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  • Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    Islamic Yoga: Islam Fitrah by Amir Fatir - Paperback

    An insightful perspective on yoga and its relationship to the religion of Islam.

    Amir Fatir, nee Sterling Hobbs, was a journalist and Nation of Islam Minister when he was arrested in 1975 for a murder that someone else committed. While on death row he studied all the ancient spiritual systems to learn where he'd be after his execution. Amir found a common thread runs through Islam, Yoga, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Magic, Modern Science and Egyptian Metaphysics. In 1991 Amir received a pardon recommendation that because of politics was illegally revoked. He hasn't been physically free since the Ford Administration. While in prison he has authored books and developed award winning programs. Amir is an Astrologer whose writings connect and reveal the symbolic wisdom in esoteric systems, new age philosophies and modern science. He can't sing but still hopes to one day perform with the Temptations.

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    • $19.99
  • The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi - Paperback

    The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi - Paperback

    “John Scalzi is the most entertaining, accessible writer working in SF today.” ―Joe Hill, author of The Fireman

    The first novel of a new space-opera sequence set in an all-new universe by the Hugo Award-winning, New York Times-bestselling author of Redshirts and Old Man's War

    Our universe is ruled by physics. Faster than light travel is impossible―until the discovery of The Flow, an extradimensional field available at certain points in space-time, which can take us to other planets around other stars.

    Riding The Flow, humanity spreads to innumerable other worlds. Earth is forgotten. A new empire arises, the Interdependency, based on the doctrine that no one human outpost can survive without the others. It’s a hedge against interstellar war―and, for the empire’s rulers, a system of control.

    The Flow is eternal―but it’s not static. Just as a river changes course, The Flow changes as well. In rare cases, entire worlds have been cut off from the rest of humanity. When it’s discovered that the entireFlow is moving, possibly separating all human worlds from one another forever, three individuals―a scientist, a starship captain, and the emperox of the Interdependency―must race against time to discover what, if anything, can be salvaged from an interstellar empire on the brink of collapse.

    "Fans of Game of Thrones and Dune will enjoy this bawdy, brutal, and brilliant political adventure" ―Booklist on The Collapsing Empire

    "Political plotting, plenty of snark, puzzle-solving, and a healthy dose of action...Scalzi continues to be almost insufferably good at his brand of fun but think-y sci-fi adventure." ―Kirkus Reviews on The Collapsing Empire

    “Scalzi is one of the slickest writers that SF has ever produced.” ―The Wall Street Journal on The Human Division

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    • $9.95
  • A Concise Introduction to Logic by Patrick J. Hurley HC 6th Edition

    A Concise Introduction to Logic by Patrick J. Hurley HC 6th Edition

    Acclaimed in five prior editions, this text covers all of the standard topics for any introductory logic course in neatly-packaged capsules of learning. Known for its concise, direct style emphasizing clarity, Hurley avoids the peculiar quirks, technicalities, and wordiness of other texts. The material is integrated in such a way that elements fit together as in a puzzle so students can assemble a broad picture of the subject. Visual aids and color are used to reinforce key points and concepts. Additionally, key terms are boldfaced, hundreds of examples serve to illustrate ideas, and more than 2000 carefully selected exercises sharpen student understanding and skill. The adept presentation of the subject matter leads to mastery, even by students with poorer academic preparation.

    Patrick Hurley was born in Spokane, Washington in 1942. He received his bachelor's degree in mathematics (with a Physics minor) from Gonzaga University in 1964 and his Ph.D. in philosophy of science with an emphasis in history of philosophy from Saint Louis University in 1973. In 1972 he began teaching at the University of San Diego, where his courses have included logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics, process philosophy, and legal ethics. In 1987 he received his J.D. from the University of San Diego and he is currently a member of the California Bar Association. He retired from teaching in 2008, but continues his research and writing. His interests include music, art, opera, environmental issues, fishing, and skiing.

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  • The Last Faith: A Book by an Atheist Believer by Karmak Bagisbayev SC

    The Last Faith: A Book by an Atheist Believer by Karmak Bagisbayev SC

    What is the unique and most important feature that distinguishes man from all other living beings?

    Why is it that, contrary to the instinct of self-preservation, a parent will throw themselves headlong into fire or water to save their child?

    Why do people get married and why do they get divorced? Why do people have extra-marital affairs and why do two people in a couple become jealous of one another? What is Love?

    When and why did the type of sex emerge among human beings that is free of any reproductive function?

    Why are the social and behavioural distinctions between men and women being rapidly erased?

    Why, despite everything, is the world becoming more tolerant than it was in previous centuries?

    People are born with different intellectual, spiritual and physical capabilities. So why do we assert that all people are equal?

    Can the world without violence exist? If not, under what circumstances and to what kind of violence does man have a right? Wherein lies the origin of this right?

    Where is the root of our morality? Why do our moral values change over time? Do absolute moral values exist?

    Why has Man, on the whole, never observed (or perhaps is incapable of observing) a set of various religious commandments? Should we observe them? Are they the decree of God?

    By which “commandments” do we really live our lives and is it possible to formulate them in such a way that we could realistically observe them?

    What is Good? And what is Evil? Is there a simple criterion by which one may distinguish Good from Evil?

    In which direction is humanity evolving and is it governed by some universal law?

    Is there any meaning to life?

    Is it possible to give a clear and straightforward answer to all these questions?

    It is, in fact, possible!

    “The Last Faith: a book by an atheist believer” provides a clear and scientifically elegant answer to all the questions listed above. The answer which will cause the reader to reconsider many established moral principles and notions about the world around us. The answer which will help the reader to understand the nature of human actions, dilemmas, dramas and passions, in their true light. The answer which will elucidate the current stage in the development of human civilisation and offer unexpected predictions for its future.

    “The Last Faith: a book by an atheist believer” is aimed at a wide audience and does not require any specialised knowledge. The author’s thoughts and reflections are presented here in the form of a fictional conversation with God which unfolds over the course of just two hundred pages. The author (PhD in Physics and Mathematics) gives concise and clearly expressed explanations and evidence for his ideas. He cites abundant examples from the world around us which are drawn from his extensive travels through Russia, America, Europe, Africa and Central Asia.

    All this makes for an accessible and enjoyable read.

