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  • Charlotte au Chocolat : Memories of a Restaurant Girlhood by Charlotte Silver - Hardcover Memoir

    Charlotte au Chocolat : Memories of a Restaurant Girlhood by Charlotte Silver - Hardcover Memoir

    Like Eloise growing up in the Plaza Hotel, Charlotte Silver grew up in her mother's restaurant. Located in Harvard Square, Upstairs at the Pudding was a confection of pink linen tablecloths and twinkling chandeliers, a decadent backdrop for childhood. Over dinners of foie gras and Dover sole, always served with a Shirley Temple, Charlotte kept company with a rotating cast of eccentric staff members. After dinner, in her frilly party dress, she often caught a nap under the bar until closing time. Her one constant was her glamorous, indomitable mother, nicknamed "Patton in Pumps," a wasp-waisted woman in cocktail dress and stilettos who shouldered the burden of raising a family and running a kitchen. Charlotte's unconventional upbringing takes its toll, and as she grows up she wishes her increasingly busy mother were more of a presence in her life. But when the restaurant-forever teetering on the brink of financial collapse-looks as if it may finally be closing, Charlotte comes to realize the sacrifices her mother has made to keep the family and restaurant afloat and gains a new appreciation of the world her mother has built.

    Infectious, charming, and at times wistful, Charlotte au Chocolat is a celebration of the magic of a beautiful presentation and the virtues of good manners, as well as a loving tribute to the author's mother-a woman who always showed her best face to the world.

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    • $3.95
  • Ninja Master Prep Professional Food Processor

    Ninja Master Prep Professional Food Processor

    The Ninja Master Prep Professional handles all of your chopping, food processing, and blending needs in 3 conveniently sized jars great for personal servings or for entertaining. Put the power in the palm of your hand with the versatile Master Prep Professional, which crushes ice into snow in seconds, blends frozen fruits into creamy smoothies, and chops fresh ingredients evenly. Mince, dice, chop, blend, and puree in the 16 oz. (2 cup) chopper bowl or larger 40 oz. (5 cup) processor bowl, and blend in the 48 oz. (6 cup) pitcher. 

    The interchangeable 450-watt power pod quickly switches between the 48 oz. pitcher, 40 oz. processor bowl, and 16 oz. chopper bowl to allow for versatility in the kitchen. Once you are finished blending, processing, or chopping, use the convenient storage lids to keep your food fresh.

    • $74.95
  • Whirligig by Robert Gordon - Paperback Fiction

    Whirligig by Robert Gordon - Paperback Fiction

    That was the last thing Klaus had to say before we left J.C.' s diner to go our separate ways. On my way home, I decided I would drive by my grandparents' home. Every once in a while I'll do that, even though it's very painful to realize that they're gone now and that house belongs to someone else- a total stranger. When I come to the house, I park in front and just sit there, recalling that during the Prohibition Era this house was a blind pig and my grandmother was the proprietress. As a young boy, I would walk the three miles from my house just to sit on the front porch with "ma" so I could listen to her tell stories about the "old days". It's been thirty years since I've been inside that house, which was a second home to me when I was growing up. I have a feeling that if I were to go inside now, that my grandfather would still be sitting there in his favorite chair wearing nothing but his BVDs (the kind with the back flap that buttons up) reading "True Detective" or "Field and Stream." I am tempted to walk up the front steps and ring the doorbell, but I don't dare. 

    Not far here was a little pond and a garbage dump. In the summers of my childhood, I'd go down to the pond and catch tadpoles and pollywogs, or I'd walk over to the dump and scrounge around for hidden treasures amidst the trash. Say, what's happening to me? Maybe I'm dying. No? Then why is my whole life- beginning with my earliest memories- suddenly passing before my eyes? 

    It's my birthday, I'm five-years-old old and I'm sitting on a wooden pony on the fifth floor of Hudson's Department Store in downtown Detroit where I'll be getting my first professional haircut. Later that same day, my mother takes me to Sanders for a Hot Fudge Sunday. Cut to that little pond I mentioned. I've been catching pollywogs with a strainer and putting them in a jar when a big kid comes up to me and orders me to leave. I refuse and he wrestles me to the ground, demanding that I say uncle. When I refuse to say uncle, he gives me a good pounding, then takes that jar of mine and empties its contents back into the pond. I don't cry, but holding back the tears, I vow to myself that I'll get him back some day. But I never do. 

    So many things from my childhood have disappeared, like that pond, for instance, which is no longer there, and the garbage dump, and the creek where we fished for carp and the bridge that spanned it- all of that's been gone for years. Gone, too, are the vacant lots where we played pick up baseball in the summer, and the woods where we had bonfires in the fall, roasting marshmallows over the fire while warming ourselves. Now that I think of it, my grade school is gone- torn down years ago to make way for a Farmer Jack's. And the schoolyard where we held our marble tournaments before and after school (knuckles down, no hunching) and played kick ball and dodge ball- that schoolyard where I had so much fun- buried and paved-over into a parking lot- gone. Gone the way of the sheeny-man who came into our neighborhood riding an antique horse that clop, clop clopped down our street pulling a wagon full of junk while the sheeny blew his shrill-sounding horn to let the neighborhood know that he had arrived. Gone too, the ice man who carried big blocks of ice with silver tongs for our ice box; and gone- the man who delivered the coal that went rumbling down the coal shoot and into the coal bin, a fascinating place in its own right when you're still young enough to appreciate such things as coal bins All that's gone. 

    Within walking distance of my grandmother's house is the movie theater. I'm six and I'm standing in a long line with all the other kids holding a quarter in my hand: the price of admission back then. For a mere twenty-five cents you've gained entrance to that darkened theater to watch three movies, a newsreel, a serial, (Flash Gordon was my favorite.), cartoons and coming attractions. Seven years later, in that same theater, I sit down next to a strange girl and ask her if she would like to neck with me, and she consents, taking my hand in hers and leaning her head on my shoulder. (Necking wasn't really allowed, and if you weren't careful, a very official-looking usherette, who wore a uniform with gold buttons down the front and epaulettes on the shoulders, would shine her flashlight on you.) The last time I drove by the Lincoln Park Show it was advertising itself on the marquee as Adult Entertainment. 

