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  • Scripture Yoga : 21 Bible Lessons for Christian Yoga Classes by Susan Neal - Paperback

    Scripture Yoga : 21 Bible Lessons for Christian Yoga Classes by Susan Neal - Paperback

    This book assists Christian yoga instructors and students in creating a Christian atmosphere for their classes.

    Choose from twenty-one lessons, each is a mini Bible study that will deepen the participants’ walk with God. Each lesson contains a Scripture theme designed to facilitate meditation on God’s Word. The Scripture verses are arranged progressively to facilitate an understanding of each Bible study topic. The Bible lessons will enhance the spiritual depth of your yoga class, and make it appropriate and desirable for Christian participants.

    Check your poses with photographs of over 60 yoga postures taken on the sugar white sands of the Emerald Coast of Florida. A detailed description of each pose is provided with full page photographs so postures are easily seen and replicated.

    “Scripture Yoga is a useful tool for teachers and students of Christian Yoga, written by an experienced instructor. Specific Bible verses are suggested, along with clear instructions, and beautiful photographs illustrating each pose. It is quite clear that users will discover their bodies as ‘temples of the Holy Spirit’ (1 Corinthians 6:15) under Susan Neal’s wise tutelage.” -THE REVERAND NANCY ROTH, author of Invitation to Christian Yoga

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    • $19.99
  • Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    An insightful perspective on yoga and its relationship to the religion of Islam.

    Amir Fatir, nee Sterling Hobbs, was a journalist and Nation of Islam Minister when he was arrested in 1975 for a murder that someone else committed. While on death row he studied all the ancient spiritual systems to learn where he'd be after his execution. Amir found a common thread runs through Islam, Yoga, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Magic, Modern Science and Egyptian Metaphysics. In 1991 Amir received a pardon recommendation that because of politics was illegally revoked. He hasn't been physically free since the Ford Administration. While in prison he has authored books and developed award winning programs. Amir is an Astrologer whose writings connect and reveal the symbolic wisdom in esoteric systems, new age philosophies and modern science. He can't sing but still hopes to one day perform with the Temptations.

    • $19.99
  • Holy Yoga : Exercise for the Christian Body and Soul by Brooke Boon - Paperback

    Holy Yoga : Exercise for the Christian Body and Soul by Brooke Boon - Paperback

    People often equate yoga with Eastern religion, but Brooke Boon sees it as an exercise style that Christians can use to generate patience, strength, and deeper worship.

    Author and yoga instructor Brooke Boon combines her passion for Christianity with her commitment to health to introduce yoga as a physical and spiritual discipline that strengthens the body and the soul. Clear explanations and photographs make yoga accessible for any reader, and Brooke offers customized routines for readers struggling with specific issues, such as weight loss and anxiety. Through it all Brooke uses scriptural references to help reinforce the idea that by taking care of our bodies we can also take care of our faith.

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    • $20.00
  • God's Little Devotional for Couples Gift Set with Christian Notetakers Journal

    God's Little Devotional for Couples Gift Set with Christian Notetakers Journal

    This delightful book is basic, practical and filled with timeless wisdom from the Bible, covering topics that couples everywhere will understand.

    This gift set also includes The Christian NoteTaker's Journal.

    Use this popular journal year after year to record and refer to the best in inspirational wisdom from Christian speakers and writers. You'll also have space to record your own meditations and God's answers to prayer, for up to three years per journal.

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    • $8.95
  • The Book of Enoch by Thomas Horn

    The Book of Enoch by Thomas Horn

    The Bible, as we hold it today, is esteemed by many religious institutions and especially Conservative Christians to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God. This doctrinal position affirms that the Bible is unlike all other books or collections of works in that it is free of error due to having been given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). While no other text can claim this same unique authority, the Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, which played a crucial role in forming the worldview of the authors of the New Testament, who were not only familiar with it but quoted it in the New Testament, Epistle of Jude, Jude 1:14 15, and is attributed there to "Enoch the Seventh from Adam" (1 En 60:8)

    The text was also utilized by the community that originally collected and studied the Dead Sea Scrolls. While some churches today include Enoch as part of the biblical canon (for example the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church), other Christian denominations and scholars accept it only as having historical or theological non-canonical interest and frequently use or assigned it as supplemental materials within academic settings to help students and scholars discover or better understand cultural and historical context of the early Christian Church.