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    • $12.95
  • Hyperspace by Michio Kaku - Paperback Popular Science

    Hyperspace by Michio Kaku - Paperback Popular Science

    The first book-length exploration of the most exciting development in modern physics, the theory of 10-dimensional space. The theory of hyperspace, which Michio Kaku pioneered, may be the leading candidate for the Theory of Everything that Einstein spent the remaining years of his life searching for.

    Since ingesting Einstein's relativity theory 50 years ago, physics fell down a quantum rabbit hole and, ever since, physicists' reports to the world of popular science have been curiouser and curiouser. This version, from the author of the graduate text Quantum Field Theory , is very curious as he delineates the "delicious contradictions" of the quantum revolution: that the new paradigms of subatomic matter require the existence of "hyperspace," an ultimate universe of many dimensions, to accomodate their mostly mathematical behaviors. Unified field theory as it is currently understood does not preclude any of the hypotheses that Kaku invites to this Mad Hatter's Theory Party: superstrings, parallel universes and, his centerpiece, time travel. Although occasionally facile, Kaku remains on solid theoretical ground up to the point of his untestable hypotheses, which lead to his more abstract arguments. In the past decade particle physics has lurched to astonishing contradictions and Kaku's adventurous, tantalizing book should not be penalized for promising more than present technology can test. His intellectual perceptions will thrill lay readers, SF fans and the physics-literate. Illustrations. 
    Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    Michio Kaku is the co-founder of String Field Theory and is the author of international best-selling books such as Hyperspace, Visions, and Beyond Einstein. Michio Kaku is the Henry Semat Professor in Theoretical Physics at the City University of New York.

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  • Deep Down Things : The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics by Bruce A. Schumm - Hardcover Nonfiction

    Deep Down Things : The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics by Bruce A. Schumm - Hardcover Nonfiction

    A useful scientific theory, claimed Einstein, must be explicable to any intelligent person. In Deep Down Things, experimental particle physicist Bruce Schumm has taken this dictum to heart, providing in clear, straightforward prose an elucidation of the Standard Model of particle physics―a theory that stands as one of the crowning achievements of twentieth-century science. In this one-of-a-kind book, the work of many of the past century's most notable physicists, including Einstein, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, Feynman, Gell-Mann, and Weinberg, is knit together in a thorough and accessible exposition of the revolutionary notions that underlie our current view of the fundamental nature of the physical world. Schumm, who has spent much of his life immersed in the subatomic world, goes far beyond a mere presentation of the "building blocks" of matter, bringing to life the remarkable connection between the ivory tower world of the abstract mathematician and the day-to-day, life-enabling properties of the natural world. Schumm leaves us with an insight into the profound open questions of particle physics, setting the stage for understanding the progress the field is poised to make over the next decade or two.

    Introducing readers to the world of particle physics, Deep Down Things opens new realms within which are many clues to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

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    • $26.95
  • Activation of Energy by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    Activation of Energy by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Paperback USED

    An important Christian philosopher contends that if human energy is channeled in the right direction, "upward and outward," spiritual energy as a motor force in the universe will outdistance technological advance. Index. Translated by René Hague. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was a Jesuit priest and paleontologist who studied chemistry, physics, botany, and zoology and received his doctorate in geology. The author of several works of philosophy and religion, he is considered by many to be among the foremost thinkers of our time. Toward the Future was first published in 1973.

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  • Soul Mind Body Science System by Dr. Master Zhi Gang Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu - Hardcover Nonfiction

    Soul Mind Body Science System by Dr. Master Zhi Gang Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu - Hardcover Nonfiction

    What is a soul? Are miracles real? When the soul is healed, how does the body respond? 

    Throughout history, there have been countless cases of “miracle” healings, unexplainable by modern science. Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has personally healed thousands of patients, usually in front of dozens of witnesses. Hundreds of videos of these healings can be seen on YouTube. But how can these healings be explained?

    Soul Mind Body Science System is the first book to explore the scientific explanations for why soul healing miracles are genuine. Written with Dr. Rulin Xiu, an expert on string theory and quantum physics who trained at The University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Sha shares, for the first time, the scientific theories that explain why all actions on Earth are guided by the reality of the soul.

    In Soul Mind Body Science System, the complex and fascinating relationships present between matter, density, information, soul, and consciousness are thoroughly examined. Written for armchair and professional scientists alike, this book makes a significant contribution to the ongoing debate about the true nature of reality.

    As the lines between “science” and “spirit” blur, this investigation becomes ever more important. The groundbreaking Soul Mind Body Science System is for all readers who have contemplated the fundamental scientific laws of the universe and sought answers beyond those offered by popular science and mainstream faith.

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  • Out-of-Body Workbook: The Ultimate 5-Step Guide to the Astral Projection Experience by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler - Paperback Nonfiction

    Out-of-Body Workbook: The Ultimate 5-Step Guide to the Astral Projection Experience by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler - Paperback Nonfiction


    Do You Want a DIRECT EXPERIENCE of Reality Beyond the Physical? 

    Many call out-of-body (OBE) experiences "astral projections" because of the unusual perceptive nature of these experiences. But there's more than metaphysics involved in OBE. Serious scientists are interested in this phenomena, and it has been studied by both the USA and Russia. The book provides proven step-by-step methods to help you safely expand YOUR conscious awareness beyond the limits of your physical self. One thing is certain -- exploring out-of-body reality opens you to an exciting new way tap into your higher levels of consciousness and true inner potential. 


    "A great guide to direct experience of higher levels of consciousness."

    "Best book I've read on OBE's. Has exercises that read like a pilot's instruction manual."

    I am not a casual book reviewer. Actually, I am often VERY critical. So when I tell you this book is exceptional, you can understand this is an independent analysis by a professional reviewer (I post exactly the truth about each book I review)."

    "I admit I was skeptical. I tried the authors 'familiar location' method and to my total shock had two OBEs on the first night. My conclusion: this book is the best ever way to start on this adventure!"

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    • $19.95
  • Light by M. John Harrison - A Novel in Trade Paperback

    Light by M. John Harrison - A Novel in Trade Paperback

    In M. John Harrison’s dangerously illuminating new novel, three quantum outlaws face a universe of their own creation, a universe where you make up the rules as you go along and break them just as fast, where there’s only one thing more mysterious than darkness.