    The Depression having ended by the time I was born, my earliest memories begin around the time of World War II. My mother is sitting down at the kitchen table placing little green stamps in her ration book. Once the book is full, she'll go to a redemption center and have the stamps redeemed for money to buy food with. That was the year we planted a victory garden in the vacant lot next to our house. In a similar vein, the kids on our my block had paper drives and collected scrap metal. It was all part of the war effort, for as young boys we were learning how to be patriotic and to love the flag and "the country for which it stands"- America. As a matter of fact, my very first lesson in patriotism came in the form of a warning from the big kids on my block never to let the American flag touch the ground or I'd have to burn it- just one of a number of taboos I learned as a child similar to, but nowhere near as fearful as, "step on a crack and break you mother's back'. 

    Where are they now?- my comic book collection and those hundreds and hundreds of matchbooks that I picked out of gutters and found in empty fields on the way home from school. And why? Because, as a kid of nine, I found the endless variety of match covers fascinating. What happened to my Lionel train- the one I woke up to find underneath the Christmas tree, my Red Ryder be-be gun and my American Flyer bike?- where are they now? 

    At that age, my indoor world was a world of tinker toys, erector sets, and games- all kinds of games: hockey, basketball, football and my favorite, APBA baseball,- and the radio. Every Sunday, after church, my dad would buy a paper from the paperboy, and when we got home, I would do is spread out the comic section on the living room floor, then turn on the radio and listen to the Sunday comics being read over the air. During the week, when I get home from school, the first thing I do is turn on the radio and listen to my favorite programs: Jack Armstrong, All-American boy, Captain Midnight, (I wear my Captain Midnight decoder ring that glows in the dark), Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, and broadcast from WXYZ, our very own Lone Ranger. Hi-o Silver, away. In the evening was Baby Snooks, The Great Gildersleeve, Inner Sanctum, Lights Out, My Friend Irma, Bulldog Drummond, The Shadow, Mr. Keane, Tracer of Lost Persons, Name that Tune, Mr. I.Q., Life with Luigi, and another local favorite, The Green Hornet. 

    My outdoor world was the streets, the vacant lots, the fields and the alleys of my neighborhood. In the street we played hockey in the winter and touch football in the fall; in fields and vacant lots we played pick up baseball and built our underground fort where we slept out on hot summer nights playing Hearts and Crazy Eights by candlelight, or we climbed up the rope ladder to our tree house where, with our binoculars, we could spy on all our neighbors. Alleys were for alley-picking and for war games played with cap pistols, be-be guns, and sling shots. We made walkie-talkies out of old tin cans and string, kites using clothes line, parachutes, and model airplanes. In the vacant lot next to my house we played cork ball- if you ask me, the greatest game ever invented. You could play cork ball using a large bobber or an ordinary bottle cork for a ball and a broomstick handle for a bat. A ball that landed in the alley was a triple, on the other side of the alley, a home run.. 

    Item: our alleys were paved with cinders back then. The White Street gang lines up on one side, the Garfield Street gang on the other. There's going to be a rock fight. Before you know what's happening, the sky is filled with rocks. You throw, you duck, you throw another rock and then you duck and then something happens- your face is burning and throbbing. You've been hit. My god, you could have lost your eye. You could cry, but you don't. You are a casualty in a rock fight and you will carry a scar beneath your eye for the rest of your life, and you didn't cry- you are a hero. That night, after your father comes home from work, you get your first good licking. In bed that night, you pull the covers over your head and listen to your favorite radio programs before you fall asleep. 

    I'm back in the real world again, saddened by the sight of my grandmother's house. Whoever lives there now has let in fall into disrepair. No, I wouldn't want to go inside; it would depress me to see how everything would be different. No, I'll go now. I turn on the engine and head for home. I wonder as I drive past the familiar landmarks of my youth how time has changed so much, transforming Main Street into block after block of blighted buildings. Where there was once an ice cream parlor, a barbershop, and a shoe repair, there are now ugly abandoned or boarded-up buildings. Our two dime stores: Niesner's and Woolworth's, and Winkleman's, a classy women's clothing store, are now a dumpy-looking Dollar Store, a Temporary Jobs Office, and windowless Community Mental Health Center. Cunningham's, with its lunch counter where you could sit and have a chicken salad sandwich and a cup of coffee while you waited for your bus, is gone, and Sanders closed its doors ten years ago. 

    Last week I went with J.C. on a delivery run down near the docks in River Rouge and saw the Columbia, one of the two Bob-Lo boats, in dry dock. It's being restored. All the same, there will be no more picnics on the island because Bob-Lo Island, with its roller coaster, its dance hall and its many amusement rides, was sold to private developers and everything was torn down. At one time we had four such amusement parks; now there are none. Gone are the penny arcades of my youth, the slots where for a penny you could get sepia-colored pictures of ballplayers and boxers, movie stars, wrestlers and cowboys. All that's gone. But most tragic was the demolition of Hudson's, as thousands lined-up to watch the spectacle of this great landmark implode into a huge pile of rubble. 

    When I think of all that's been lost, I am saddened. One magnificent railway station demolished, the other, Michigan Central, an empty hulk. Now that all of its windows have been busted out, it's nothing more than a vacant shell of a building. And those lavish movie palaces of a bygone era, almost all them gone- closed or destroyed. The great burlesque houses, like the famous Gayety and The Esquire- they, too, have vanished, as have those magnificent ballrooms, the Grande and the Vanity; those proud hotels, the Sheraton Cadillac and the Fort Shelby; and finally, the Vernors' plant- the first one, the one located at the foot of Woodward Avenue where you caught the Bob-Lo boat way back when. I believe it's been more than fifty years since they tore it down. A local product, Vernor's has the distinction of being the first soda pop in America. Today, it is owned by one of America's largest conglomerates: the Pepsi Cola Company. 

