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  • Born Knowing : A Medium's Journey by John Holland
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    Born Knowing : A Medium's Journey by John Holland

    Learn how to awaken your own psychic abilities as you read John Holland's fascinating story. Born Knowing is John's first book. In an open and candid way, he explains how he dealt with his conflict of coming to terms with, and finally accepting, his rare ability as a spirit messenger who helps people connect with those who have passed on.

    John Holland, internationally renowned psychic medium, has been lecturing, teaching, demonstrating, and reading for private clients for over 20 years. He believes passionately that once the physical body dies, our spirit lives on. He’s dedicated his life to his own spiritual development and teaching others how to connect with Spirit, as well as offering peace and comfort during times of loss and bereavement. He continues to push the boundaries of authentic mediumship by developing an even higher awareness of Spirit. The best-selling author of Born Knowing, Psychic Navigator, 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, Power of the Soul, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, and The Spirit Whisperer, John also hosts his own weekly radio show, Spirit Connections. He has become a familiar face on television in shows such as the A&E special Mediums: We See Dead People, as well as becoming a psychic authority on the History Channel’s Psychic History.

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    • $12.00
  • Life Changing Messages by Gordon Smith - Paperback Nonfiction

    Life Changing Messages by Gordon Smith - Paperback Nonfiction

    This title is full of extraordinary personal accounts from a wide range of people, including many high-profile celebrities. They describe the profound and life-changing messages that have reassured, challenged and inspired them.

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    • $8.95