    In contemporary London, Michael Kearney is a serial killer on the run from the entity that drives him to kill. He is seeking escape in a future that doesn’ t yet exist—a quantum world that he and his physicist partner hope to access through a breach of time and space itself. In this future, Seria Mau Genlicher has already sacrificed her body to merge into the systems of her starship, the White Cat. But the “inhuman” K-ship captain has gone rogue, pirating the galaxy while playing cat and mouse with the authorities who made her what she is. In this future, Ed Chianese, a drifter and adventurer, has ridden dynaflow ships, run old alien mazes, surfed stellar envelopes. He “went deep”—and lived to tell about it. Once crazy for life, he’s now just a twink on New Venusport, addicted to the bizarre alternate realities found in the tanks—and in debt to all the wrong people.

    Haunting them all through this maze of menace and mystery is the shadowy presence of the Shrander—and three enigmatic clues left on the barren surface of an asteroid under an ocean of light known as the Kefahuchi Tract: a deserted spaceship, a pair of bone dice, and a human skeleton.

    From Publishers Weekly

    Harrison's talent for brilliant, reality-bending SF is on display yet again with this three-tiered tale, published (and highly praised) in the U.K. in 2002. It's 1999, and British scientist Michael Kearney and his American partner, Brian Tate, are studying laboratory quantum physics; unbeknownst to them, they'll become the fathers of interplanetary travel. Kearney nervously holds a pair of predictive dice he's stolen from a frightening specter called the Shrander, whom he keeps at bay by committing random murders. Four hundred years in the future, K-ship captain Seria Mau Genlicher has gravely erred in splicing herself with a hijacked spacecraft called the White Cat—and now she wants out. There's also Ed Chianese, a burned-out interstellar surfer now spending his life within a reality simulation machine. His problem? Monetary debt to the nasty Cray sisters. As Kearney continues to narrowly evade the Shrander, he discovers that company CEO Gordon Meadows has sold the lab to Sony. All three story lines converge and find heavenly closure at the cosmological wonder known as the Kefahuchi Tract, a wormhole with alien origins bordered by a vast, astral "beach" where time and space are braided and interchangeable. This is space opera for the intelligentsia, as Harrison (Things That Never Happen) tweaks aspects of astrophysics, fantasy and humanism to hum right along with the blinking holograms in a welcome and long overdue return.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    From Bookmarks Magazine

    Reviewers call Light “complex,” yet seemed more than willing to forgive the complexity—as well as the shortage of sympathetic major characters—because of the award-winning author’s style and sheer intelligence. They also lauded the ending, deemed “suitably transformational” and “connection-rich” (Guardian). Harrison brings a far deeper wisdom and maturity to science fiction than other writers typically do, and poses important questions that reach far beyond the old conceits of the genre. Most intriguing of these: “By what moral calculus is [Harrison’s] mad scientist any madder than the legions of researchers who kiss their families goodbye each morning and spend their workdays developing weapons of mass destruction?” (New York Times). It’s an eternal mystery.

    Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc.

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    • $17.00
  • Tales of a Mad Mystic : New Parables to Amuse and Confuse Seekers of Truth by John the Methodist - Paperback SIGNED by Author

    Tales of a Mad Mystic : New Parables to Amuse and Confuse Seekers of Truth by John the Methodist - Paperback SIGNED by Author

    The best humor often has deep insight. "Tales of a Mad Mystic" is outrageously funny, but after you laugh, you will find yourself asking questions, scratching your head, and then seeing with new eyes. The Mad Mystic begins his masterpiece with the "Ten Great Laws of Organized Religion". "If a spiritual leader issues vivid commands for people to love one another and live in peace, they will fight over how these commandments should be interpreted." (law 1) or "If people build a temple to remind them to worship God and only God, they will forget about God and worship the temple." (law 2) Following the "Great Laws", the Mad Mystic reveals to the public for the first time the long hidden "Lost Chapters of the Book of Genesis", which fills in the details about the troublesome relationship of Adam and Eve. The rest of the stories range from "McChurch" where salvation has never been more user-friendly, to the thought provoking allegory of "The Land of Light". The stories are childlike in their simplicity, but look deeper and you will find layer after layer of meaning. They are stimulating for individuals, but in group settings, where everyone may see something different, they are wonderful discussion starters or ice breakers. Most of the stories deal with spiritual issues. They sometimes raise disturbing questions, but they remain respectful of different traditions. People from any spiritual background will find this book insightful, enlightening and inspiring as well as amusing.

    About the Author

    No one knows from whence he comes, but the Mad Mystic has been sharing his stories with live audiences for many years. There is a fine line between genius and insanity, and he balances on that line like a skilled acrobat on a tightrope. He always appears in a monk's robe with dark glasses, leading many to believe he is hiding his true identity. Most believe this is a wise course of action. The Mad Mystic, known to some as John the Methodist, is a self-professed charlatan who has been known to levitate, predict the future and bend the laws of physics for willing audiences. He can even turn invisible when no one is looking. He insists, however, that his miracles are staged. He also maintains that his stories have no point or hidden meaning, but those who hear them generally disagree.

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    • $14.95
  • Explorations in Consciousness : A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences by Frederick Aardema

    Explorations in Consciousness : A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences by Frederick Aardema

    In Explorations in Consciousness, Frederick Aardema, a clinical researcher, provides a profound account of the out-of-body experience, covering some of the most mystifying aspects of this experience. Throughout the book, the author seamlessly weaves in his own travels into different fields of consciousness, including  experiences in the personal field, where he is confronted with the constructs of his own psyche, as well as visitations to collective and archetypal fields of consciousness that appear to have an independent existence beyond the eye of the beholder. Highly original and groundbreaking, Explorations in Consciousness presents a model of reality in which nothing can ever be taken for granted. It proposes that consciousness is embedded within a wider field of possibilities that become real depending on our interaction with the world around us, whether "in" or "out" of the body. Regardless of what you believe about the out-of-body state, this book will challenge and excite you to become an explorer of consciousness. It provides a powerful method to induce the OBE, as well as new tools on how to navigate the entire spectrum of consciousness yourself.

    From the Inside Flap

    * The Transition Process - A systematic account of the transition process leading into the out-of-body state.

    * Fields of Consciousness - A comprehensive overview of the different fields of consciousness that can be accessed in the out-of-body state.

    * A Model of Possibilities - A quantum view of reality with direct and practical implications.

    * Navigation in the Void - Accessible tools to effectively navigate consciousness by accessing nonlocal space in the out-of-body state.

    * The Vigil Method - A powerful six-step guide to moving beyond the physical body.

