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  • Deep Down Things : The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics by Bruce A. Schumm - Hardcover Nonfiction

    Deep Down Things : The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics by Bruce A. Schumm - Hardcover Nonfiction

    A useful scientific theory, claimed Einstein, must be explicable to any intelligent person. In Deep Down Things, experimental particle physicist Bruce Schumm has taken this dictum to heart, providing in clear, straightforward prose an elucidation of the Standard Model of particle physics―a theory that stands as one of the crowning achievements of twentieth-century science. In this one-of-a-kind book, the work of many of the past century's most notable physicists, including Einstein, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, Feynman, Gell-Mann, and Weinberg, is knit together in a thorough and accessible exposition of the revolutionary notions that underlie our current view of the fundamental nature of the physical world. Schumm, who has spent much of his life immersed in the subatomic world, goes far beyond a mere presentation of the "building blocks" of matter, bringing to life the remarkable connection between the ivory tower world of the abstract mathematician and the day-to-day, life-enabling properties of the natural world. Schumm leaves us with an insight into the profound open questions of particle physics, setting the stage for understanding the progress the field is poised to make over the next decade or two.

    Introducing readers to the world of particle physics, Deep Down Things opens new realms within which are many clues to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

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    • $26.95
  • The Gist by Michael Marshall Smith - Hardcover English and French Text

    The Gist by Michael Marshall Smith - Hardcover English and French Text

    'The conscious extraction of meaning from a procession of words is not, after all, the only way of interacting with a text, or with anything else in the world...'

    A dealer in old books, lost books--books no-one knows even exist. A man who works for him, prizing meaning from places where it is deeply hidden. A book, at first unintelligible...but which begins to reveal its secrets in ways the translator could never have guessed.

    This is the story of The Gist, but that s only the beginning of the journey. Michael Marshall Smith's original novelette was then translated into French by Benoit Domis, before being rendered back into English by Nicholas Royle--who had no access to the original text or author during the process.

    All three versions are presented in this edition. The idea is to discover what happened during the process, how much the story changed while passing through two other minds and another language...

    To see if The Gist survived.

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    • $35.00
  • Instructions for the Apocalypse by Rod Sweet - Hardcover Illustrated Book

    Instructions for the Apocalypse by Rod Sweet - Hardcover Illustrated Book

    Instructions for the Apocalypse is a fictional account of Gareth Gray's final hours of life, which he recorded for his daughter. The diatribe, which outlines an imminent confluence of crises leading to a profound disruption of the global economic system and the abrupt halt of Western civilization, is accompanied with old family album photographs. The isolated and mentally ill Gray presents a singular fictional voice that portrays madness as framed by the contemporary world.

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    • $4.95
  • Slaughtermatic by Steve Aylett - A Novel in Trade Paperback

    Slaughtermatic by Steve Aylett - A Novel in Trade Paperback

    Set in the blood-drenched chaos of Beerlight, "a blown circuit, where to kill a man was less a murder than a mannerism," Dante Cubit and his pill-popping sidekick, the Entropy Kid, waltz into First National Bank with some serious attitude and a couple of snub guns. Murderous, trigger-happy cops, led by the doughnut-chomping redneck police chief, arrive in force, firing indiscriminately into the crowd gathered outside. Surrender or capture is out of the question. Dante's beloved, the murderous assassin Rosa Control — packing a not-so-small arsenal — prowls the streets, trying to engineer her man's escape. Will Dante slip past the forces of corruption and disorder to join his Rosa? What happens next is a tangled mess of reality and virtual reality.

    From Booklist

    Aylett draws on sf and crime-fiction conventions in an experimental novel about a future when life is so cheap that crime is a form of recreation. Dante Cubit, more of a conceit than a character, holds up a bank, making allusions to detective stories all the while and engagingly slipping back in time 15 minutes when a guard sounds the alarm. Dante is dead, but by going back in time, he lives again in a slightly different reality. Once more the robbery goes sour because of the faulty virtual-reality model Dante studied, which leaves him trapped in the bank building when the escape route he memorized turns out not to be there. Later, Dante finds himself in a mall with his sidekick, the Entropy Kid, wondering whether they have been arrested. Other characters include gun moll Rosa Control, pulled in for questioning by the philosophical cops. A mockery of a novel, appealing to postmodern sensibilities more than to the general reader per se. John Mort