    The Book of Enoch provides commentators valuable insight into what many ancient Jews and early Christians believed when, God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets (Heb. 1:1). As Dr. Michael S. Heiser in the Introduction to his important book Reversing Hermon so powerfully notes: For those to whom 1 Enoch sounds unfamiliar, this is the ancient apocalyptic literary work known popularly (but imprecisely) as the Book of Enoch.

    Most scholars believe that 1 Enoch was originally written in Aramaic perhaps as early as the 3rd century B.C. The oldest fragments of the book were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and dated to roughly the second century B.C. This places the book squarely in the middle of what scholars call the Second Temple Period (ca. 500 B.C. 70 A.D.), an era more commonly referred to as the Intertestamental Period. This book will use the more academic designation ( Second Temple Period ) [...] The Watcher story of 1 Enoch, as many readers will recall, is an expansion of the episode described in Genesis 6:1-4, where the sons of God (Hebrew: beney ha- elohim) came in to the daughters of man (Gen 6:4; ESV). Consequently, Watchers is the Enochian term of choice (among others) for the divine sons of God. While the story of this supernatural rebellion occupies scant space in Genesis, it received considerable attention during the Second Temple Period [...] The Enochian version of the events of Gen 6:1-4 preserves and transmits the original Mesopotamian context for the first four verses of the flood account. Every element of Gen 6:1-4 has a Mesopotamian counterpoint a theological target that provides the rationale for why these four verses wound up in the inspired text in the first place. Connections to that backstory can be found in the Old Testament, but they are scattered and unsystematically presented. This is not the case with Second Temple Jewish literature like 1 Enoch. Books like 1 Enoch preserve all of the Mesopotamian touchpoints with Gen 6:1-4 when presenting their expanded retelling of the events of that biblical passage. The Book of Enoch is therefore intended to be an important supplemental resource for assisting serious researchers and students in the study of the Bible.

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    • $19.95
  • Wicked City: The Other Side by Hideyuki Kikuchi - Paperback Fiction

    Wicked City: The Other Side by Hideyuki Kikuchi - Paperback Fiction

    The classic anime Wicked City is based on a series of novels by master horror writer Hideyuki Kikuchi. Tor/Seven Seas is pleased to present these novels to the North American audience for the first time, featuring cover art by Christian McGrath (The Dresden Files).

    The Black Guard, whose job it is to protect the boundary between our mortal world and the demonic Dark World, has succeeded in preserving the tenuous peace treaty between the two worlds, averting an all-out war. Now a new threat from the Dark World terrorizes humanity, a monster that invades people's dreams and causes them to commit murder.

    Black Guard agents Taki, a hardboiled human, and his sexy demon partner, Makie, must work alongside legendary Black Guard agent Miyuki if they are to defeat the creature and save the world.

    Like author Hideyuki Kikuchi's well-known and critically-acclaimed Vampire Hunter D novels (Dark Horse), Wicked City is an epic ten-volume tale of supernatural horror and high-octane action.

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    • $24.00
  • The Antichrist by Larry D. Harper - Paperback Biblical Scholarship and Early Christian History

    The Antichrist by Larry D. Harper - Paperback Biblical Scholarship and Early Christian History

    The Book of Revelation describes the appearance of Antichrist in terms of parabolic images that few, if any, today understand. Yet the disciples of John, the Apostle who authored the Book of Revelation, insist he taught his own disciples what they meant. In this booklet, two Early Church leaders-Irenæus and Hippolytus, who were second- and third-generation disciples of John-explain some of what they knew about the Antichrist. This book contains excerpts from The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist.

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  • Grace : An Invitation to a Way of Life by John Ortberg - Paperback Nonfiction

    Grace : An Invitation to a Way of Life by John Ortberg - Paperback Nonfiction

    Many Christians have an easier time being saved by grace than they do living in grace every day. But grace is at the center of the life God calls us to--and reflects the heart of the One who calls.These studies in Grace will help you make the connection between grace as a remote biblical concept and grace as a lifestyle--a reality you experience day in, day out. Through an unfolding study of Psalm 23, you’ll learn how God--our Good Shepherd--is for you, how he longs to walk with you through temptation, sorrow, and even deep regret. You’ll discover God’s desire to make his joy your joy. Throughout, you’ll learn how enduring, powerful, and life-affirming God’s work in your life can be―and rediscover why it’s called amazing grace.Leader’s guide included!