    This is one of the best OBE books I've read in many years and I highly recommend it. It was thoroughly enjoyable. One of the reasons I liked it so much is just because of the author's approach. It really makes you think. Hard.
    -- Robert Peterson, Author of Out of Body Experiences, Lessons Out of the Body and Answers Within 

    Explorations of Consciousness represents a new height, a new level in the serious intellectual study of altered states, and specifically the so-called "out of body experience." But it is not a dry and pedantic framework, but an exciting, living framework that has a lot to offer people of all levels of interest. If you want a book with sound methods for inducing an OBE, Fred's book has it. If you want a sophisticated critique of past workers in the area of out-of-body experiencing, lucid dreaming and astral projection, Fred's book has it. If you wish to learn cutting edge ideas about this experience, and how it ties to other areas of learning, ranging from psychology to physics, Fred's book has it. It sets a new standard of quality and intellectual sophistication. It serves as a great example. Needless to say, I recommend you read it!
    -- Dr. Donald DeGracia, Associate Professor of Physiology, Wayne State University, Author of Do-OBE and Beyond the Physical

    With his careful, detailed scientific consideration of the phenomena, Frederick pulls OBEs out from the smoke screen of flimflammery to present them transparently as a comprehensible human experience - in particular, an experience potentially attainable by all.
    -- Dr. Kieron O'Connor, Research Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Montreal, Canada

    This book has moved the OBE ball down the field farther than anything since Robert Monroe in the 70's and 80's. The greatest contribution here is the way the author looks at the OBE. While rejecting neural reductionism, he also rejects all forms of geographical or 'travel' analogies. Consciousness is nowhere and can never be anywhere. All the apparent 'travel' to this or that world or zone of experience is a phase shift of eternally stationary consciousness. Check it out, finally somebody with a brain has probed into this deeply. It's the best thing in decades on the OBE.
    -- Scott Meredith, Author of Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    I am blown away. Frederick Aardema has written the master textbook of OBEs how it should be taught in schools. To my mind it will rank as one of the future classics of OBE literature and should be required and essential reading for all OBE investigators.
    -- Jurgen Ziewe, Author of Multidimensional Man 

    Aardema's theory and practice of the OBE deserve careful consideration--his book is bound to become one of the classic texts on the subject.
    -- Mathew Fike, Professor of English at Winthrop University

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    • $19.95
  • Change Your Aura, Change Your Life : A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power, Revised Edition by Barbara Y. Martin  and Dimitri Moraitis - Paperback

    Change Your Aura, Change Your Life : A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power, Revised Edition by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis - Paperback

    A new guide to the source of your spiritual energy--the aura--from renowned spiritual teachers Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis.

    Discover your source of unlimited spiritual energy! Everything you think, feel, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in various colors and hues: This is your aura. The aura is your spiritual blueprint. By changing the quality of your aura, you can automatically change the quality of your life. In this groundbreaking book, renowned aura expert Barbara Martin, known as the Mozart of Metaphysics, leads you through her technique for improving the aura--a technique she has taught to thousands.

    "An informed and informative self-help guide to harnessing personal spiritual energy." --Midwest Book Review

    Whether you see auras or not, this breakthrough book reveals:

    -What the various colors of the aura mean and say about you.

    -How to work with the power rays of spiritual enrichment--including love, prosperity healing, and wisdom.

    -More than 90 meditations to deepen personal relationships, advance your career, and transform destructive emotions.

    -How to become more spiritual and closer to God.

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    • $14.95
  • The Gospel in Brief : The Life of Jesus by Leo Tolstoy - Paperback

    The Gospel in Brief : The Life of Jesus by Leo Tolstoy - Paperback

    The Gospel in Brief lives at the center of Leo Tolstoy’s thinking about the meaning of life. ... Beautifully translated by Dustin Condren. ... Although little known, this book remains hugely important.” --Jay Parini, author of The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Last Year

    The most celebrated novelist of all time, the author of Anna Karenina and War and Peace, retells "the greatest story ever told," integrating the four Gospels into a single twelve-chapter narrative of the life of Jesus. Based on his study of early Christian texts, Leo Tolstoy's remarkable The Gospel in Brief—virtually unknown to English readers until this landmark new translation by Dustin Condren—makes accessible the powerful, mystical truth of Jesus's spiritual teaching, stripped of artificial church doctrine. "If you are not acquainted with The Gospel in Brief," wrote the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose life was profoundly influenced by it, "then you cannot imagine what an effect it can have upon a person."

    “A fresh translation destined to introduce a new generation to a fuller understanding of Tolstoy’s mind.” --Kirkus Reviews

    “Dustin Condren captures, in this fresh idiomatic translation, the dazzlingly audacious achievement of The Gospel in Brief, Tolstoy’s daring synthesis the New Testament accounts of Jesus.” --Edward E. Ericson, Jr., editor of The Solzhenitsyn Reader

    “Newly translated by Dustin Condren, Tolstoy’s Gospel in Brief offers us a Jesus stripped of the overlay of Christian dogma and ancient metaphysics: his Jesus confronts readers with a real challenge and a call to change their lives.” --George Pattison, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, University of Oxford, and canon of Christ Church Cathedral

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    • $7.95
  • Abaddon Ascending : The Ancient Conspiracy at the Center of CERN'S Most Secretive Mission by Thomas Horn and Josh Peck - Paperback

    Abaddon Ascending : The Ancient Conspiracy at the Center of CERN'S Most Secretive Mission by Thomas Horn and Josh Peck - Paperback

    “We [plan to open a portal into] an extra dimension. Out of this door might come something…unknown.” —Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN

    CERN is easily one of the most secretive organizations of our times. With controversy and conspiracy theories abounding, it takes specialized researchers to weed through the lies in order to find the truth. But sometimes, truth is stranger—and far scarier—than fiction. This is where internationally celebrated investigative researcher Dr. Thomas R. Horn and “Into the Multiverse” television host Josh Peck arrive to expose the reality of a plan so nefarious that it involves not only the history of Apollyon-Abaddon, but his near-future fulfillment of biblical prophecy and entrance into the world. Are powerful occultists—from the highest levels of governments, science, and academia to the lowest echelons of modern witchcraft—even now invoking the arrival of this destroyer and his legions from the abyss?!


