of horror, fantasy, and science fiction with a remarkable series of stories as influential as the works of Poe, Tolkien, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. His chilling mythology established a gateway between the known universe and an ancient dimension of otherworldly terror, whose unspeakable denizens and monstrous landscapes--dread Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, the Plateau of Leng, the Mountains of Madness--have earned him a permanent place in the history of the macabre. 

    In Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, a pantheon of horror and fantasy's finest authors pay tribute to the master of the macabre with a collection of original stories set in the fearsome Lovecraft tradition:

    ¸  The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft: The slumbering monster-gods return to the world of mortals.

    ¸  Notebook Found in a Deserted House by Robert Bloch: A lone farmboy chronicles his last stand against a hungering backwoods evil.

    ¸  Cold Print by Ramsey Campbell: An avid reader of forbidden books finds a treasure trove of deadly volumes--available for a bloodcurdling price.

    ¸  The Freshman by Philip José Farmer: A student of the black arts receives an education in horror at notorious Miskatonic University.


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    • $10.99
  • Edges of Reality : Confrontations with the Uncanny, the Macabre, and the Mad - Paperback USED Anthology

    Edges of Reality : Confrontations with the Uncanny, the Macabre, and the Mad - Paperback USED Anthology

    Anthology of "Shorter long fiction" consists of the following readings:

    • The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde
    • Portrait of Jennie by Robert Nathan
    • The Ghostly Rental by Henry James
    • The Country of the Blind by H.G. Wells
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    • $4.99
  • Robert Frost's Poems - A New Enlarged Anthology with Commentary by Louis Untermeyer - Paperback USED
    • 41% less

    Robert Frost's Poems - A New Enlarged Anthology with Commentary by Louis Untermeyer - Paperback USED

    Here in one volume are selected poems of Robert Frost, accompanied by an introduction and commentary by Louis Untermeyer. They make up an anthology that will bring you numberless hours of pleasure and joy.

    Illustrated throughout with black and white woodcuts.

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    • $3.25
  • Classics of Western Thought : Middles Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation - Paperback Anthology USED

    Classics of Western Thought : Middles Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation - Paperback Anthology USED

    Originally edited by Thomas H. Greer, this series emanates from the Humanities Department at Michigan State University. Today, these books remain outstanding sources for the comprehensive study of most subject areas included under the umbrella of humanities. Most major literary forms are represented: essay, poem, short story, play, novel, memoir, epigram, scientific discourse, philosophical treatise, political manifesto, and religious proclamation. Major subject areas include art, music, education, mathematics, biology, psychiatry, religion, philosophy, politics, economics, and physics.Originally published under the General Editorship of Thomas H. Greer, the series emanated from the Humanities Department of Michigan State University. The books remain today perhaps the best sources available for the comprehensive study in one volume of every subject area which might be included in the umbrella of humanities. Most major literary forms are represented: essay, poem, short story, play, novel, memoir, epigram, scientific discourse, philosophical treatise, political manifesto, and religious proclamation. All major subject areas are explored: art, music, education, mathematics, biology, psychiatry, religion, philosophy, politics, economics, and physics. The informative apparatus, headnotes, and footnotes are all aimed at enhancing the student-reader's comprehension.

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    • $4.99
  • Existentialist Philosophy : An Introduction 2nd Edition by L. Nathan Oaklander - Paperback
    • 88% less

    Existentialist Philosophy : An Introduction 2nd Edition by L. Nathan Oaklander - Paperback

    Introducing readers to existentialist philosophy through the writings of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, De Beauvoir and others, this unique anthology includes long selections from a relatively small number of existentialist thinkers — exploring each philosopher's views in great detail, and prefacing the essays with insightful introductions to help clarify material. Offers creative, explicative chapter introductions to help readers grasp material to be covered. Provides in-depth essays from select existentialist figures to allow a fuller view of each philosopher considered. Illustrates existentialist philosophy in literature with Jean-Paul Sartre's No Exit, Albert Camus' The Stranger, and Heidegger's Being and Time. Includes practical end-of-chapter glossaries to help readers with technical terms and unfamiliar jargon. Now presents thought-provoking study/discussion questions, as well as an updated bibliography. For those interested in existentialism, late 19th century thought, and the philosophy of religion.

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    • $18.95
  • Legacy of the Sky People : An Anthology Edited by Timothy Green Beckley - Paperback

    Legacy of the Sky People : An Anthology Edited by Timothy Green Beckley - Paperback


    The belief in strange beings coming down from the stars to intermingle with humanity can be traced back to the earliest days of mankind. While the scientific community maintains that the current notion of UFOs and their extraterrestrial pilots is simply a modern version of the myths and legends contained within almost every culture and civilization, Ancient Astronaut theorists maintain that we have been “tinkered with,” and that someone – or “something” else – is keeping a watchful eye over mankind for their own purposes that can only be alluded to.

    As early as the 1960s, Britain’s 8th Earl of Clancarty, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, made an astounding revelation. He said that he was convinced that life on earth had originated on the planet Mars and that the first voyagers here had been the Biblical Adam and Even who had left their paradise of the Garden of Eden and arrived on earth in a space ark piloted by Noah.