    I remember the day the carnival came to town and seeing the boy with webbed feet, the bearded lady and the man who had a baby growing out of his stomach. Until the day I die, I'll never forget that man with the baby. Of all the freak shows I've seen, that's the one I'll never forget. How on earth, this six-year-old wondered (as he stood inside that stuffy tent with the smell of sawdust in his nostrils, holding on to his daddy's hand) could a man have a baby growing out of his stomach? How did it happen? That was in the city of Ecorse some fifty years ago on the fourth of July. I remember it well, especially watching the fireworks from atop the Ferris wheel, a burst of sound- boom- then splashes of color lighting up the sky, appearing in an instant, lingering for a moment, then fading away into the dark 

    A light goes on inside the house. I turn on my engine and drive off, but before going directly home, I take the overpass that connects suburbia with Detroit. Reaching the highest point of the overpass, I look out at the cityscape, all aglow and spread out like a magic carpet of light. Directly below- the refinery, with its eternal flame; then farther out, the Ambassador Bridge with its colorful beads of light, strung along the bridge from one side- the American side- to the other- the Canadian side; and then, at the farthest point of vision, the mills and factories bordering the river, their myriad lights; candles glowing in the dark, their smoke stacks; vertical canons, sending up ghostly wisps of smoke into the night sky -light to ward-off the coming darkness of a fascistic America ruled by powerful and impersonal corporations in league with a government indifferent to the dreams and aspirations of its people, the working people of America. We cannot let this happen; this relentless juggernaut has to be stopped. If we don't stop it and stop it soon, before it is too late (if it's not already too late), the lights will go out all across America and darkness will cover the land.

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    • $29.95
  • The Recipe Box by Sandra Lee - Paperback USED

    The Recipe Box by Sandra Lee - Paperback USED

    From New York Times bestselling author Sandra Lee comes her debut novel, a heartwarming story about food, family, and forgiveness.

    Grace Holm-D'Angelo is at her wit's end, trying to create a new life from broken pieces. Newly divorced, she is navigating suddenly becoming a single mother to her fourteen-year-old daughter. Emma, resentful about being uprooted from Chicago to LA and still reeling from the divorce, is generally giving her mother a hard time.

    Then Grace's best friend, Leeza, succumbs to breast cancer after a long battle, and Grace realizes that you don't get a second chance at life. She returns to her hometown of New London, Wisconsin, to try to reconcile with her own mother, Lorraine, with whom she's been estranged for longer than she cares to remember.

    Over the course of the summer, Grace rediscovers the healing powers of cooking, coming to terms with your past, and friendship, and learns you can go home again, and sometimes that's exactly where you belong.

    The Recipe Box celebrates mothers, daughters, and friendships, and also features Sandra's delicious original recipes.

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    • $1.95
  • Storied Sips : Evocative Cocktails for Everyday Escaptes, with 40 Recipes - Hardcover

    Storied Sips : Evocative Cocktails for Everyday Escaptes, with 40 Recipes - Hardcover

    Take a trip in a sip, a journey through time and place via the cocktail glass. The libations in this intoxicating collection span some 200 years, from Europe to the Far East, and they're the drinks with the best tales to tell. Because--without a backstory--a cocktail is nothing more than spirits and mixers. But spike that drink with an anecdote about the people, places, and circumstances that influenced its creation, and imbibers are instantly transported. Step into a British officer's club in 1920s Burma to try the Pegu Club, disembark in colonial Bermuda to sample the original Dark & Stormy, or join F. Scott Fitzgerald and Cole Porter at The Ritz Hotel in Paris for a Royal Highball, among the many spirited adventures between these covers.

    The book itself is like a classic cocktail, with its iconic, vintage appeal. Mixed media illustrations by award-winning Danish artist Poul Lange feature vintage bottle labels, postcards, and magazine images. The illustrations are matched with simple recipes and deeply researched backstories for a new look at the world's most iconic cocktails. 

    More than a sum of its parts, Storied Sips is a book about living the good life, treating oneself to a dash of civilized escapism at the end of a busy day. Truly, there's nothing like a cocktail to strip away the dullness of the mundane, gilding an evening with a heightened glow, or adding cultured flair to a get-together with friends. Organized from light-bodied quenchers to rich, complex warmers, Storied Sips makes it easy to find cocktail inspiration any time of the year.

    REVIEWS says: “Author Erica Duecy chronicles 200 years of tending bar and the resulting book of tales are a must-read for any cocktail aficionado.” 

    “Like many other drink books, this one has cocktails along with their stories and recipes. Yet unlike others, this tiny book and its alluring collage-based illustrations is able to transport you to another time, a different era. In just a page or two the writer paints vivid pictures that allow you to hear the music of that moment, smell the smoke in that bar she's speaking of. It's a little magical.” - Maureen Petrosky,

    The Village Voice quips: “Other than luxury real estate catalogs that stir-up serious home-envy, I can’t recall reading another book that so made me want to immediately sell my “cozy, charming” apartment and buy a damn house. Why? I need kitchen cabinet space to collect the vintage barware and vessels in which the drinks in this book deserve to be served. Duecy, a first time author and deputy editor of Fodor’s Travel website, recaptures the glamour of classic cocktails by succinctly sharing the exotic, historical origin of each drink, seducing you to immediately take stock of your liquor cabinet and make a grocery list of what’s missing.”

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    • $6.95
  • Suffering Succotash by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic - Paperback Culinary Nonfiction

    Suffering Succotash by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic - Paperback Culinary Nonfiction

    A Picky Eater's Quest to Understand Why We Hate the Foods We Hate

    “Using humor, gusto, and her sensitive if skeptical palate to great effect, Stephanie Lucianovic explains the mechanics of picky eating. She shows us why we like some foods and not others, and illuminates the mysteries of our sense of taste. It takes a picky eater to understand picky eaters, and we should all be grateful for Lucianovic’s inspired work.”—Amanda Hesser, co-founder of and author of The Essential New York Times Cookbook

    As a child Stephanie Lucianovic lived for years on grilled cheese and created an elaborate system for disposing of revolting food involving bookshelves, holiday centerpieces, and, later, boyfriends. She agonized not over meeting her future in-laws, but over the peaches they served her. As an adult, this picky eater found herself in the most unlikely of circumstances: a graduate of culinary school who became a cheesemonger and then a food writer. Along the way, she realized just how common her plight was. It wasn’t surprising to discover that picky eating is an issue for millions of kids, but who knew there are even support groups for adults who can’t overcome it? Yet remarkably little is known about the science of picky eating, and cultural and historical questions abound. Are picky eaters destined to ascend to a higher plane of existence, and what happens when picky eaters fall in love or go to restaurants? How can you tell if you’re a “supertaster”? How does the gag reflex affect pickiness (and what secrets do sword swallowers impart to help overcome it)?