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    • $8.95
  • Burning Bright by John Steinbeck - USED Paperback Classics

    Burning Bright by John Steinbeck - USED Paperback Classics

    The last of John Steinbeck’s play-novelettes, Burning Bright was the author’s final attempt after 1937’s Of Mice and Men and 1942’s The Moon is Down to create what he saw as a new, experimental literary form.  Four scenes, four people: the husband who yearns for a son, ignorant of his own sterility; the wife who commits adultery to fulfill her husband’s wish; the father of the child; and the outsider whose actions will affect them all. In this turn on a medieval morality play, Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck casts an unwavering light on these four intertwined lives, revealing in their finely drawn circumstances the universal contours of vulnerability and passion, desperation and desire.

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    • $0.50
  • Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit! : A Puzzling Novel by C. Casey Gardiner - Paperback RARE

    Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit! : A Puzzling Novel by C. Casey Gardiner - Paperback RARE

    Mark Volhovsky is a disenchanted teenager living in the crumbling town of Warren, Michigan. One night, when he re-encounters Chicory -- the fearless, blue-hued, imaginary rabbit friend of his childhood -- it opens the door to a strange and disturbing world of magic, mayhem and conspiracy. 

    Something sinister is happening around Warren. It's not the hissing creatures showing up in the boy's dreams or the dark strangers knocking at his door, and it's not those pale children who keep lurking in the streets, trying to devour him. Something big is coming, and Mark can't deny it any more than he can deny the giant blue rabbit standing beside him. Should he step out and leave the fight against chaos to the professionals, or can he muster the insanity and compassion that it takes to be a real magician? 

    And if he does, will he lose his best friend forever? 

    Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!: A Puzzling Novel is a contemporary fantasy story with an experimental flavor -- a tale told in prose, poetry, typography and esoteric imagery. It is, in all senses of the word, a puzzling tale.

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    • $22.99
  • Soft City : The Lost Graphic Novel by Hariton Pushwagner - Hardcover

    Soft City : The Lost Graphic Novel by Hariton Pushwagner - Hardcover

    The legendary Norwegian pop artist Pushwagner’s scathing comics masterpiece—lost for decades, and never before published in the U.S.—is an epic vision of a single day in a world gone wrong: a brightly smiling, disturbingly familiar dystopia of towering skyscrapers, omnipresent surveillance, and endless distant war. “CLEAN BOMB THE HAPPY-HAPPY WAY,” blares the morning paper. “Heil Hilton!” barks an overlord on the news. 

    "Created by the Norwegian artist Hariton Pushwagner between 1969 and 1975, then unseen for decades, the astonishing cartoon treatise SOFT CITY has finally arrived in the United States. Its oversize pages depict city life as an identity-annihilating, cookie-cutter horror, observed by a baby named Bingo." – Douglas Wolk, The New York Times Book Review

    Welcome to Soft City. Now don’t be late for work.

    "This lost work, now published in an oversize hardback edition, comes as an aesthetic revelation...Echoing Ulysses in its one-day structure, and Kafka in its humorous yet cutting condemnation of bureaucratic systems, this book sweeps up the reader in vast yet minimalist panoramas emphasizing the visual monotony of tasks such as going to work and buying one’s daily bread...this book will delight fans of experimental and visually lush graphic novels.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review

    “Soft City is Norwegian pop artist Pushwagner’s frenetic, prophetic masterpiece…breathtaking and damning in equal measure.” —Sean Rogers, The Globe and Mail

    "Soft City is a compelling storehouse of midcentury anxieties. Even if these anxieties are no longer quite the same—if we now inhabit a world in which the absence of work is more terrifying than its overbearing presence—there is still value to Pushwagner’s vision…Soft City turned an era’s apprehensions into art." —Brad Prager, Los Angeles Review of Books

    “The images are simple, but there’s something seething behind them, perhaps the passion of an artist possessed of true vision…fans of indie books and art lovers will embrace this as a masterpiece.” –Tom Batten, Library Journal 

    • $32.95
  • Meta Math! : The Quest for Omega by Gregory Chaitin - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    Meta Math! : The Quest for Omega by Gregory Chaitin - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    In Meta Math!, Gregory Chaitin, one of the world’s foremost mathematicians, leads us on a spellbinding journey of scientific discovery and illuminates the process by which he arrived at his groundbreaking theories.