    •The ancient origin of CERN’s modern-day mission

    •The latest information pertaining to interdimensional portals

    •The real meaning of the bizarre Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony and how it connects to the return of the “old gods”

    •Who the “horned god” is, fertility rites of the triple goddess, and how this connects to CERN

    •CERN’s beastly logo and destroyer god imagery

    •CERN’s role in the formation of a new Babylonian single language system

    •Exactly how the Large Hadron Collider at CERN operates, and what it is trying to find

    •The mind-bending reality of quantum field theory

    •Eye-opening interviews with such personalities as physicist Don Page, who works with Dr. Stephen Hawking

    •The doomsday scenario involving the Higgs field that scientists don’t want you to know

    •The future manipulation of human consciousness through an A.I. beast at CERN

    •The connection between Ezekiel’s vision and the locusts of Revelation 9

    •The coming holy war between the Titans and the one, true, living God!

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    • $18.95
  • Revising Reality : A Biblical Look into the Cosmos by Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Paperback

    Revising Reality : A Biblical Look into the Cosmos by Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Paperback

    "From the unbridled quest to exploit quantum science to engaging supernatural entities ... a mind-blowing exposé of the Cosmos." Paul McGuire, The Paul McGuire Report

    How Dramatic New Discoveries in Biblical Texts and Breakthroughs in Modern Physics Are Transforming Our View of the Cosmos

    Four breakout Christian apologists, no strangers to “fringe” topics, take a radical look at Cosmology based on new discoveries in physics and unconventional insights into the Bible. Each is noted for his willingness to tackle the challenges of secular skepticism and examine the intersections between modern science and the Bible. You will embark on an astounding adventure exploring the Cosmos with awakened eyes, guided by their unrestrained research as well as remarkable and unprecedented conclusions.

    In Volume One of a two-volume study, the controversies of angelic incursions in humanity’s history and their impact on the human genome are considered. Also discussed: the nature of evil and the role that fallen angels and heavenly archons have played in the story of the Bible as well as rethinking Christology and the meaning of the Logos, contrasting with Gnostic and occult concepts of the demiurge. Here the authors demonstrate startling parallels to our day:

    * Dangers of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the occult agenda behind humanity’s most powerful machine, and its link to the Tower of Babel;

    * Opening dimensional portals and its unknown effects, including awakening the creatures of the Abyss, and a possible connection to the planet Saturn;

    * Man-machine hybrids empowered by the Internet and threats presented to humankind from unrestrained advances in transhumanist research;

    * Challenges to Einstein’s standard model by the revolutionary concepts of the Electric Universe proposed by scientists at the Thunderbolts Project;

    * Theories about cosmic wars and the “real” star wars of ancient times.

    About the authors: Anthony Patch is a leading authority on CERN and author of two novels focused on the mysteries of quantum computing; Josh Peck is author of multiple books and host for Into the Multiverse on SkyWatch TV; Gonzo Shimura is an award-winning filmmaker and host of the Face-Like-the-Sun YouTube channel; and S. Douglas Woodward, author of over a dozen books, appears often on television and radio. Woodward it the editor of this volume.

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    • $21.95
  • A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth by Julius Evola - Paperback

    A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth by Julius Evola - Paperback

    A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth consists of essays selected from throughout Evola’s lifetime, but most especially from the post-war era, when youth across the Western world had thrown their societies into chaos with protests, civil unrest, and by defying conventional mores. According to Evola, the problem was not with the youth themselves, given that he viewed the inquisitive and seeking mentality associated with the young as essential toward opening oneself to the wisdom of Tradition, but rather with the fact that post-war Western civilisation itself had come to venerate youthfulness over maturity, thus leaving the young without any guidance or authority. Evola believed that it was only by channelling the energies of the rebellious youth into the political Right — not the Right of today, but rather that Right which represents the timeless principles which stem from before the advent of liberalism — thus restoring the West to a healthy and organic condition once again. 

    In these essays, he defines those principles which must be undertaken by youth — not just by those young in age, but those young in spirit as well — if they are to gain mastery not only over their societies, but also over themselves. As such, while this is a book aimed at the young, it is not exclusively for them.

    This book was assembled out of Evola’s writings by the Hungarian traditionalists, and includes a Foreword by Gábor Vona, Chairman of Hungary’s political party, Jobbik.

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    • $24.95
  • Working on Yourself Alone : Inner Dreambody Work by Arnold Mindell - Paperback

    Working on Yourself Alone : Inner Dreambody Work by Arnold Mindell - Paperback

    This introduction to process-oriented meditation is a fresh approach to the new body of philosophy and technique that unites the foundations of Western psychotherapy and Eastern meditative traditions in a single holistic system.

    About the Author

    A graduate of MIT in Boston and the Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland, Arnold Mindell, PhD., is the founder of a new school of therapy called Process Oriented Psychology. Dr. Mindell is known throughout the world for his innovative synthesis of dreams and bodywork, Jungian psychology, group process, consciousness, shamanism, quantum physics, and small and large group conflict resolution. He is the author of 20 books including Dreambody, Sitting in the Fire, The Shaman's Body, and ProcessMind.

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    • $15.00
  • How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs by Greg Kuhn - Paperback

    How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs by Greg Kuhn - Paperback

    Have you had success manifesting small things using the law of attraction, but been frustrated with an inability to manifest your more important desires? Do you have important dreams and desires you’ve held for a long time, which always seem to remain just out of reach? Do you believe you have the power to influence your material reality, yet have been unable to truly create the life of your dreams?

    If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you’re a lot like millions of people who understand their immense personal power to influence their lives. Yet, just like the majority of those people, you’ve also noticed that manifesting your most important desires often seems too difficult or unattainable.

    The problem isn’t you; the problem has been your reliance on old paradigms from old science. Quantum physics, however, has shown us a clear and simple roadmap to not only make you a much more powerful deliberate creator of your material reality, but even allow you to finally manifest those greatly desired outcomes which have eluded you for so long. 

    How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs is your personal coach in book-form, leading you to an amazing awakening of your higher self while also manifesting your greatest desires. Your natural power to create abundance and achieve your dreams is a birthright you shouldn't spend another moment denying yourself. How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will coach you to simply and easily focus and harness your inherent power to create your material reality. Using everyday language and "street-level" instructions, How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will have you manifesting a vast array of personal dreams and goals much faster and more completely than you previously thought possible.

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    • $5.95
  • The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch - Hardcover FIRST EDITION

    Selected by The New York Times Book Review as a Notable Book of the Year A bold and all-embracing exploration of the nature and progress of knowledge from one of today's great thinkers. 