    “Hilarious and honest, Suffering Succotash is a fascinating read if you’ve ever gagged on your greens (or know someone who has).”—Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, authors of Spoiled and founders of

    Suffering Succotash is a wide-angle look into the world of picky eating, told by a writer who’s been in the culinary trenches. With wit and charm, through visits to laboratories specializing in genetic analysis, attempts to infiltrate the inner workings of a “feeding” clinic, and interviews with fellow picky eaters and adventurous foodies young and old, Stephanie explores her own food phobias and gets to the bottom of what repulses us about certain foods, what it really means to be a picky eater, and what we can do about it.

    “As a diner who will gladly eat the eyeballs off a shrimp, but who recoils in horror at the site of a raisin in an oatmeal cookie, I adored Suffering Succotash. Stephanie Lucianovic's charming and hilarious exploration of why we hate the foods we hate is packed to the gills with research on everything from sword-swallowers to supertasters and yet reads like a guilty pleasure. I couldn't put it down."—Suzanne Morrison, author of Yoga Bitch 

    "Lucianovic proves that hanging out with a picky eater doesn't have to be torture--do not judge the picky eater, just laugh as she learns to enjoy cruciferous vegetables."—Beth Lisick, author of Helping Me Help Myself and co-creator of Porchlight Storytelling Series

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    • $4.95
  • Physical Product Profits - Download for PCs

    Physical Product Profits - Download for PCs

    If you're not bringing in the commissions you want from digital products, then pay attention...

    “Discover The Simplest & Fastest Way To Sell Physical Products Through Amazon™ That Pay Out FAT Commissions!

    Now It's The Little Guy's Turn To Piggy Back Off The Large Corporations Without Having To Stock Or Risk In Any Products Themselves!

    We have all heard about being an affiliate for information products over and over again, but did you realize there is a whole new market that you are missing out on that can allow you to sell the most popular items over and over again?...

    Did you realize there is a huge set of products that people use and enjoy everyday that often times gets more interest than your everyday information product?

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    Almost everyday it seems you see advertisements on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines for items like flat screen televisions, video game systems, kitchen gadgets, popular movies, home entertainment systems, major appliances, and more.

    These huge companies that promote these products are spending millions of dollars annually to generate interest and buzz for their products.

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    You can now learn how to cash in on the buzz for these popular products around the clock potentially as an affiliate. I have compiled a total of 16 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be wildly successful online without having to worry about pushing products that no one ends up wanting to buy!

    Introducing Physical Product Profits!...

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    • $4.95
  • Food Lovers : Chicken : Delicious, Simple Recipes - Beautifully Illustrated Cookbook

    Food Lovers : Chicken : Delicious, Simple Recipes - Beautifully Illustrated Cookbook

    200 recipes complete with ingredients list, step by step preparation instructions with timetable each with a tempting photographed serving suggestion.

    Love food?  This stylish cookbook will help feed your passion by offering a collection of delicious recipes that are straightforward to prepare, don't require hours in the kitchen, and are also a feast for the eyes.  Whether you want to make a comforting casserole, a summer salad or a quick, spicy stir fry, you will love using these exciting recipes, and see great results every time.

    Each mouth-watering recipe is clearly set out with a list of ingredients, preparation and cooking times, step-by-step instructions and a beautifully photographed serving suggestion.

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    • $18.95
  • Clublife : Thugs, Drugs, & Chaos at New York City's Premier Nightclubs - Paperback Nonfiction

    Clublife : Thugs, Drugs, & Chaos at New York City's Premier Nightclubs - Paperback Nonfiction

    In Clublife, Rob "The Bouncer" takes readers on a harrowing tour of the seedy, dangerous, and often deranged world of New York's hottest nightclubs. In the tradition of Kitchen Confidential and The Tender Bar, Clublife is a remarkable memoir of the nightclub business and how drugs, alcohol, troublemakers, and violence conspire against the men clubs enlist to keep it all under control. Brutally honest and filled with incredible tales only a true insider could tell, Clublife gives readers an all-access pass into the seamy subculture of New York nightclub security.

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  • Rao's on the Grill : Italian Recipes from My Family by Frank Pellegrino, Jr. - Hardcover Cookbook
    • 57% less

    Rao's on the Grill : Italian Recipes from My Family by Frank Pellegrino, Jr. - Hardcover Cookbook

    World renowned Rao's Restaurant now takes on barbecuing with a new cookbook that gets you out of the kitchen and onto the patio

    The Pellegrino family knows what America wants to eat―and in Rao's On The Grill son Frank, Jr. reveals their family's summer entertaining secrets. This simple, fresh, happy cookbook features both new ideas for home chefs and great, abundant recipes for the food that the Pellegrinos make for themselves and their friends at home. Whether you have a simple kettle grill or a brand-new state-of-the-art outdoor kitchen, Rao's On The Grill will turn you on to new ways of using an ancient cooking method and will delight you with eighty new foolproof dishes to try. In Rao's On The Grill, you'll learn to:

    • cook pizza on the grill
    • create flavor-boosting marinades, sauces and rubs for
    meat and sides
    • grill vegetables to peak tenderness and char
    • turn to pasta salads with grilled accents
    • transform summer staples, such as seafood and corn, into
    magic meals
    • use your indoor cooking equipment on the grill
    • keep meat juicy
    • prepare the perfect I talian burger
    • make your winter favorites, like Lemon Chicken and Steak
    Pizzaiola, outdoors
    • use your grill for dessert!

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    • $14.95
  • Lazy Susan Serving Plate - Glass with Black Marble Design by CounterArt

    Lazy Susan Serving Plate - Glass with Black Marble Design by CounterArt

    Perfect for entertaining, this CounterArt Lazy Susan is a multi-functional piece that features a built-in mechanism that allows for a smooth rotation of its 13-inch round glass top. This serving piece is great for presenting appetizers, cakes and desserts, or even as a dining table centerpiece. The artistic design bears a remarkable resemblance to real marble and adds a distinctive style to your buffet table that will be enjoyed for years to come. Makes a beautiful housewarming, hostess or birthday gift.