    Thus the roots of the various Biblical stories from the Old Testament which are taught in every Sunday School today. But the story told by British nobility and the other researchers in this book tell even a far stranger tale about the secret history of our planet, a history that is “forbidden knowledge” to a handful of individuals who are now sharing their findings for the first time:

    • Why has the CIA and the military shown an unprecedented interest in the remains of what many claims to be Noah’s Ark that came to rest on Turkey’s Mount Ararat? Is the anomalous structure a crashed space ship, something metallic as opposed to the gopher-wood of the Biblical tale, as researcher Nick Redfern insists could be true?
    • Is there a distinction to be made between the ancient aliens and the true Creator God, and do these “visitors” have the same imponderable questions as we do about life, death and religion? Eric von Daniken spokesman Giorgio Tsoukalos has his own ideas on this concept?
    • “We have met the Martians and they are us,” suggests Brad Steiger. Is there new evidence to suggest that life on earth was first planted in South America and spread out from there?
    • Is there a new race of humans being formed in these uncertain times? According to the Earl of Clancarty, some of us are rapidly reacquiring the telepathy and psychic we were originally created with.
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  • Gateways Science Fiction Anthology edited by Elizabeth Anne Hull - Hardcover
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    Gateways Science Fiction Anthology edited by Elizabeth Anne Hull - Hardcover

    An anthology of new, original stories by bestselling science fiction authors, inspired by science fiction great Frederik Pohl

    It isn’t easy to get a group of bestselling SF authors to write new stories for an anthology, but that’s what Elizabeth Anne Hull has done in this powerhouse book. With original, captivating tales by Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Ben Bova, David Brin, Cory Doctorow, Neil Gaiman, Joe Haldeman, Harry Harrison, Larry Niven, Vernor Vinge, Gene Wolfe, and others, Gateways is a SF event that will be a must-buy for SF readers of all tastes, from the traditional to the cutting edge; from the darkly serious to the laugh-out-loud funny.

    Each author has written a story that he or she feels reflects the effect Pohl has had on the field—in the style of writing, the narrative tone, or the subject matter. It says a lot about Pohl's career that the authors represented here themselves span many decades and styles, from the experimental SF of British SF author Brian W. Aldiss to the over-the-top humor of Harry Harrison and Mike Resnick, from the darkly powerful drama of Hollywood screenwriter Frank Robinson to the satiric pungency of multiple Hugo Award-winner Vernor Vinge. Every story here is uniquely nuanced; all of them as entertaining and thought provoking as Pohl's fiction.

    In a career dating back to 1939, Pohl has won all the awards science fiction has to offer: Hugos, Nebulas, the SFWA Grand Master Award. Having written more than two million words of fiction and edited the groundbreaking Star anthologies and Hugo Award-winning magazines and books, Pohl is an SF icon. This anthology of brilliant, entertaining SF stories is a testament to his stature in the field.

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  • The Lotus Sutra translated by Burton Watson - Paperback
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    The Lotus Sutra translated by Burton Watson - Paperback

    Since its appearance in China in the third century, The Lotus Sutra has been regarded as one of the most illustrious scriptures in the Mahayana Buddhist canon. The object of intense veneration among generations of Buddhists in China, Korea, Japan, and other parts of the world, it has had a profound impact on the great works of Japanese and Chinese literature, attracting more commentary than any other Buddhist scripture.

    As Watson notes in the introduction to his remarkable translation, " The Lotus Sutra is not so much an integral work as a collection of religious texts, an anthology of sermons, stories, and devotional manuals, some speaking with particular force to persons of one type or in one set of circumstances, some to those of another type or in other circumstances. This is no doubt why it has had such broad and lasting appeal over the ages and has permeated so deeply into the cultures that have been exposed to it."

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  • The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps by Otto Penzler, editor - Giant Paperback
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    The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps by Otto Penzler, editor - Giant Paperback

    The biggest, the boldest, the most comprehensive collection of Pulp writing ever assembled.

    Weighing in at over a thousand pages, containing over forty-seven stories and two novels, this book is big baby, bigger and more powerful than a freight train—a bullet couldn’t pass through it. Here are the best stories and every major writer who ever appeared in celebrated Pulps like Black Mask, Dime Detective, Detective Fiction Weekly, and more. These are the classic tales that created the genre and gave birth to hard-hitting detectives who smoke criminals like packs of cigarettes; sultry dames whose looks are as lethal as a dagger to the chest; and gin-soaked hideouts where conversations are just preludes to murder. This is crime fiction at its gritty best.


    • Three stories by Raymond Chandler, Cornell Woolrich, Erle Stanley Gardner, and Dashiell Hammett.

    • Complete novels from Carroll John Daly, the man who invented the hard-boiled detective, and Fredrick Nebel,

    one of the masters of the form.

    • A never before published Dashiell Hammett story.

    • Every other major pulp writer of the time, including Paul Cain, Steve Fisher, James M. Cain, Horace McCoy, and many

    many more of whom you’ve probably never heard.

    • Three deadly sections–The Crimefighters, The Villains, and Dames–with three unstoppable introductions by Harlan Coben,

    Harlan Ellison, and Laura Lippman


    • Plenty of reasons for murder, all of them good.

    • A kid so smart–he’ll die of it.

    • A soft-hearted loan shark’s legman learning–the hard way–never to buy a strange blonde a hamburger.

    • The uncanny “Moon Man” and his mad-money victims.

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    • $10.99
  • Endless Universe by Marion Zimmer Bradley - Paperback VINTAGE 1979

    Endless Universe by Marion Zimmer Bradley - Paperback VINTAGE 1979

    Planets are for leaving

    That's an old saying in the Explorers.  But for every Explorer there is somewhere a planet he will not leave.  For some, the cause is love.  For others, the desire to give up the strange roving life of the star wanderers who live outside of planet-time.  Even for the ones who love the metal ships that are their only home there is still a planet waiting, a planet that will hold them forever--in the final clasp of death.  But until then, life is adventure and wonders undreamed of by mere planet dwellers, an Endless Universe of the unknown.

    This edition contains over 30,000 words of material never before published in any form.  The original text has been revised in detail.

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