    "Brilliant and exhilarating . . . Deutsch is so smart, and so strange, and so creative, and so inexhaustibly curious, and so vividly intellectually alive, that it is a distinct privilege to spend time in his head."
    --The New York Times Book Review 

    Throughout history, mankind has struggled to understand life's mysteries, from the mundane to the seemingly miraculous. In this important new book, David Deutsch, an award-winning pioneer in the field of quantum computation, argues that explanations have a fundamental place in the universe. They have unlimited scope and power to cause change, and the quest to improve them is the basic regulating principle not only of science but of all successful human endeavor. This stream of ever improving explanations has infinite reach, according to Deutsch: we are subject only to the laws of physics, and they impose no upper boundary to what we can eventually understand, control, and achieve. 

    In his previous book, The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch describe the four deepest strands of existing knowledge-the theories of evolution, quantum physics, knowledge, and computation-arguing jointly they reveal a unified fabric of reality. In this new book, he applies that worldview to a wide range of issues and unsolved problems, from creativity and free will to the origin and future of the human species. Filled with startling new conclusions about human choice, optimism, scientific explanation, and the evolution of culture, The Beginning of Infinity is a groundbreaking book that will become a classic of its kind.

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    • $39.95
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions : 50th Anniversary Edition by Thomas S. Kuhn - Paperback

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions : 50th Anniversary Edition by Thomas S. Kuhn - Paperback

    A good book may have the power to change the way we see the world, but a great book actually becomes part of our daily consciousness, pervading our thinking to the point that we take it for granted, and we forget how provocative and challenging its ideas once were—and still are. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is that kind of book. When it was first published in 1962, it was a landmark event in the history and philosophy of science. Fifty years later, it still has many lessons to teach.

    “Like Thomas Kuhn, Ian Hacking has a gift for clear exposition. His introduction provides a helpful guide to some of the thornier philosophical issues. . . . We may still admire Kuhn’s dexterity in broaching challenging ideas with a fascinating mix of examples from psychology, history, philosophy, and beyond. We need hardly agree with each of Kuhn’s propositions to enjoy—and benefit from—this classic book.--David Kaiser, Nature

    With The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn challenged long-standing linear notions of scientific progress, arguing that transformative ideas don’t arise from the day-to-day, gradual process of experimentation and data accumulation but that the revolutions in science, those breakthrough moments that disrupt accepted thinking and offer unanticipated ideas, occur outside of “normal science,” as he called it. Though Kuhn was writing when physics ruled the sciences, his ideas on how scientific revolutions bring order to the anomalies that amass over time in research experiments are still instructive in our biotech age.

    This new edition of Kuhn’s essential work in the history of science includes an insightful introduction by Ian Hacking, which clarifies terms popularized by Kuhn, including paradigm and incommensurability, and applies Kuhn’s ideas to the science of today. Usefully keyed to the separate sections of the book, Hacking’s introduction provides important background information as well as a contemporary context.  Newly designed, with an expanded index, this edition will be eagerly welcomed by the next generation of readers seeking to understand the history of our perspectives on science.

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  • The Fabric of Reality : The Science of Parallel Universes--and Its Implications by David Deutsch - Paperback

    The Fabric of Reality : The Science of Parallel Universes--and Its Implications by David Deutsch - Paperback

    For David Deutsch, a young physicist of unusual originality, quantum theory contains our most fundamental knowledge of the physical world. Taken literally, it implies that there are many universes “parallel” to the one we see around us. This multiplicity of universes, according to Deutsch, turns out to be the key to achieving a new worldview, one which synthesizes the theories of evolution, computation, and knowledge with quantum physics. Considered jointly, these four strands of explanation reveal a unified fabric of reality that is both objective and comprehensible, the subject of this daring, challenging book. The Fabric of Reality explains and connects many topics at the leading edge of current research and thinking, such as quantum computers (which work by effectively collaborating with their counterparts in other universes), the physics of time travel, the comprehensibility of nature and the physical limits of virtual reality, the significance of human life, and the ultimate fate of the universe. Here, for scientist and layperson alike, for philosopher, science-fiction reader, biologist, and computer expert, is a startlingly complete and rational synthesis of disciplines, and a new, optimistic message about existence.

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    • $13.00
  • Our Mathematical Universe : My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality by Max Tegmark - Paperback

    Our Mathematical Universe : My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality by Max Tegmark - Paperback

    Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present and future, and through the physics, astronomy and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last—this is a book that has already prompted the attention and admiration of some of the most prominent scientists and mathematicians.

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    • $14.00
  • The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback
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    The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback

    Together these twenty-seven articles on a wide range of today's most current topics in science, from Oliver Sacks, James Gleick, Atul Gawande, and Natalie Angier, among others, represent the full spectrum of scientific writing, proving once again that "good science writing is evidently plentiful" (Scientific American).

    From Publishers Weekly

    The editor's claim that we are now living in the "golden age" of science writing is borne out in this superb anthology of pop-science essays and news reports. Progressing from the hardest to the softest fields, the eclectic selections include think pieces on the conceptual foundations of physics, updates on cutting-edge controversies in genetic engineering and stem-cell research, profiles of leading researchers, ecological meditations and debunkings of the latest scientific fads and frauds. Among the brightest in a stellar lineup are Frank Wilczek's exploration of the worldview embodied in Newtonian mechanics; Jim Holt's humorous look at cosmologists' varying scenarios for the end of the world; Philip Alcabes's critique of the current panic over bio-terrorism; and Mark Solms's account of the return of repressed Freudian theories of the mind in contemporary neuropsychology. The essays are well attuned to a general audience, but scientists will also find them full of intriguing information and interpretations. The result is a wonderful collection that expands the mind without overwhelming it.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    • $2.95
  • Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohn - Paperback Nonfiction

    Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohn - Paperback Nonfiction

    "Bohm is a tremendously exciting thinker, and this is undoubtedly a book of the first importance." - Colin Wilson

    David Bohm was one of the foremost scientific thinkers and philosophers of our time. Although deeply influenced by Einstein, he was also, more unusually for a scientist, inspired by mysticism. Indeed, in the 1970s and 1980s he made contact with both J. Krishnamurti and the Dalai Lama whose teachings helped shape his work. In both science and philosophy, Bohm's main concern was with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular. In this classic work he develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of existence as an unbroken whole. Writing clearly and without technical jargon, he makes complex ideas accessible to anyone interested in the nature of reality.