    • $28.95
  • The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan - Paperback Literary Fiction
    • 18% less

    The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan - Paperback Literary Fiction

    "Remarkable...mesmerizing...compelling.... An entire world unfolds in Tolstoyan tide of event and detail....Give yourself over to the world Ms. Tan creates for you." —The New York Times Book Review

    Winnie and Helen have kept each other's worst secrets for more than fifty years. Now, because she believes she is dying, Helen wants to expose everything. And Winnie angrily determines that she must be the one to tell her daughter, Pearl, about the past—including the terrible truth even Helen does not know. And so begins Winnie's story of her life on a small island outside Shanghai in the 1920s, and other places in China during World War II, and traces the happy and desperate events that led to Winnie's coming to America in 1949. The Kitchen God's Wife is "a beautiful book" (Los Angeles Times) from the author of bestselling novels like The Joy Luck Club and The Valley of Amazement, and the new memoir, Where the Past Begins.

    • $13.95
  • Bamboo Trivets, Set of 2, One Square/One Round, 7-3/4" - from Lipper International

    Bamboo Trivets, Set of 2, One Square/One Round, 7-3/4" - from Lipper International

    Lipper International provides exceptionally valued items for the kitchen, home, office, and child's playroom. Known for their functionality and beauty, each of our products is individually crafted from the finest quality materials including stainless steel, bamboo, acacia wood, chrome and powder-coated metals and other fine hardwoods. Elegantly protect your counter and table tops from hot casseroles and pots with these 2 bamboo trivets. 

    Hand wash with a mild soap and cool water. Do not soak. Do not put in the dishwasher, microwave or refrigerator. Extreme changes in temperature will cause the material to crack over time. Dry thoroughly. Occasional use of mineral oil on the inside will help maintain its appearance.

    • $12.95
  • Meeting Luciano by Anna Esaki-Smith - Hardcover FIRST Edition
    • 31% less

    Meeting Luciano by Anna Esaki-Smith - Hardcover FIRST Edition

    To Hanako Shimoda, recently divorced, Luciano Pavarotti is a god. To her daughter, Emily, this fixation on Pavarotti is a harmless fantasy, the byproduct of loneliness. Meeting Luciano is the story of what happens when Hanako acts on her fantasy and invites opera star Pavarotti to dinner in their Westchester County home.

    Emily, with no real career plan, has gone back after college to work at her old summer job - waiting tables at the local Japanese steakhouse. Even worse than wearing a fake kimono and obi is that she's living at home with her mother. At first, her mom seems pretty much her old self - still reliving her Japanese childhood; still affecting the airs of a European sophisticate; still brewing espresso, cooking Italian, and singing arias from Rigoletto while she cleans; still idolizing Luciano Pavarotti.

    But when Hanako hires Alex, a handsome Greek, to renovate the kitchen, Emily begins to worry. And when Alex, who seems to be getting very cozy with her mother, spills the secret that the renovation is in preparation for a visit from Pavarotti, Emily is thrown into a wonderfully familiar quandary: how to deal with a parent who might be losing it.

    First-time novelist Anna Esaki-Smith has a wry, understated approach to the themes of assimilation, growing up, striking out on shaky ground, finding yourself - and loving your mother. Like a reflecting pool in a Japanese garden, Meeting Luciano gradually reveals the beauty of its subtle design.

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    • $12.99
  • Trisha's Table : My Feel-Good Favorites for a Balanced Life - Paperback

    Trisha's Table : My Feel-Good Favorites for a Balanced Life - Paperback

    Trisha Yearwood is the New York Times bestselling author of Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood and Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen, and stars in the Emmy Award–winning show Trisha’s Southern Kitchen on Food Network. She has recorded nine #1 songs and twelve albums, has won back-to-back awards for Country Music Association Female Vocalist of the Year, and has earned three Grammys. Trisha lives with her husband, Garth Brooks, in Nashville.

    • $14.95
  • Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood : Stories & Recipes - Paperback

    Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood : Stories & Recipes - Paperback

    Trisha Yearwood is the New York Times bestselling author of Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood and Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen, and stars in the Emmy Award–winning show Trisha’s Southern Kitchen on Food Network. She has recorded nine #1 songs and twelve albums, has won back-to-back awards for Country Music Association Female Vocalist of the Year, and has earned three Grammys. Trisha lives with her husband, Garth Brooks, in Nashville.

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    • $19.95
  • Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen by Trisha Yearwood - Paperback

    Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen by Trisha Yearwood - Paperback

    Trisha Yearwood is the New York Times bestselling author of Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood and Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen, and stars in the Emmy Award–winning show Trisha’s Southern Kitchen on Food Network. She has recorded nine #1 songs and twelve albums, has won back-to-back awards for Country Music Association Female Vocalist of the Year, and has earned three Grammys. Trisha lives with her husband, Garth Brooks, in Nashville.

    • $18.49
  • Valerie's Home Cooking : 100+ Delicious Recipes - Hardcover Cookbook

    Valerie's Home Cooking : 100+ Delicious Recipes - Hardcover Cookbook

    Valerie Bertinelli is the host of her own daytime series Valerie’s Home Cooking and co-hosts Kids Baking Championship on the Food Network. The two-time Golden Globe award-winning actress takes her fans into her kitchen with her new cookbook Valerie’s Home Cooking (Oxmoor House, an imprint of Time Inc. Books, October 2017). Her fun flavor combinations, like Brown Sugar Sriracha Bacon Bites, Lobster BLTs, and Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons, transform traditional classics into crave-worthy and exciting new dishes to enjoy with friends and family. 

    Bertinelli first became a household name for her role as Barbara on CBS’s long-running series, One Day at a Time. Over the years, her career expanded from acting to include hosting, spokesperson, business entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. She has also helped develop, produce, and star in several television movies and mini-series, and in August 2012 she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She most recently starred as Melanie Moretti in TV Land’s critically acclaimed sitcom Hot in Cleveland.