    “A startling vision of the future of mathematics. . . . The Chaitinesque intellectual future will be eternally youthful and anarchic.”–American Scientist 

    “Math’s dark secret is out. . . . Chaitin explains why omega, a number he discovered thirty years ago, has him convinced that math is based on randomness.”–
    Time Magazine 

    “Captivating. . . . With extraordinary skill and a gentle humor, Chaitin shares his profound insights.” –Paul Davies, author of 
    How to Build a Time Machine 

    All of science is based on mathematics, but mathematicians have become painfully aware that math itself has serious limitations. This notion was first revealed in the work of two giants of twentieth-century mathematics: Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing. Now their successor, Gregory Chaitin, digs even deeper into the foundations of mathematics, demonstrating that mathematics is riddled with randomness, enigmas, and paradoxes.

    Chaitin’s revolutionary discovery, the Omega number, is an exquisitely complex representation of unknowability in mathematics. His investigations shed light on what, ultimately, we can know about the universe and the very nature of life. But if unknowability is at the core of Chaitin’s theories, the great gift of his book is its completely engaging knowability. In an infectious and enthusiastic narrative, Chaitin introduces us to his passion for mathematics at its deepest and most philosophical level, and delineates the specific intellectual and intuitive steps he took toward the discovery of Omega. In the final analysis, he shows us that mathematics is as much art as logic, as much experimental science as pure reasoning. And by the end, he has helped us to see and appreciate the art––and the sheer beauty––in the science of math.

    In Meta Math!, Gregory Chaitin takes us to the very frontiers of scientific thinking. It is a thrilling ride.

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    • $60.00
  • Quantum Enigma : Physics Encounters Consciousness 2nd Edition by Bruce Rosenblum and‎ Fred Kuttner - Paperback

    Quantum Enigma : Physics Encounters Consciousness 2nd Edition by Bruce Rosenblum and‎ Fred Kuttner - Paperback

    In trying to understand the atom, physicists built quantum mechanics, the most successful theory in science and the basis of one-third of our economy. They found, to their embarrassment, that with their theory, physics encounters consciousness. Authors Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner explain all this in non-technical terms with help from some fanciful stories and anecdotes about the theory's developers. They present the quantum mystery honestly, emphasizing what is and what is not speculation. Quantum Enigma's description of the experimental quantum facts, and the quantum theory explaining them, is undisputed. Interpreting what it all means, however, is heatedly controversial. But every interpretation of quantum physics involves consciousness. Rosenblum and Kuttner therefore turn to exploring consciousness itself--and encounter quantum mechanics. Free will and anthropic principles become crucial issues, and the connection of consciousness with the cosmos suggested by some leading quantum cosmologists is mind-blowing. Readers are brought to a boundary where the particular expertise of physicists is no longer the only sure guide. They will find, instead, the facts and hints provided by quantum mechanics and the ability to speculate for themselves.

    "A remarkable and readable presentation." --Charles Townes, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 

    "This book is unique.  EL The clearest expositions I have ever seen." --George Greenstein, Professor of Astronomy, Amherst College 

    "An immensely important and exciting book." --Raymond Chester Russ, editor of Journal of Mind and Behavior 

    "Exposes the hidden skeleton in the physicist's closet." --Nick Herbert, author of Quantum Reality 

    In the few decades since the Bell's theorem experiments established the existence of entanglement (Einstein's "spooky action"), interest in the foundations, and the mysteries, of quantum mechanics has accelerated. In recent years, physicists, philosophers, computer engineers, and even biologists have expanded our realization of the significance of quantum phenomena. This second edition includes such advances. The authors have also drawn on many responses from readers and instructors to improve the clarity of the book's explanations.

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    • $17.95
  • The Atrocity Exhibition (Flamingo Modern Classics) by J. G. Ballard - Paperback
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    The Atrocity Exhibition (Flamingo Modern Classics) by J. G. Ballard - Paperback

    A prophetic and experimental masterpiece by J. G. Ballard, the acclaimed author of Crash and Super-Cannes. This edition includes explanatory notes from the author.  

