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  • The Plains of Howling Darkness (Fabled Lands Volume 4) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    The Plains of Howling Darkness (Fabled Lands Volume 4) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    Explore THE PLAINS OF HOWLING DARKNESS, where barbaric nomads attack all who enter their deadly wilderness. Where legendary prizes await the adventurer who can release the High King from his frozen tomb. Where a city of ghosts guards the Shadar's treasure vaults. Where the secret of immortality is contained in the ancient evil of Kaschuf the Deathless.

    Fantastic quests and hideous dangers await travellers in this savage land. You can choose to be a warrior, using weapons and combat skills to strike down all opponents; a mystical mage, skilled in sorcery; a clever rogue, acquiring wealth by theft and trickery; a daring wayfarer, probing and charting the forgotten reaches of the wilderness; a priest, fighting dark monsters with the holy fires of faith; or a troubadour, charming all you meet on your many fabulous exploits.

    Your destiny is in your own hands and there are no limits on your imagination. Success will bring the rewards that will lead you to still greater exploits in the amazing role-playing world of the FABLED LANDS.

    About the Authors

    Jamie Thomson is the best-selling author of DARK LORD: THE EARLY YEARS and winner of the 2012 Roald Dahl Prize. With Dave Morris, he is co-founder of Fabled Lands LLP, a creative studio dedicated to originating worlds, characters and properties that span media from print to games to television.

    Dave Morris is an award-winning game designer and UK #1 top-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-you-own style gamebooks with worldwide sales in the millions. His interactive version of Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN for iPad won critical acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic, with describing it as "maybe the best interactive fiction yet". He is also the creator of the acclaimed multiplayer gamebook series BLOOD SWORD and the classic British fantasy roleplaying game DRAGON WARRIORS.

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  • River in the Desert by Paul William Roberts - Paperback Travel

    River in the Desert by Paul William Roberts - Paperback Travel

    A Modern Traveller in Ancient Egypt

    Egypt is as old as history itself. It is home to some of the world's greatest treasures, a pantheon of dazzling gods and kings, and the roots of the civilised world. Today it is the political and cultural heart of the Arab world and a country of startling contrasts and contradictions. 

    River in the Desert is Paul William Roberts' account of his travels through Egypt, delving into the hidden depths of this great country – at once familiar and yet unknown. Setting out to explore every facet of ancient and modern Egypt, Roberts encounters magicians, politicians, monks and archaeologists. In Cairo he spends a terrifying night alone in the central chamber of the Great Pyramid and is smuggled into the clandestine gathering of a Sufi tariqa. In Nubia he is carried by boat to the great temple of Isis at Philae and reads Death on the Nile whilst sleeping in Agatha Christie's bedroom. He embarks on an eventful voyage up the Nile from Aswan to Luxor, experiences star-filled nights and tranquil days with the isolated Ma'aza Bedouin and spends time with the monks of Mount Sinai.  Over the course of several years, Roberts discovers a country that is as rich and enduring as the Nile, carving a fertile swathe through the arid desert.

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