    • $19.95
  • One Dish at a Time : Delicious Recipes by Valerie Bertinelli - Hardcover

    One Dish at a Time : Delicious Recipes by Valerie Bertinelli - Hardcover

    Valerie Bertinelli is the host of her own daytime series Valerie’s Home Cooking and co-hosts Kids Baking Championship on the Food Network. The two-time Golden Globe award-winning actress takes her fans into her kitchen with her new cookbook Valerie’s Home Cooking (Oxmoor House, an imprint of Time Inc. Books, October 2017). Her fun flavor combinations, like Brown Sugar Sriracha Bacon Bites, Lobster BLTs, and Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons, transform traditional classics into crave-worthy and exciting new dishes to enjoy with friends and family. 

    Bertinelli first became a household name for her role as Barbara on CBS’s long-running series, One Day at a Time. Over the years, her career expanded from acting to include hosting, spokesperson, business entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. She has also helped develop, produce, and star in several television movies and mini-series, and in August 2012 she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She most recently starred as Melanie Moretti in TV Land’s critically acclaimed sitcom Hot in Cleveland.

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    • $16.95
  • Losing It : An Gaining My Life Back by Valerie Bertinelli - Paperback

    Losing It : An Gaining My Life Back by Valerie Bertinelli - Paperback

    Valerie Bertinelli is the host of her own daytime series Valerie’s Home Cooking and co-hosts Kids Baking Championship on the Food Network. The two-time Golden Globe award-winning actress takes her fans into her kitchen with her new cookbook Valerie’s Home Cooking (Oxmoor House, an imprint of Time Inc. Books, October 2017). Her fun flavor combinations, like Brown Sugar Sriracha Bacon Bites, Lobster BLTs, and Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons, transform traditional classics into crave-worthy and exciting new dishes to enjoy with friends and family. 

    Bertinelli first became a household name for her role as Barbara on CBS’s long-running series, One Day at a Time. Over the years, her career expanded from acting to include hosting, spokesperson, business entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. She has also helped develop, produce, and star in several television movies and mini-series, and in August 2012 she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She most recently starred as Melanie Moretti in TV Land’s critically acclaimed sitcom Hot in Cleveland.

    • $9.95
  • Finding It : Satisfying My Hunger for Life by Valerie Bertinelli - Paperback

    Finding It : Satisfying My Hunger for Life by Valerie Bertinelli - Paperback

    Valerie Bertinelli is the host of her own daytime series Valerie’s Home Cooking and co-hosts Kids Baking Championship on the Food Network. The two-time Golden Globe award-winning actress takes her fans into her kitchen with her new cookbook Valerie’s Home Cooking (Oxmoor House, an imprint of Time Inc. Books, October 2017). Her fun flavor combinations, like Brown Sugar Sriracha Bacon Bites, Lobster BLTs, and Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons, transform traditional classics into crave-worthy and exciting new dishes to enjoy with friends and family. 

    Bertinelli first became a household name for her role as Barbara on CBS’s long-running series, One Day at a Time. Over the years, her career expanded from acting to include hosting, spokesperson, business entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. She has also helped develop, produce, and star in several television movies and mini-series, and in August 2012 she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She most recently starred as Melanie Moretti in TV Land’s critically acclaimed sitcom Hot in Cleveland.

    • $9.95
  • Dolce Italiano : Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen - Hardcover

    Dolce Italiano : Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen - Hardcover

    Mario Batali's world now encompasses three New York City restaurants -- Babbo, Lupa, and Esca -- as well as a wine store, The Italian Wine Merchant. He is the host of Food Networks popular Molto Mario, as well as an upcoming new series, Mario Batalis Italy. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons.

    • $31.95
  • Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill Cookbook : Southwestern Kitchen - Hardcover

    Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill Cookbook : Southwestern Kitchen - Hardcover

    Bobby Flay is one of the most beloved -- and famous -- chefs in America. He is the food correspondent for CBS's The Early Show, appearing biweekly to report on food and cooking across America. In addition to his highly rated prime-time Food Network show Boy Meets Grill, his newest show, BBQ America with Bobby Flay, debuted in the summer of 2004. He is the chef-co-owner of two celebrated New York City restaurants, Mesa Grill and Bolo, which recently received a three-star rating from The New York Times, and is opening Mesa Grill Las Vegas in the summer of 2004. 

    • $26.95
  • Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives - Paperback Food Network Tie-In

    Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives - Paperback Food Network Tie-In

    In 2006, Guy Fieri premiered his first show, Guy’s Big Bite, on Food Network after winning season two of The Next Food Network Star. Today, this “culinary rock star” hosts two additional top-rated shows on the network: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Tail¬gate Warriors. And on March 14, 2010, Guy made his debut as a game show host on the NBC prime¬time series Minute to Win It.

    In 2011, Guy officially launched CWK (Cook¬ing with Kids;, a program that encourages developing healthy eating habits to address the childhood obesity crisis, strengthen the family unit by sharing quality time in the kitchen, and as a result increase our children’s self-esteem in a fun and positive way.

    Guy’s first two books were the New York Times bestselling Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives: An All-American Road Trip . . . with Recipes! and More Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: Another Drop-Top Culinary Cruise Through America’s Finest and Funkiest Joints.

    Guy owns five restaurants in Northern California, including three Johnny Garlic’s and two Tex Wasabi’s, and resides in Northern California with his wife, Lori, and two boys, Hunter and Ryder.

    • $15.00
  • Guy Fieri Food : Cookin' It, Livin' It, Lovin' It - Hardcover Food Network Tie-In

    Guy Fieri Food : Cookin' It, Livin' It, Lovin' It - Hardcover Food Network Tie-In

    In 2006, Guy Fieri premiered his first show, Guy’s Big Bite, on Food Network after winning season two of The Next Food Network Star. Today, this “culinary rock star” hosts two additional top-rated shows on the network: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Tail¬gate Warriors. And on March 14, 2010, Guy made his debut as a game show host on the NBC prime¬time series Minute to Win It.

    In 2011, Guy officially launched CWK (Cook¬ing with Kids;, a program that encourages developing healthy eating habits to address the childhood obesity crisis, strengthen the family unit by sharing quality time in the kitchen, and as a result increase our children’s self-esteem in a fun and positive way.