    The irrational, all-pervading violence of the modern world is the subject of this extraordinary tour de force.  

    The central character's dreams are haunted by images of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, dead astronauts and car-crash victims as he traverses the screaming wastes of nervous breakdown. Seeking his sanity, he casts himself in a number of roles: H-bomber pilot, presidential assassin, crash victim, psychopath. Finally, through the black, perverse magic of violence he transcends his psychic turmoil to find the key to a bizarre new sexuality.

    In this revised edition, Ballard has added extensive annotation that help to unlock many of the mysteries of one of the most prophetic, enigmatic and original works of the late twentieth century.This edition is part of a new commemorative series of Ballard's works, featuring introductions from a number of his admirers (including Neil Gaiman, Iain Sinclair, James Lever and Ali Smith) and brand-new cover designs.

    • $14.95
  • In Dubious Battle by John Steinbeck - Paperback Penguin Classics
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    In Dubious Battle by John Steinbeck - Paperback Penguin Classics

    A riveting novel of labor strife and apocalyptic violence, now a major motion picture starring James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Selena Gomez, and Zach Braff

    "Dramatically intense, beautifully written. It is the real thing; it has a vigor of sheer storytelling that may sweep away many prejudices."-The New Republic 

    At once a relentlessly fast-paced, admirably observed novel of social unrest and the story of a young man's struggle for identity, In Dubious Battle is set in the California apple country, where a strike by migrant workers against rapacious landowners spirals out of control, as a principled defiance metamorphoses into blind fanaticism. Caught in the upheaval is Jim Nolan, a once aimless man who find himself in the course of the strike, briefly becomes its leader, and is ultimately crushed in its service.

    For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

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    • $13.95
  • Vicious by V.E. Schwab - Paperback

    Vicious by V.E. Schwab - Paperback

    A masterful tale of ambition, jealousy, desire, and superpowers.

    Victor and Eli started out as college roommates―brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong.

    Ten years later, Victor breaks out of prison, determined to catch up to his old friend (now foe), aided by a young girl whose reserved nature obscures a stunning ability. Meanwhile, Eli is on a mission to eradicate every other super-powered person that he can find―aside from his sidekick, an enigmatic woman with an unbreakable will. Armed with terrible power on both sides, driven by the memory of betrayal and loss, the archnemeses have set a course for revenge―but who will be left alive at the end?

    In Vicious, V. E. Schwab brings to life a gritty comic-book-style world in vivid prose: a world where gaining superpowers doesn't automatically lead to heroism, and a time when allegiances are called into question.

    "A dynamic and original twist on what it means to be a hero and a villain. A killer from page one…highly recommended!" ―Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Marvel Universe vs The Avengers and Patient Zero

    • $13.95
  • An Alternative to Speech by David Lehman - Paperback

    An Alternative to Speech by David Lehman - Paperback

    Lehman's ironic poems first catch the reader with their jangly nervous energy and their delight in word play and paradox. They often explore the relation between language and truth (as in "Abeit Macht Frei," when the phrase, "Work shall set you free," takes on sinister connotations when posted above the gate of Auschwitz), or the limits of intellect, stripping away the protective coating of reason to reveal the terror beneath. Highly experimental approaches are combined with traditional elements; Lehman is not afraid to use rhyme and will frequently play on the expectations of traditional forms. While sometimes merely glib wit, these poems more often survey the contemporary malaise from fresh, striking angles. Lawrence Rungren, Bedford Free P.L., Mass.     --From Library Journal
    Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. 

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    • $4.95
  • The Masterpiece : A Novel by Fiona Davis - Hardcover
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    The Masterpiece : A Novel by Fiona Davis - Hardcover

    In her latest captivating novel, nationally bestselling author Fiona Davis takes readers into the glamorous lost art school within Grand Central Terminal, where two very different women, fifty years apart, strive to make their mark on a world set against them.

    For the nearly nine million people who live in New York City, Grand Central Terminal is a crown jewel, a masterpiece of design. But for Clara Darden and Virginia Clay, it represents something quite different.