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  • Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant - Paperback
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    Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant - Paperback

    The second of Kant's three critiques, Critique of Practical Reason forms the center of Kantian philosophy; published in 1788, it is bookended by his Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Judgement. With this work Kant establishes his role as a vindicator of the truth of Christianity; he approaches his proof by presenting positive affirmation of the immortality of the soul and the existence of God. The philosopher offers an argument concerning the summum bonum of life: people should not simply search after happiness, but follow the moral law and seek to become worthy of the happiness that God can bestow.

    This Critique comprises three sections: the Analytic, the Dialectic, and the Doctrine of Method. The Analytic defines the ultimate moral principle, the categorical imperative, and argues that to obey it is to exercise a freedom. The Dialectic make the assumption that immortality and God exist, arguing that pure practical reason falls into error when it expects perfection in this world; we should anticipate finding perfection in the next world, with God's help. The final section, the Doctrine of Method, offers suggestions in educating people in the use of pure practical reason.

    A seminal text in the history of moral philosophy, this volume offers the most complete statement of Kant's theory of free will and a full development of his practical metaphysics.

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    • $4.95
  • An Introduction to Information Theory by John R. Pierce - Paperback Dover Edition

    An Introduction to Information Theory by John R. Pierce - Paperback Dover Edition

    An Introduction to Information Theory : Symbols, Signals and Noise (Dover Books on Mathematics) by John R. Pierce - Paperback

    "Uncommonly good...the most satisfying discussion to be found." — Scientific American.

    Behind the familiar surfaces of the telephone, radio, and television lies a sophisticated and intriguing body of knowledge known as information theory. This is the theory that has permitted the rapid development of all sorts of communication, from color television to the clear transmission of photographs from the vicinity of Jupiter. Even more revolutionary progress is expected in the future.

    To give a solid introduction to this burgeoning field, J. R. Pierce has revised his well-received 1961 study of information theory for a second edition. Beginning with the origins of the field, Dr. Pierce follows the brilliant formulations of Claude Shannon and describes such aspects of the subject as encoding and binary digits, entropy, language and meaning, efficient encoding, and the noisy channel. He then goes beyond the strict confines of the topic to explore the ways in which information theory relates to physics, cybernetics, psychology, and art. Mathematical formulas are introduced at the appropriate points for the benefit of serious students. A glossary of terms and an appendix on mathematical notation are proved to help the less mathematically sophisticated.

    J. R. Pierce worked for many years at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, where he became Director of Research in Communications Principles. His Introduction to Information Theory continues to be the most impressive nontechnical account available and a fascinating introduction to the subject for lay readers.

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  • Science and the Akashic Field : An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo - Paperback

    Science and the Akashic Field : An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo - Paperback

    Presents the unifying world-concept long sought by scientists, mystics, and sages: an Integral Theory of Everything 

    • Explains how modern science has rediscovered the Akashic Field of perennial philosophy 

    • New edition updates ongoing scientific studies, presents new research inspired by the first edition, and includes new case studies and a section on animal telepathy 

    Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic record. Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in science’s zero-point field that underlies space itself. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and even consciousness. This zero-point Akashic Field is the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that has happened on Earth and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen. 

    “. . . Ervin Laszlo’s brilliant new work, Science and the Akashic Field, surpasses previous explorations. . . . This is a 'make-sense-of-the-complex' opus, accessible to every reader.” (A. Harris Stone, Ed.D., founder of The Graduate Institute in Milford, Connecticut, and author of The)

    “This is a solidly grounded vision of our cosmos, with perspectives that are wide and deep and have profound implications for all of us.” (Henrik B. Tschudi, chairman of the Flux Foundation, Oslo, Norway)

    “If you ever wanted to hold the universe in your hand . . . . You can hardly do better than join cosmologist Ervin Laszlo in the ultimate quest: for a theory of everything.” (Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., professor of philosophy, John F. Kennedy University, editor of Institut)

    “Ervin Laszlo is, arguably, the most profound thinker alive today.” (Lady Montagu of Beaulieu, First Ambassador of the Club of Budapest)

    "Decoding GUTs, WIMPs, and The Big Crunch, Ervin Laszlo brings the ancient Indian concept of akasha into the new millennium and convincingly details how science is turning this metaphor into a viable scientific theory.” (Spirit of Change, March-April 2005)

    ". . . lends credance to our deepest intuitions of the oneness of life and the whole of creation." (Share Guide, Sept-Oct 2005, Issue #81)

    In Science and the Akashic Field, philosopher and scientist Ervin Laszlo conveys the essential element of this information field in language that is accessible and clear. From the world of science he confirms our deepest intuitions of the oneness of creation in the Integral Theory of Everything. We discover that, as philosopher William James stated, “We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.”

    • $14.95
  • The Immortal Mind by Ervin Laszlo with‎ Anthony Peake, Contributor - Paperback

    The Immortal Mind by Ervin Laszlo with‎ Anthony Peake, Contributor - Paperback

    Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain

    Scientific evidence for the continual presence of consciousness with or without connection to a living organism

    • Examines findings on the survival of consciousness beyond life, including near-death experiences, after-death communication, and reincarnation

    • Explains how this correlates precisely with cutting-edge physics theories on superstrings, information fields, and energy matrices

    • Reveals how consciousness manifests in living beings to continue its evolution

    Evidence now points to consciousness existing beyond the brain, such as when the brain is temporarily incapacitated, as well as to the survival of consciousness after death. Conventional science prefers to dismiss these findings because they cannot be accommodated by a materialist view of reality. Spirituality and religion embrace the continuity of consciousness and ascribe it to a nonmaterial spirit or soul that is immortal. As such, spirituality/religion and science continually find conflict in their views. But what if there truly is no conflict?

    Based on a new scientific paradigm in sync with experience-based spirituality, Ervin Laszlo and Anthony Peake explore how consciousness is continually present in the cosmos and can exist without connection to a living organism. They examine the rapidly growing body of scientific evidence supporting the continuity of consciousness, including near-death experiences, after-death communication, reincarnation, and neurosensory information received in altered states. They explain how the persistence of consciousness beyond the demise of the body means that, in essence, we are not mortal--we continue to exist even when our physical existence has come to an end. This correlates precisely with cutting-edge physics, which posits that things in our plane of time and space are not intrinsically real but are manifestations of a hidden dimension where they exist in the form of superstrings, information fields, and energy matrices.

    With proof that consciousness is basic to the cosmos and immortal in its deeper, nonmanifest realm, Laszlo and Peake reveal the purpose of consciousness is to manifest in living beings in order to continuously evolve.