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  • The Outlaw Takes a Bride by Susan Page Davis - Paperback Christian Romance

    The Outlaw Takes a Bride by Susan Page Davis - Paperback Christian Romance

    Johnny Paynter flees Denver to escape being hanged for a murder he didn’t commit. At his brother’s ranch in Texas, where he thought he could take refuge, he finds his brother, Mark—dead. Taking advantage of his strong resemblance to his brother, Johnny assumes Mark’s identity. Soon Johnny discovers that Mark had been corresponding with a widow named Sally in St. Louis, and she’s en route to be a mail-order bride to Mark. Seeing no other option, Johnny makes a fateful decision to go through with the wedding, posing as his brother. But Sally has secrets she's hiding, too. How will a marriage survive with so much deception?

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    • $1.95
  • Casino Jack and the United States of Money by Peter H. Stone - Paperback Nonfiction

    Casino Jack and the United States of Money by Peter H. Stone - Paperback Nonfiction

    A riveting tale of our time: an inside-Washington drama driven by powerful personalities and the toxic mix of money and power

    An absorbing expose of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a one time B-movie producer who worked alongside public relations whiz Michael Scanlon, an ex-aide to then House Republican whip Tom DeLay, to corrupt public officials and defraud four casino rich Indian tribes of almost $25 million. A five-year federal investigation into Abramoff’s misdeeds has turned into the largest influence peddling probe of the last decade and so far led to the convictions of twenty lobbyists, Hill staffers, Bush administration officials (including Steve Griles, the former number two at Interior) and former Representative Bob Ney (R-Ohio). 

    Boasting a cast of characters and close Abramoff allies like anti-tax activist Grover Norquist and former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed, Casino Jack is a cautionary tale about the seemingly endless ways that lobbyists and campaign cash can buy powerful friends and influence Washington policymaking.

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  • The Divine Milieu by Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback Philosophy

    The Divine Milieu by Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback Philosophy

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's spiritual masterpiece, The Divine Milieu, in a newly-revised translation by Cowell, is addressed to those who have lost faith in conventional religion but who still have a sense of the divine at the heart of the cosmos. "The heavens declare the glory of God," sings the Psalmist. Teilhard would agree. "We are surrounded," he says, "by a certain sort of pessimist who tells us continually that our world is foundering in atheism. But should we not say rather that what it is suffering from is unsatisfied theism?" He sees a universe in movement where progress is the spiritualization of matter and its opposite is the materialization of spirit. Teilhard opts for progress. The Divine Milieu is the divine center and the divine circle, the divine heart and the divine sphere. The book is written for those who listen primarily to the voices of the Earth; its purpose is to provide a link to traditional Christianity (as expressed in Baptism, Cross and Eucharist) in order to demonstrate that the fears prevalent in contemporary world society as it abuses its very foundation - Mother Earth - may be better understood by the Gospel path. Teilhard's primary purpose is to show a way forward which he sees as the "Christian religious ideal". The Foreword is by Thomas M. King, S.J., Professor of Theology at Georgetown University, and author of Teilhard's Mysticism of Knowing, editor of The Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and editor of Lucile Swan.

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  • The Future of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    The Future of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    The Future of Man is a magnificent introduction to the thoughts and writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, one of the few figures in the history of the Catholic Church to achieve renown as both a scientist and a theologian. Trained as a paleontologist and ordained as a Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin devoted himself to establishing the intimate, interdependent connection between science—particularly the theory of evolution—and the basic tenets of the Christian faith. 

    At the center of his philosophy was the belief that the human species is evolving spiritually, progressing from a simple faith to higher and higher forms of consciousness, including a consciousness of God, and culminating in the ultimate understanding of humankind’s place and purpose in the universe. The Church, which would not condone his philosophical writings, refused to allow their publication during his lifetime. Written over a period of thirty years and presented here in chronological order, the essays cover the wide-ranging interests and inquiries that engaged Teilhard de Chardin throughout his life: intellectual and social evolution; the coming of ultra-humanity; the integral place of faith in God in the advancement of science; and the impact of scientific discoveries on traditional religious dogma. Less formal than The Phenomenon of Man and The Divine Milieu, Teilhard de Chardin’s most renowned works, The Future of Man offers a complete, fully accessible look at the genesis of ideas that continue to reverberate in both the scientific and the religious communities.

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    • $4.95
  • Exodus : The Daily Bible Study Series - Paperback by H.L. Ellison USED

    Exodus : The Daily Bible Study Series - Paperback by H.L. Ellison USED

    "Exodus," writes H. L. Ellison, "is in many ways one of the most important and spiritually interesting books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of how God freed his people from Egypt and bound them to himself by a covenant. We are given insight into how this link with God modified the people's traditional law, how God's grace reacted to a broken covenant, and how we should approach God in worship."

    Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay's New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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  • Steal Away by Linda Hall - Paperback Mystery

    Steal Away by Linda Hall - Paperback Mystery

    Dr. Carl Houseman, celebrated minister and speaker, is determined to find out what really happened to his wife, declared dead five years ago after her sailboat washed ashore on a coastal island of Maine. Private investigator Terri Blake-Addison must piece together the life of this woman who felt she didn't know or understand the God that her husband so faithfully served. Did Ellen really die in those cold Atlantic waters? When a murder rocks the island, Terri knows more is at stake than just the puzzling life of an unhappy minister's wife.

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  • Closing the Circle : Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and a Course in Miracles - Paperback USED

    Closing the Circle : Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and a Course in Miracles - Paperback USED

    The superbly summarized history of Christianity in its preface prepares the way for a magnificent description of the connection between three modern spiritual masterpieces and the Bible which, until now, lay practically dormant. This book reads like a symphony that quickly leaves the intellect behind and takes the reader to the heart of Jesus' timeless message of our ultimate reality in God.

    Rogier van Vlissingen writes and teaches on spirituality guided by A Course in Miracles. He is involved in the IT business with a particular interest in security and secure transactions. He lives in New York.

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    • $12.95
  • Activation of Energy by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    Activation of Energy by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    An important Christian philosopher contends that if human energy is channeled in the right direction, "upward and outward," spiritual energy as a motor force in the universe will outdistance technological advance. Index. Translated by René Hague. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was a Jesuit priest and paleontologist who studied chemistry, physics, botany, and zoology and received his doctorate in geology. The author of several works of philosophy and religion, he is considered by many to be among the foremost thinkers of our time. Toward the Future was first published in 1973.

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  • A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers by Henry David Thoreau - Paperback USED

    A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers by Henry David Thoreau - Paperback USED

    Based on an 1839 boat trip Thoreau took with his brother from Concord, Massachusetts, to Concord, New Hampshire, and back, this classic of American literature is not only a vivid narrative of that journey, it is also a collection of thought-provoking observations on such diverse topics as poetry, literature, and philosophy, Native American and Puritan histories of New England, friendship, sacred Eastern writings, traditional Christianity, and much more.

    Written, like Walden, while Thoreau lived at Walden Pond, and published in 1849, A Week (his first book) shares many themes with Walden, published in 1854. Both dramatize the process of self-renewal in nature and resolutely rail against the official culture and politics of the "trivial Nineteenth Century." Blending keen observation with a wealth of perceptive and informed reflections, Thoreau develops a continuous and lyrical dialogue between the past and present, as particular scenes on shore trigger reflections on the region's history and legends. 

    Originally conceived as a travel book, A Week eventually became much more — one of the most intellectually ambitious works of 19th-century America, and a requiem for Thoreau's brother John, who died from a sudden illness in 1842.

    Of Thoreau and this work, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "H. D. Thoreau is a great man in Concord, a man of original genius and character. I think it is a book of wonderful merit, which is to go far and last long."

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  • The 3 Essentials : All You Need for Success in Life by Casey Treat - Hardcover

    The 3 Essentials : All You Need for Success in Life by Casey Treat - Hardcover

    The pastor who has inspired thousands now shares how the power of faith, vision, and renewal can transform lives... 

    Whether it's relationship troubles, financial difficulties, job dissatisfaction, or illness, the obstacles people encounter can leave them feeling hopeless and alienated from God and the path He has chosen for them. 

    Casey Treat knows all too well about life's challenges- and how to triumph over them by applying the power of faith, vision, and renewal. Imbued with these three essential truths, he has ministered to thousands of people in trouble, guiding them to the wisdom that only God can provide. 

    Pastor Treat shows how deepening their faith, clarifying their vision, and embracing renewal can transform people's lives-and start them on the journey to realizing their dreams and achieving success.

    About the Author

    Casey Treat is the founder and senior pastor of the Christian Faith Center, as well as the founder and president of Dominion College. He is an author and motivational speaker, and hosts a television program called Living on Course. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

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  • Darling : A Spiritual Autobiography by Richard Rodriguez - Hardcover

    Darling : A Spiritual Autobiography by Richard Rodriguez - Hardcover

    An award–winning writer delivers a major reckoning with religion, place, and sexuality in the aftermath of 9/11

    Hailed in The Washington Post as “one of the most eloquent and probing public intellectuals in America,” Richard Rodriguez now considers religious violence worldwide, growing public atheism in the West, and his own mortality.