    For Clara, the terminal is the stepping stone to her future, which she is certain will shine as the brightly as the constellations on the main concourse ceiling. It is 1928, and twenty-five-year-old Clara is teaching at the lauded Grand Central School of Art. A talented illustrator, she has dreams of creating cover art for Vogue, but not even the prestige of the school can override the public's disdain for a "woman artist." Brash, fiery, confident, and single-minded--even while juggling the affections of two men, a wealthy would-be poet and a brilliant experimental painter--Clara is determined to achieve every creative success. But she and her bohemian friends have no idea that they'll soon be blindsided by the looming Great Depression, an insatiable monster with the power to destroy the entire art scene. And even poverty and hunger will do little to prepare Clara for the greater tragedy yet to come.

    Nearly fifty years later, in 1974, the terminal has declined almost as sharply as Virginia Clay's life. Full of grime and danger, from the smoke-blackened ceiling to the pickpockets and drug dealers who roam the floor, Grand Central is at the center of a fierce lawsuit: Is the once-grand building a landmark to be preserved, or a cancer to be demolished? For Virginia, it is simply her last resort. Recently divorced, she has just accepted a job in the information booth in order to support herself and her college-age daughter, Ruby. But when Virginia stumbles upon an abandoned art school within the terminal and discovers a striking watercolor hidden under the dust, her eyes are opened to the elegance beneath the decay. She embarks on a quest to find the artist of the unsigned masterpiece--an impassioned chase that draws Virginia not only into the battle to save Grand Central but deep into the mystery of Clara Darden, the famed 1920s illustrator who disappeared from history in 1931.

    • $17.95
  • 13 Things That Don't Make Sense by Michael Brooks - Hardcover Science
    • 79% less

    13 Things That Don't Make Sense by Michael Brooks - Hardcover Science

    Spanning disciplines from biology to cosmology, chemistry to psychology to physics, Michael Brooks thrillingly captures the excitement of scientific discovery.Science’s best-kept secret is this: even today, thereare experimental results that the most brilliant scientists cannot explain. In the past, similar “anomalies” have revolutionized our world. If history is any precedent, we should look to today’s inexplicable results to forecast the future of science. Michael Brooks heads to the scientific frontier to confront thirteen modern-day anomalies and what they might reveal about tomorrow’s breakthroughs.

    Science starts to get interesting when things don’t make sense.

    Science’s best-kept secret is this: even today, there are experimental results and reliable data that the most brilliant scientists can neither explain nor dismiss. In the past, similar "anomalies" have revolutionized our world, like in the sixteenth century, when a set of celestial anomalies led Copernicus to realize that the Earth goes around the sun and not the reverse, and in the 1770s, when two chemists discovered oxygen because of experimental results that defied all the theories of the day. And so, if history is any precedent, we should look to today’s inexplicable results to forecast the future of science. In 13 Things That Don’t Make Sense, Michael Brooks heads to the scientific frontier to meet thirteen modern-day anomalies and discover tomorrow’s breakthroughs.

    13 Things opens at the twenty-third Solvay physics conference, where the scientists present are ready to throw up their hands over an anomaly: is it possible that the universe, rather than slowly drifting apart as the physics of the big bang had once predicted, is actually expanding at an ever-faster speed? From Solvay and the mysteries of the universe, Brooks travels to a basement in Turin to subject himself to repeated shocks in a test of the placebo response. No study has ever been able to definitively show how the placebo effect works, so why has it become a pillar of medical science? Moreover, is 96 percent of the universe missing? Is a 1977 signal from outer space a transmission from an alien civilization? Might giant viruses explain how life began? Why are some NASA satellites speeding up as they get farther from the sun—and what does that mean for the laws of physics?

    Spanning disciplines from biology to cosmology, chemistry to psychology to physics, Brooks thrillingly captures the excitement, messiness, and controversy of the battle over where science is headed. "In science," he writes, "being stuck can be a sign that you are about to make a great leap forward. The things that don’t make sense are, in some ways, the only things that matter." 

