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  • Nightmares and Human Conflict by John E. Mack, M.D. - Paperback Psychology

    Nightmares and Human Conflict by John E. Mack, M.D. - Paperback Psychology

    "For years he [Dr. John Mack] has been treating boys and girls who are unusually nervous or fearful, who have exceptional trouble getting along with their families or in school, who suffer from worries or complaints that have finally required referral to a psychiatrist, and who have suffered severe and persistent nightmares.  In a field whose whole concern is human affliction, nightmares are uniquely burdensome.  In Dr. Mack's world, 'the common feature of all descriptions of nightmare is the terror of overwhelming intensity that accompanies the dream images'--dread, horror, a feeling of suffocation or paralysis.  The dreamer wakes up still haunted, in a cold sweat, his heart pounding.  He may fell like calling for help, he may have screamed as he awakened.  Not only children but adults can be overwhelmed by nightmares...

    "The 'human condition' has become a cliche, yet there is a 'human condition' that no 'social engineering' or 'life style' seems able to do away with.  We all face inescapable tasks that are associated with the pain our nightmares register..." -- from the introduction by Robert Coles

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    • $18.95
  • Shaman's Moon by Sarah Dreher - Paperback Mystery/Lesbian/New Age Fiction

    Shaman's Moon by Sarah Dreher - Paperback Mystery/Lesbian/New Age Fiction

    A Stoner McTavish Mystery

    There were dark forces afoot in the sleepy little New Age town of Shelburne Falls, hungry ghosts who had chosen Aunt Hermione as their prey. Stoner McTavish, lesbian travel agent and reluctant detective, her lover Gwen, and her best friend and business partner Marylou, must stop them before it's too late. But who are they? What do they want, and why? And how do you stop an enemy you can't even find? Stoner embarks on a journey that forces her to face her worst fears. And they just might come true.

    Sarah Dreher is the author of the well-loved Stoner McTavish Mystery Series as well as many award winning plays. She attended Wellesley College and went on to earn a PH.D. in clinical psychology from Purdue University.
    At the age of 17, she was threatened with expulsion from Wellesley College for “being too fond of other girls.” In an interview, Sarah reveals,

    “I was accused of being a lesbian, though I wasn’t ‘out’ at the time,” she recalls. “I felt like killing myself. One of the rules of being gay in the 1950’s was that you should hate yourself. It took me 15 years to get over it; it took the women’s movement really, to get me past it.”

    Sarah’s play “Alumnae News” parallels this experience in her life. As in all of her work, the poignancy and bristling energy are leavened by humor, and by the author’s empathy with her characters.
    Sarah passed away to writer’s heaven at her home on April 2nd, 2012, just one week after celebrating her 75th birthday.

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    • $4.95
  • The Decision of a Lifetime by Marilyn Meberg

    The Decision of a Lifetime by Marilyn Meberg

    Marilyn Meberg has presented the gospel message to nearly two million women through the Women of Faith conferences. This experience, coupled with her background in psychology and as an author, uniquely qualifies Marilyn to write this evangelism booklet designed specifically for women.

    Based on the theme of being chosen by God and adopted into His family, Marilyn draws parallels from her own experience of having a son by birth and a daughter by adoption. In her inviting, delightful fashion, she leads readers to the ultimate question of their own eternal destiny.

    Through high visibility and promotion at every Women of Faith conference throughout 2003, this witnessing tool will impact women throughout the country.

    For less than a cup of gourmet coffee, women can give this small book to a friend. The result could be untold lives committed to Christ.

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    • $0.99
  • How to Create Chemistry with Anyone : 75 Ways to Spark it Fast & Make It Last by Leil Lowndes - Paperback Nonfiction

    How to Create Chemistry with Anyone : 75 Ways to Spark it Fast & Make It Last by Leil Lowndes - Paperback Nonfiction

    Why do you feel an instant attraction to one person and not another? And how can you help ensure that a connection lasts? With her ability to deliver cutting edge information in a lighthearted style, communications expert Leil Lowndes has made a career of teaching the secrets of successful interaction.