    Guy’s first two books were the New York Times bestselling Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives: An All-American Road Trip . . . with Recipes! and More Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: Another Drop-Top Culinary Cruise Through America’s Finest and Funkiest Joints.

    Guy owns five restaurants in Northern California, including three Johnny Garlic’s and two Tex Wasabi’s, and resides in Northern California with his wife, Lori, and two boys, Hunter and Ryder.

    • $16.95
  • Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives...with Recipes! by Guy Fieri - Paperback

    Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives...with Recipes! by Guy Fieri - Paperback

    In 2006, Guy Fieri premiered his first show, Guy’s Big Bite, on Food Network after winning season two of The Next Food Network Star. Today, this “culinary rock star” hosts two additional top-rated shows on the network: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Tail¬gate Warriors. And on March 14, 2010, Guy made his debut as a game show host on the NBC prime¬time series Minute to Win It.

    In 2011, Guy officially launched CWK (Cook¬ing with Kids;, a program that encourages developing healthy eating habits to address the childhood obesity crisis, strengthen the family unit by sharing quality time in the kitchen, and as a result increase our children’s self-esteem in a fun and positive way.

    Guy’s first two books were the New York Times bestselling Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives: An All-American Road Trip . . . with Recipes! and More Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: Another Drop-Top Culinary Cruise Through America’s Finest and Funkiest Joints.

    Guy owns five restaurants in Northern California, including three Johnny Garlic’s and two Tex Wasabi’s, and resides in Northern California with his wife, Lori, and two boys, Hunter and Ryder.

    Not rated yet
    • $12.95
  • Guy on Fire : 130 Recipes for Outdoor Cooking by Guy Fieri - Hardcover

    Guy on Fire : 130 Recipes for Outdoor Cooking by Guy Fieri - Hardcover

    In 2006, Guy Fieri premiered his first show, Guy’s Big Bite, on Food Network after winning season two of The Next Food Network Star. Today, this “culinary rock star” hosts two additional top-rated shows on the network: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Tail¬gate Warriors. And on March 14, 2010, Guy made his debut as a game show host on the NBC prime¬time series Minute to Win It.

    In 2011, Guy officially launched CWK (Cook¬ing with Kids;, a program that encourages developing healthy eating habits to address the childhood obesity crisis, strengthen the family unit by sharing quality time in the kitchen, and as a result increase our children’s self-esteem in a fun and positive way.

    Guy’s first two books were the New York Times bestselling Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives: An All-American Road Trip . . . with Recipes! and More Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: Another Drop-Top Culinary Cruise Through America’s Finest and Funkiest Joints.

    Guy owns five restaurants in Northern California, including three Johnny Garlic’s and two Tex Wasabi’s, and resides in Northern California with his wife, Lori, and two boys, Hunter and Ryder.

    • $14.95
  • More Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives by Guy Fieri - Paperback

    More Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives by Guy Fieri - Paperback

    In 2006, Guy Fieri premiered his first show, Guy’s Big Bite, on Food Network after winning season two of The Next Food Network Star. Today, this “culinary rock star” hosts two additional top-rated shows on the network: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Tail¬gate Warriors. And on March 14, 2010, Guy made his debut as a game show host on the NBC prime¬time series Minute to Win It.

    In 2011, Guy officially launched CWK (Cook¬ing with Kids;, a program that encourages developing healthy eating habits to address the childhood obesity crisis, strengthen the family unit by sharing quality time in the kitchen, and as a result increase our children’s self-esteem in a fun and positive way.

    Guy’s first two books were the New York Times bestselling Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives: An All-American Road Trip . . . with Recipes! and More Diners, Drive-ins and Dives: Another Drop-Top Culinary Cruise Through America’s Finest and Funkiest Joints.

    Guy owns five restaurants in Northern California, including three Johnny Garlic’s and two Tex Wasabi’s, and resides in Northern California with his wife, Lori, and two boys, Hunter and Ryder.

    • $16.95
  • Sunny's Kitchen : Easy Food for Real Life by Sunny Anderson - Paperback

    Sunny's Kitchen : Easy Food for Real Life by Sunny Anderson - Paperback

    From the host of the Food Network’s Cooking for Real and Home Made in America, and frequent guest on Rachael Ray and Today, here is Sunny Anderson's debut cookbook, featuring American classics, made her way.

    In Sunny's Kitchen, Sunny draws on her family roots in the Carolinas, her travels across the globe in a military family, and her years catering while a radio DJ. Her recipes are as bold and spicy as her palette and she welcomes you into her kitchen with an array of comfort foods. Sunny gives you the whole world in just a few bites: her southern Slow ‘n’ Low Ribs, a bit of Germany in her currywurst-inspired Pork Burgers with Spicy Ketchup, Asian influences in Spicy Noodle Bowls, and a classic Shrimp and Andouille Boil from New Orleans. Drawing on store-bought shortcuts and always relying on affordable, easy-to-find ingredients, Sunny shows you how to make every meal a homecoming.

    • $14.95
  • Perfect Pops : 50 Best Classic & Cool Treats by Charity Ferreira - Hardcover
    • 23% less

    Perfect Pops : 50 Best Classic & Cool Treats by Charity Ferreira - Hardcover

    Pops are summer's freshest frozen treats, and they're showing up in all the best places, from farmers markets to fine dining restaurants. The perfect way to make the most of ripe fruit is by suspending it in sweet ice, but Perfect Pops takes popsicles beyond fruit and juice. With 50 recipes for popsicles in creative, of-the-moment flavors, this book includes creamy pops, fancy pops reminiscent of nostalgic, luscious desserts such as chocolate pudding, and alcohol-spiked pops for adults. Techniques for making striped, swirled, layered and creamy-centered pops dipped in chocolate make this book a charming resource for mothers and crafters looking for easy kitchen projects with delicious results!