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  • Gateways Science Fiction Anthology edited by Elizabeth Anne Hull - Hardcover
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    Gateways Science Fiction Anthology edited by Elizabeth Anne Hull - Hardcover

    An anthology of new, original stories by bestselling science fiction authors, inspired by science fiction great Frederik Pohl

    It isn’t easy to get a group of bestselling SF authors to write new stories for an anthology, but that’s what Elizabeth Anne Hull has done in this powerhouse book. With original, captivating tales by Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Ben Bova, David Brin, Cory Doctorow, Neil Gaiman, Joe Haldeman, Harry Harrison, Larry Niven, Vernor Vinge, Gene Wolfe, and others, Gateways is a SF event that will be a must-buy for SF readers of all tastes, from the traditional to the cutting edge; from the darkly serious to the laugh-out-loud funny.

    Each author has written a story that he or she feels reflects the effect Pohl has had on the field—in the style of writing, the narrative tone, or the subject matter. It says a lot about Pohl's career that the authors represented here themselves span many decades and styles, from the experimental SF of British SF author Brian W. Aldiss to the over-the-top humor of Harry Harrison and Mike Resnick, from the darkly powerful drama of Hollywood screenwriter Frank Robinson to the satiric pungency of multiple Hugo Award-winner Vernor Vinge. Every story here is uniquely nuanced; all of them as entertaining and thought provoking as Pohl's fiction.

    In a career dating back to 1939, Pohl has won all the awards science fiction has to offer: Hugos, Nebulas, the SFWA Grand Master Award. Having written more than two million words of fiction and edited the groundbreaking Star anthologies and Hugo Award-winning magazines and books, Pohl is an SF icon. This anthology of brilliant, entertaining SF stories is a testament to his stature in the field.

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    • $13.95
  • Negative Space by B.R. Yeager Paperback Transgressive / Experimental Literature

    Negative Space by B.R. Yeager Paperback Transgressive / Experimental Literature

    "Like smoke off a collision between Dennis Cooper’s George Miles Cycle and Beyond The Black Rainbow, absorbing the energy of mind control, reincarnation, parallel universes, altered states, school shootings, obsession, suicidal ideation, and so much else, B.R. Yeager’s multi-valent voicing of drugged up, occult youth reveals fresh tunnels into the gray space between the body and the spirit, the living and the dead, providing a well-aimed shot in the arm for the world of conceptual contemporary horror."—Blake Butler, author of Three Hundred Million

    “Ever wonder where teenage children go at night? Perhaps it’s best not knowing the answer. There’s something amiss in Kinsfield, a drab, boring city much like your own, except for the teenage suicide epidemic, stagnant, ineffectual parents, cultish behavior that borders on psychosis, and strings, strings everywhere. B.R. Yeager’s Negative Space is a hypnotic collage of message boards, memes, and ruined bodies twisting at the end of a rope. Most modern novels have lost all concept of magic. B.R. Yeager’s Negative Space is a stunning refutation of the quotidian.”—James Nulick, author of Haunted Girlfriend & Valencia

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    • $13.00
  • Quantum Theory by David Bohn - Paperback Science Physics

    Quantum Theory by David Bohn - Paperback Science Physics

    This superb text by David Bohm, formerly Princeton University and Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at Birkbeck College, University of London, provides a formulation of the quantum theory in terms of qualitative and imaginative concepts that have evolved outside and beyond classical theory. Although it presents the main ideas of quantum theory essentially in nonmathematical terms, it follows these with a broad range of specific applications that are worked out in considerable mathematical detail.

    Addressed primarily to advanced undergraduate students, the text begins with a study of the physical formulation of the quantum theory, from its origin and early development through an analysis of wave vs. particle properties of matter. In Part II, Professor Bohm addresses the mathematical formulation of the quantum theory, examining wave functions, operators, Schrödinger's equation, fluctuations, correlations, and eigenfunctions.

    Part III takes up applications to simple systems and further extensions of quantum theory formulation, including matrix formulation and spin and angular momentum. Parts IV and V explore the methods of approximate solution of Schrödinger's equation and the theory of scattering. In Part VI, the process of measurement is examined along with the relationship between quantum and classical concepts.

    Throughout the text, Professor Bohm places strong emphasis on showing how the quantum theory can be developed in a natural way, starting from the previously existing classical theory and going step by step through the experimental facts and theoretical lines of reasoning which led to replacement of the classical theory by the quantum theory.

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    • $27.00