    Rodriguez’s stylish new memoir—the first book in a decade from the Pulitzer Prize finalist—moves from Jerusalem to Silicon Valley, from Moses to Liberace, from Lance Armstrong to Mother Teresa. Rodriguez is a homosexual who writes with love of the religions of the desert that exclude him. He is a passionate, unorthodox Christian who is always mindful of his relationship to Judaism and Islam because of a shared belief in the God who revealed himself within an ecology of emptiness. And at the center of this book is a consideration of women—their importance to Rodriguez’s spiritual formation and their centrality to the future of the desert religions.

    Only a mind as elastic and refined as Rodriguez’s could bind these threads together into this wonderfully complex tapestry.

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  • Acquainted with the Night by Piper Maitland - Extended Market Paperback

    Acquainted with the Night by Piper Maitland - Extended Market Paperback

    A woman's quest for the truth...A medieval icon that holds the clues...And an ancient book with the power to shake Christianity-and humanity itself.

    London tour guide Caroline Clifford has never believe in vampires- until her uncle is brutally murdered at a Bulgarian archaeological site, and a vampire hunter who corresponded with him seeks her out.

    Strange anagrams on her uncle's passport lead them to a cliff-top monastery in Greece, where a shattering revelation connects a relic Caro inherited to an age-old text on immortality-and an enigmatic prophecy that pits the forces of darkness and light in a showdown that could destroy all they know...

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    • $5.95
  • Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis - Paperback USED

    Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis - Paperback USED

    The Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Award-winning classic about a boy who decides to hit the road to find his father—from Christopher Paul Curtis, author of The Watsons Go To Birmingham—1963, a Newbery and Coretta Scott King Honoree.

    It’s 1936, in Flint Michigan. Times may be hard, and ten-year-old Bud may be a motherless boy on the run, but Bud’s got a few things going for him:

    1. He has his own suitcase full of special things.

    2. He’s the author of Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself.

    3. His momma never told him who his father was, but she left a clue: flyers advertising Herman E. Calloway and his famous band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression!!!!!!

    Bud’s got an idea that those flyers will lead him to his father. Once he decides to hit the road to find this mystery man, nothing can stop him—not hunger, not fear, not vampires, not even Herman E. Calloway himself.





    “The book is a gem, of value to all ages, not just the young people to whom it is aimed.” —The Christian Science Monitor

    “Will keep readers engrossed from first page to last.” —Publishers Weekly, Starred

    “Curtis writes with a razor-sharp intelligence that grabs the reader by the heart and never lets go. . . . This highly recommended title [is] at the top of the list of books to be read again and again.” —Voice of Youth Advocates, Starred

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  • Lost Books of the Bible by William Hone - Hardcover Apocrypha

    Lost Books of the Bible by William Hone - Hardcover Apocrypha

    The documents in this book were written soon after Christ's Crucifixion, during the early spread of Christianity. But when the Bible was compiled in the end of the fourth century, these texts were not among those chosen. They were suppressed by the Church, and for over 1500 years were shrouded in secrecy. These writings are by and about many of the important figures in the New Testament. They express much the same zeal and earnestness about their subject as do the pieces in the New Testament. And yet, until they were translated in their entirety, they were the peculiar esoteric property of the clergy and other learned people, available only in the original tongues. We can now judge these texts for ourselves. We see much more here of Jesus as a child than we do in the New Testament. Peter and Nicodemus, who were so close to Jesus, give us their versions of His life. There is an account of Mary's life before Christ's birth, and there are several letters that supplement our knowledge about the early Christians and the spread of Christianity. There is no doubt that, whatever else we may find in these texts, we cannot help enjoying them for their beauty and directness. They also significantly increase our understanding of the first century A.D. in Judea, the world where Jesus lived. For those who want to know more about this crucial period in our history, this book is a major event. With 32 illustrations from ancient paintings and missals

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  • Acts of Faith by Philip Caputo - Trade Paperback USED Fiction

    Acts of Faith by Philip Caputo - Trade Paperback USED Fiction

    Philip Caputo’s tragic and epically ambitious new novel is set in Sudan, where war is a permanent condition. Into this desolate theater come aid workers, missionaries, and mercenaries of conscience whose courage and idealism sometimes coexist with treacherous moral blindness. There’s the entrepreneurial American pilot who goes from flying food and medicine to smuggling arms, the Kenyan aid worker who can’t help seeing the tawdry underside of his enterprise, and the evangelical Christian who comes to Sudan to redeem slaves and falls in love with a charismatic rebel commander. 