    • $12.99
  • The Four Hour Chef by Timothy Ferriss - Hardcover
    • 6% less

    The Four Hour Chef by Timothy Ferriss - Hardcover

    The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life

    by Timothy Ferriss


    The 4-Hour Chef isn t just a cookbook. It's a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the world of rapid learning.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author (and lifelong non-cook) Tim Ferriss takes you from Manhattan to Okinawa, and from Silicon Valley to Calcutta, unearthing the secrets of the world's fastest learners and greatest chefs. Ferriss uses cooking to explain meta-learning, a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything, whether searing steak or shooting 3-pointers in basketball. That is the real recipe of The 4-Hour Chef.

    You'll train inside the kitchen for everything outside the kitchen. Featuring tips and tricks from chess prodigies, world-renowned chefs, pro athletes, master sommeliers, super models, and everyone in between, this cookbook for people who don t buy cookbooks is a guide to mastering cooking and life.

    The 4-Hour Chef is a five-stop journey through the art and science of learning:

    1. META-LEARNING. Before you learn to cook, you must learn to learn. META charts the path to doubling your learning potential.
    2. THE DOMESTIC. DOM is where you learn the building blocks of cooking. These are the ABCs (techniques) that can take you from Dr, Seuss to Shakespeare.
    3. THE WILD. Becoming a master student requires self-sufficiency in all things. WILD teaches you to hunt, forage, and survive.
    4. THE SCIENTIST. SCI is the mad scientist and modernist painter wrapped into one. This is where you rediscover whimsy and wonder.
    5. THE PROFESSIONAL. Swaraj, a term usually associated with Mahatma Gandhi, can be translated as self-rule. In PRO, we ll look at how the best in the world become the best in the world, and how you can chart your own path far beyond this book.

    • $32.95
  • The Grace in Aging : Awaken as You Grow Older by Kathleen Dowling Singh - Paperback
    • 16% less

    The Grace in Aging : Awaken as You Grow Older by Kathleen Dowling Singh - Paperback

    Encouraging, inspiring, and practical, The Grace in Aging invites all those who have ever experienced spiritual longing to awaken in their twilight years. Since aging, in and of itself, does not lead to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging suggests and explores causes and conditions that we can create in our lives, just as we are living them, to allow awakening to unfold—transforming the predictable sufferings of aging into profound opportunities for growth in clarity, love, compassion, and peace.

    Kathleen Dowling Singh streamlines vast and complex teachings into skillful means and wise views. Straightforward language and piercing questions bring Singh’s teachings into the sharp focus of our own lives; the contemplative nature of each chapter allows for an uncommon depth of inquiry. Examples from our lives and from the chatter in our own minds touch the reader personally, offering the chance to absorb the implications deeply and do the work of freeing his or her own mind. Ecumenical in spirit, tone, and language, Singh offers wisdom from teachers from a variety of spiritual backgrounds: Chogyam Trungpa, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. Lessening our attachments, decreasing our aversions, unbinding what binds us, we bear witness to the possibility of awakening for all beings.

    The Grace in Aging offers guidelines for older individuals of any wisdom tradition who wish to awaken before they die; no need for caves or seven-year retreats. This is spiritual practice for the lives we live.


    "In her wonderful book Kathleen Dowling Singh helps us to face and embrace the hard truth of the precarious nature of our life. With acceptance of this fact arises a deep appreciation of life's preciousness. Then we don't want to waste a minute. We are inspired to enter our lives fully. Through her skillful guidance we come to see that aging can be a time of grace and great aliveness." (Frank Ostaseski, Founder, Metta Institute, Co-Founder, Zen Hospice Project)

    "I find Kathleen Dowling Singh's insight and wisdom compelling, readable, and life changing (Death changing too!). This book is indeed grace!" (Richard Rohr, author of Falling Upward, A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life)

    "Kathleen Dowling Singh reveals the clear opportunities for spiritual awakening throughout the wonder and challenges of our aging process. The Grace in Aging is a practical guide into our psycho-spiritual dynamics that can be helpful at any age but is especially tuned to the trials of the later stages of our life. Kathleen leads us forward with such dignity and resolution that we become convinced that this phase of life holds a promise and a potential unlike any other. " (Rodney Smith, author of Lessons from the Dying)

    "With her own special grace, Dowling Singh eases us into the foreshortened shelf life we all face as we age and approach death. This future is shorter than our past, but she optimistically shows how we can use it for the spiritual awakening we may have long sought. Wise and remarkably clear, The Grace in Aging can be a comfortable, easy and peaceful fit for our deepest and heartfelt seeking and a wonderful space for our impermanent minds to explore." (Jean Smith, author of Life Is Spiritual Practice)

    "The inevitability of aging need not be a dismal, morbid scenario, but a glorious opening a to a gentle wisdom and peacefulness that the tempests of youth manage to obscure. Let Kathleen Dowling Singh be your guide in this extraordinary period of life, which can be a time of celebration instead of defeat." (Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind)

    "In Kathleen Singh's luminous words, the hidden nature of old age as a practice stands fully revealed with all the potential for fulfillment of a true spiritual path. Don’t grow old without it." (Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, author of Kitchen Table Wisdom)

    "In The Grace in Aging, Kathleen transposes into a new key all previous discussion of aging. Her book sings with both depth and grace, erudition and that insight born only of deeply sifted experience. All those who have woken up in the morning one day older than when they went to bed the night before owe her a debt of gratitude for pointing us toward that eternal Now, which reveals both life and death as single embrace of transforming Mystery." (Martin Laird, author of Into the Silent Land and A Sunlit Absence)

    "Establishes guideposts in the fog for those seeking greater meaning and fulfillment as they edge toward life’s grand finale; Singh urges us to reclaim the process of aging. The impact is exhilaration." (Spirituality and Health)

    "A bracing but gentle wake-up call for baby boomers, and indeed, anyone who wishes to understand and come to terms with the aging process and the universal impermanence of life itself." (Booklist)

    "Readers of all ages can gain an awareness of the joy inherent in everyday moments large and small. Her calming and illuminating prose aims open readers' minds to live with compassion and wisdom, surrounded by truth." (Shelf Awareness)

    About the Author

    Kathleen Dowling Singh is a Dharma practitioner and in-demand speaker and teacher. She is the author of The Grace in Dying: How We Are Transformed Spiritually As We Die. A mother and grandmother, she is old enough to be eligible for Medicare. Kathleen lives in Sarasota, FL.

    • $15.00
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Show: 32