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    • $16.95
  • The Akashic Experience : Science and the Cosmic Memory Field by Ervin Laszlo - Paperback

    The Akashic Experience : Science and the Cosmic Memory Field by Ervin Laszlo - Paperback

    Firsthand testimonies by 20 leaders in culture and science of their interactions with the Akashic field 

    "The 20 accounts make fascinating reading, testifying to the fact that we are subtly yet effectively linked with each other, with nature, and with the cosmos. It inspires solidarity, love, empathy, and a sense of responsibility for each other and the environment. These are ineluctable elements of the mind-set we need to pull out of the global crisis that threatens our world and to create peace and sustainability on this perilously ravaged planet." (, March 2009)

    • Provides important evidence for the authenticity of nonmaterial contact that human beings have with each other and with the cosmos 

    • Demonstrates that the increasing frequency and intensity of these experiences is evidence of a widespread spiritual resurgence 

    • Includes contributions by Alex Grey, Stanislav Grof, Stanley Krippner, Swami Kriyananda, Edgar Mitchell, and others 

    " . . . truly ground breaking in its attempt to give a measure of organization to the known and some sense of identity to the unknown. The human language, as it presently exists, simply does not have the eloquence to deal with the 'thought downloads' that we are dealing with in this sphere of experience." (Zareen Khan, New Age Journal, May 2009)

    Knowing or feeling that we are all connected to each other and to the cosmos by more than our eyes and ears is not a new notion but one as old as humanity. Traditional indigenous societies were fully aware of nonmaterial connections and incorporated them into their daily life. The modern world, however, continues to dismiss and even deny these intangible links--taking as real only that which is physically manifest or proved “scientifically.” Consequently our mainstream culture is spiritually impoverished, and the world we live in has become disenchanted. 

    "Laszlo sees hope in the expanding horizons of scientific research and adds a note on his own experience of the infinite Akasha." (Nexus New Times Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 4, June-July, 2009)

    In The Akashic Experience, 20 leading authorities in fields such as psychiatry, physics, philosophy, anthropology, natural healing, near death experience, and spirituality offer firsthand accounts of interactions with a cosmic memory field that can transmit information to people without having to go through the senses. Their experiences with the Akashic field are now validated and supported by evidence from cutting-edge sciences that shows that there is a cosmic memory field that contains all information--past, present, and future. The increasing frequency and intensity of these Akashic experiences are an integral part of a large-scale spiritual resurgence and evolution of human consciousness that is under way today.

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  • The Cosmic Hologram : In-formation at the Center of Creation by Jude Currivan - Paperback

    The Cosmic Hologram : In-formation at the Center of Creation by Jude Currivan - Paperback

    How holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality

    The Cosmic Hologram provides an eraser for the fundamental misperception (and root cause of suffering), the experience of ‘me’ and ‘not me’. By allowing the profound insights it conveys to penetrate deep within you, watch what happens to your experience and delight in what unfolds.” (Mark Atkinson MBBS, self-leadership teacher and author of True Happiness)

    • Includes myriad evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information

    • Explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality

    • Reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information

    The Cosmic Hologram is a ground-breaking book that reveals a perspective on life that invites us into a fundamentally new way of looking at our world. There is no doubt that this is a book to heal ourselves and our world.” (Peter Merry, Chief Innovation Officer for Ubiquity University)

    Our understanding of the Universe is about to transform at all levels, from the tiniest Planck scale to the vast reaches of space. Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality.

    “Illuminating and inspiring, The Cosmic Hologram’s cogent articulation of quantum mechanics and its integration in cellular biology is a must-read for all those working to create a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.” (Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., bestselling author of The Biology of Belief)

    Exploring how information is more fundamental than energy, matter, space, or time, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., examines the latest research across many fields of study and many scales of existence to show how our Universe is in-formed and holographically manifested. She explains how the fractal in-formational patterns that guide behavior at the atomic level also guide the structure of galactic clusters in space. She demonstrates how the in-formational relationships that underlie earthquakes are the same as those that play out during human conflicts. She shows how cities grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies evolve and how the dynamic in-formational forms that pervade ecosystems are identical to the informational structures of the Internet and our social behaviors. Demonstrating how information is physically real, the author explores how consciousness connects us to the many interconnected layers of universal in-formation, making us both manifestations and co-creators of the cosmic hologram of reality. She explains how Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can at last be reconciled if we consider energy-matter and space-time as complementary expressions of information, and she explores how the cosmic hologram underlies the true origin of species and our own evolution.

    Concurring too with ancient spiritual wisdom, the author offers solid evidence that consciousness is not something we “have” but the fundamental nature of what we and the entire Universe are. With this understanding, we can each transform our own lives and help co-create and in-form the world around us.

    About the Author

    Jude Currivan, Ph.D., is a cosmologist, futurist, planetary healer and previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. She has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK. She has traveled extensively, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions, and is a life-long researcher into the nature of reality. She is the author of 6 books, including The Cosmic Hologram, and is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle.

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    • $14.95
  • The Nine Waves of Creation by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. - Paperback

    The Nine Waves of Creation by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. - Paperback

    Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of Humanity

    A guide to aligning your life with the frequencies of the Nine Waves of Creation

    • Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind

    • Shows how throughout history each revolution in human consciousness has been driven by the activation of one of the Nine Waves of Creation

    • Reveals how we can consciously work to deactivate the negative patterns of the Sixth Wave and manifest the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave

    In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.

    Presenting a quantum-holographic perspective on world history and human consciousness, Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future. He describes how, prior to the activation of the 6th Wave in 3115 BCE, our social systems were based on a unified cosmic order, but the hologram of this Wave shifted society to an all-consuming focus on Good and Evil, leading to the rise of patriarchal religious structures, slavery, and warfare. He explores how later Waves and their new holograms helped humanity survive the negative effects of the 6th Wave, such as the Industrial Revolution of the 7th Wave and the Digital Revolution of the 8th Wave. In 2011, the 9th Wave was activated, bringing with it an accelerated push for a more egalitarian world, a rising awareness of unity consciousness, and access to the full power of all Nine Waves of Creation.

    Calleman explains how our individual resonance with each Wave plays a role in the quality of our lives and how we must consciously work to resonate with the higher Waves. Revealing how we can become quantum activists in a holographic world by aligning with the 9th Wave, the author shows how we each can help manifest the destiny of humanity hinted at in ancient texts.

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    • $14.95
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