    As their fates intersect and our understanding of their characters deepens, it becomes apparent that Acts of Faith is one of those rare novels that combine high moral seriousness with irresistible narrative wizardry.   

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    • $1.25
  • Steppenwolf: A Novel by Hermann Hesse - Paperback Classics

    Steppenwolf: A Novel by Hermann Hesse - Paperback Classics

    With its blend of Eastern mysticism and Western culture, Hesse's best-known and most autobiographical work is one of literature's most poetic evocations of the soul's journey to liberation

    "Hesse is a writer of suggestion, of nuance, of spiritual intimation."―The Christian Science Monitor

    "For all its savagely articulate descriptions of torment and isolation, it is most eloquent about something less glamorous but far more important: healing."―The Guardian

    Harry Haller is a sad and lonely figure, a reclusive intellectual for whom life holds no joy. He struggles to reconcile the wild primeval wolf and the rational man within himself without surrendering to the bourgeois values he despises. His life changes dramatically when he meets a woman who is his opposite, the carefree and elusive Hermine. The tale of the Steppenwolf culminates in the surreal Magic Theater―For Madmen Only!

    Originally published in English in 1929, Steppenwolf 's wisdom continues to speak to our souls and marks it as a classic of modern literature.

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    • $15.00
  • The Illuminated Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi (Author), Michael Green (Illustrator), and Coleman Barks  (Translator) - Hardcover

    The Illuminated Rumi by Jalal Al-Din Rumi (Author), Michael Green (Illustrator), and Coleman Barks (Translator) - Hardcover

    Rise up nimbly and go on your strange journey to the ocean of meanings...

    In the mid-thirteenth century, in a dusty marketplace in Konya, Turkey, a city where Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist travelers mingled, Jelaluddin Rumi, a popular philosopher and scholar, met Shams of Tabriz, a wandering dervish.  Their meeting forever altered the course of Rumi's life and influenced the mystical evolution of the planet.  The bond they formed was everlasting--a powerful transcendent friendship that would flow through Rumi as some of the world's best-loved ecstatic poetry.

    Rumi's passionate, playful poems find and celebrate sacred life in everyday existence.  They speak across all traditions, to all peoples, and today his relevance and popularity continue to grow.  In The Illuminated Rumi, Coleman Barks, widely regarded as the world's premier translator of Rumi's writings, presents some of his most brilliant work, including many new translations.  To complement Rumi's universal vision, Michael Green has worked the ancient art of illumination into a new, visually stunning form that joins typography, original art, old masters, photographs, and prints with sacred images from around the world.

    "Rumi has, to the recent amazement of many people in the Western culture as well as the Islamic culture, been able to speak directly to contemporary readers.  One of the greatest pieces of good luck that has happened recently in American poetry is Coleman Barks's agreement to translate poem after poem of Rumi.  Rumi, like Kabir, is able to contain and continue intricate theological arguments and at the same time speak directly from the heart or to the heart.  Coleman's exquisite sensitivity to the flavor and turns of ordinary American speech has produced marvelous lines, full of flavor and Sufi humor, as well as the intimacy that is carried inside American speech at its best."
    --Robert Bly

    The Illuminated Rumi is a truly groundbreaking collaboration that interweaves word and image: a magnificent meeting of ancient tradition and modern interpretation that uniquely captures the spiritual wealth of Rumi's teachings.  Coleman Barks's wise and witty commentary, together with Michael Green's art, makes this a classic guide to the life of the soul for a whole new generation of seekers.

    • $29.00
  • Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis - Paperback

    Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis - Paperback

    A rack edition of the bestselling title, now featuring cover art from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader live-action film! Edmund and Lucy Pevensie return to Narnia, this time with their incorrigible cousin Eustace. There they are reunited with Caspian, now a great king, aboard the Dawn Treader and embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail farther and farther from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning. C. S. Lewis's classic tale now features a movie-tie in cover, with art from the 20th Century Fox and Walden Media live-action film, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! Read it before you see it! 

    About the Author

    Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics The Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and been transformed into three major motion pictures.

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    • $34.95
  • The Gospel in Brief : The Life of Jesus by Leo Tolstoy - Paperback

    The Gospel in Brief : The Life of Jesus by Leo Tolstoy - Paperback

    The Gospel in Brief lives at the center of Leo Tolstoy’s thinking about the meaning of life. ... Beautifully translated by Dustin Condren. ... Although little known, this book remains hugely important.” --Jay Parini, author of The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Last Year

    The most celebrated novelist of all time, the author of Anna Karenina and War and Peace, retells "the greatest story ever told," integrating the four Gospels into a single twelve-chapter narrative of the life of Jesus. Based on his study of early Christian texts, Leo Tolstoy's remarkable The Gospel in Brief—virtually unknown to English readers until this landmark new translation by Dustin Condren—makes accessible the powerful, mystical truth of Jesus's spiritual teaching, stripped of artificial church doctrine. "If you are not acquainted with The Gospel in Brief," wrote the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose life was profoundly influenced by it, "then you cannot imagine what an effect it can have upon a person."

    “A fresh translation destined to introduce a new generation to a fuller understanding of Tolstoy’s mind.” --Kirkus Reviews

    “Dustin Condren captures, in this fresh idiomatic translation, the dazzlingly audacious achievement of The Gospel in Brief, Tolstoy’s daring synthesis the New Testament accounts of Jesus.” --Edward E. Ericson, Jr., editor of The Solzhenitsyn Reader

    “Newly translated by Dustin Condren, Tolstoy’s Gospel in Brief offers us a Jesus stripped of the overlay of Christian dogma and ancient metaphysics: his Jesus confronts readers with a real challenge and a call to change their lives.” --George Pattison, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, University of Oxford, and canon of Christ Church Cathedral

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  • MaddAddam (The Maddaddam Trilogy Book 3) by Margaret Atwood - Trade Paperback

    MaddAddam (The Maddaddam Trilogy Book 3) by Margaret Atwood - Trade Paperback

    From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale

    In this final volume of the internationally celebrated MaddAddam trilogy, the Waterless Flood pandemic has wiped out most of the population. Toby is part of a small band of survivors, along with the Children of Crake: the gentle, bioengineered quasi-human species who will inherit this new earth.

    As Toby explains their origins to the curious Crakers, her tales cohere into a luminous oral history that sets down humanity’s past—and points toward its future. Blending action, humor, romance, and an imagination at once dazzlingly inventive and grounded in a recognizable world, MaddAddam is vintage Atwood—a moving and dramatic conclusion to her epic work of speculative fiction.

    A New York Times Notable Book
    Washington Post Notable Book
    A Best Book of the Year: The Guardian, NPR, The Christian Science Monitor, The Globe and Mail
    A GoodReads Reader's Choice

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    • $15.95
  • Revising Reality : A Biblical Look into the Cosmos by Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Paperback

    Revising Reality : A Biblical Look into the Cosmos by Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Paperback

    "From the unbridled quest to exploit quantum science to engaging supernatural entities ... a mind-blowing exposé of the Cosmos." Paul McGuire, The Paul McGuire Report

    How Dramatic New Discoveries in Biblical Texts and Breakthroughs in Modern Physics Are Transforming Our View of the Cosmos

    Four breakout Christian apologists, no strangers to “fringe” topics, take a radical look at Cosmology based on new discoveries in physics and unconventional insights into the Bible. Each is noted for his willingness to tackle the challenges of secular skepticism and examine the intersections between modern science and the Bible. You will embark on an astounding adventure exploring the Cosmos with awakened eyes, guided by their unrestrained research as well as remarkable and unprecedented conclusions.

    In Volume One of a two-volume study, the controversies of angelic incursions in humanity’s history and their impact on the human genome are considered. Also discussed: the nature of evil and the role that fallen angels and heavenly archons have played in the story of the Bible as well as rethinking Christology and the meaning of the Logos, contrasting with Gnostic and occult concepts of the demiurge. Here the authors demonstrate startling parallels to our day:

    * Dangers of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the occult agenda behind humanity’s most powerful machine, and its link to the Tower of Babel;

    * Opening dimensional portals and its unknown effects, including awakening the creatures of the Abyss, and a possible connection to the planet Saturn;

    * Man-machine hybrids empowered by the Internet and threats presented to humankind from unrestrained advances in transhumanist research;

    * Challenges to Einstein’s standard model by the revolutionary concepts of the Electric Universe proposed by scientists at the Thunderbolts Project;

    * Theories about cosmic wars and the “real” star wars of ancient times.

    About the authors: Anthony Patch is a leading authority on CERN and author of two novels focused on the mysteries of quantum computing; Josh Peck is author of multiple books and host for Into the Multiverse on SkyWatch TV; Gonzo Shimura is an award-winning filmmaker and host of the Face-Like-the-Sun YouTube channel; and S. Douglas Woodward, author of over a dozen books, appears often on television and radio. Woodward it the editor of this volume.

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  • Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ - Paperback

    Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ - Paperback

    The book you are now reading is a clarion call to return to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to join Him in building the Church He started on the day of Pentecost when He sent the promise of His Holy Spirit. - Preface

    God's ways are not man's ways. God is doing a new thing across the world. Traditional models of Church are older wineskins that are bursting as God is pouring out new wine in the movement of His Holy Spirit. House Church planting movements are occurring all over the world it is estimated there are millions of new house Churches started in just the last 30-40 years. Countries such as China where Christianity was being extinguished are now experiencing such a great revival that some estimate the Church currently to be at over 100 million believers. Hallelujah!

    With over 30,000 registered denominations world-wide, the true members of the body of Christ are scattered abroad and divided into many different groups, in many cases over nonessential doctrines. We are in need of unified fellowships of brothers and sisters to meet under Christ's Lordship. Learn Principles of how to gather as believers from the Book of Acts and Underground Churches in China, Iran and North Korea. Prepare to be challenged by the commitment of these believers.

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  • The Adrenal Reset Diet : Strategically Cycle Carbs and Proteins to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, and Move from Stressed to Thriving by Alan Christianson, NMD - Hardcover

    The Adrenal Reset Diet : Strategically Cycle Carbs and Proteins to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, and Move from Stressed to Thriving by Alan Christianson, NMD - Hardcover

    Go from wired and tired to lean and thriving with The Adrenal Reset Diet

    “In The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson clarifies the true cause of the obesity epidemic and provides a brilliant plan to shift from stressed and overweight to trim and thriving. If you are stressed and can’t lose weight, you must read this book.” –Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FACN, FAAFP, CNS, best-selling author of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up

    Why are people gaining weight faster than ever before? The idea that people simply eat too much is no longer supported by science. The emerging idea is that weight gain is a survival response: Our bodies are under attack from all directions—an overabundance of processed food, a polluted world, and the pressures of daily life all take their toll. These attacks hit a very important set of glands, the adrenals, particularly hard. 

    The adrenal glands maintain a normal cortisol rhythm (cortisol is a hormone associated with both stress and fat storage). When this rhythm is off, we can become overwhelmed more quickly, fatigued, gain weight, and eventually, develop even more severe health issues such as heart disease or diabetes.

    In The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson provides a pioneering plan for optimal function of these small but powerful organs. His patient-tested weight-loss program is the culmination of decades of clinical experience and over 75,000 patient-care visits. In a study at his clinic, participants on the Adrenal Reset Diet reset their cortisol levels by over 50% while losing an average of over 2 inches off their waists and 9 pounds of weight in 30 days. What can you expect? 

       • Learn whether your adrenals are Stressed, Wired and Tired, or Crashed and which adrenal tonics, exercises, and foods are best for you 

       • The clinically proven shakes, juices, and other delicious recipes, to use for your Reset 

       • New ways to turn off the triggers of weight gain with carbohydrate cycling, circadian repair, and simple breathing exercises 

       • An easy 7-day ARD eating plan to move your and your adrenals from Surviving to Thriving

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  • Road Warrior: How to Keep Your Faith, Relationships, and Integrity When Away from Home by Stephen Arterburn and Sam Gallucci - Paperback USED
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    Road Warrior: How to Keep Your Faith, Relationships, and Integrity When Away from Home by Stephen Arterburn and Sam Gallucci - Paperback USED

    Are you more and more disconnected from your real life?


    Forced to face a battle with the lonely road?

    Business travel has become more costly than ever–and not just financially. The mental and emotional pricetags bring you and your family under attack, threatening to distance you in more than mere miles. And ultimately, a full travel schedule can set your integrity on a crash course with certain defeat.

    What you need is a road map to guide you through and prepare you for your journey. This book delivers a unique plan to help you keep your job, your family, and your personal life from drifting off course. 

    With fresh perspective, you can:

    • ·rediscover the balance to working away from home
    • ·overcome burnout to strengthen your defenses 
    • ·recapture essential relationships
    • ·and escape the travel treadmill to re-engage with real life
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