    In this book, based on the latest findings in cognitive science, she shows readers how to spark that elusive feeling of chemistry with almost anyone—and sustain it when the relationship moves to the next level, from marriage to parenthood and beyond.

    Although chemistry affects nearly every relationship, few people understand it—what initiates it, what destroys it, and what makes it last forever. While genetic makeup and past experiences all play a role, there are many things you can do to influence it.

    Ultrapractical, How to Create Chemistry with Anyone turns the complex neurological science of attachment into 75 easy communication strategies and unusual techniques that show readers what to do—and what not to do—to find and keep love.

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    • $16.00
  • Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life by Gary R. Renard - Paperback Nonfiction

    Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life by Gary R. Renard - Paperback Nonfiction

          Join Gary Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, for the final installment of his trilogy: a fascinating roller-coaster ride to the mysterious truth behind the modern spiritual masterpiece A Course in Miracles. His teachers, Ascended Masters Arten and Pursah, will take you on a whirlwind tour of the afterlife; teach you a method that will, with practice, melt away all of your past bad karma; and reveal the “missing ingredient” to the popular self-help techniques of today.

          This book will blow your mind and hand you the key to enlightenment . . . at the same time! In the end, you will discover that, indeed, Love has forgotten no one.

     “No, I won’t give away any details here and spoil your reading fun. As with the earlier books, it’s not even those little personal details that make it an exciting read. They are just glitter. So, if not for the news items, why are we eager for more? The truth, for his growing body of steady readers, is that Gary has agreed to share his life with us, warts and all, and enables us to learn A Course in Miracles with him, in a fun and intense way, always going deeper and deeper into its experiential implications. The comedy of his life invites us to increasingly realize what the Course is actually saying.”

    Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen, author of Closing the Circle: Pursah’s Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles

    Love Has Forgotten No One is not really a book—rather, it’s a portal, a transport system, a rearranging of the mind. When you’ve finished reading it, I believe you’ll be closer to knowing your True Nature. All that, and Gary’s funny, too!”

    H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D., President, University of Santa Monica; co-author with Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D., of Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology

    Gary R. Renard is the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and now the conclusion of his trilogy, Love Has Forgotten No One. Students of A Course in Miracles from all over the world consider his books to be the “CliffsNotes” for the Course, empowering them to read, understand, and apply its deep teachings to their everyday lives in a practical way. A winner of the Infinity FoundationSpirit Award, Gary has spoken in 43 states and 24 countries, and has been described as one of the most interesting and courageous spiritual speakers in the world.

    • $16.95
  • Explorations in Consciousness : A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences by Frederick Aardema

    Explorations in Consciousness : A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences by Frederick Aardema

    In Explorations in Consciousness, Frederick Aardema, a clinical researcher, provides a profound account of the out-of-body experience, covering some of the most mystifying aspects of this experience. Throughout the book, the author seamlessly weaves in his own travels into different fields of consciousness, including  experiences in the personal field, where he is confronted with the constructs of his own psyche, as well as visitations to collective and archetypal fields of consciousness that appear to have an independent existence beyond the eye of the beholder. Highly original and groundbreaking, Explorations in Consciousness presents a model of reality in which nothing can ever be taken for granted. It proposes that consciousness is embedded within a wider field of possibilities that become real depending on our interaction with the world around us, whether "in" or "out" of the body. Regardless of what you believe about the out-of-body state, this book will challenge and excite you to become an explorer of consciousness. It provides a powerful method to induce the OBE, as well as new tools on how to navigate the entire spectrum of consciousness yourself.

    From the Inside Flap

    * The Transition Process - A systematic account of the transition process leading into the out-of-body state.

    * Fields of Consciousness - A comprehensive overview of the different fields of consciousness that can be accessed in the out-of-body state.

    * A Model of Possibilities - A quantum view of reality with direct and practical implications.

    * Navigation in the Void - Accessible tools to effectively navigate consciousness by accessing nonlocal space in the out-of-body state.

    * The Vigil Method - A powerful six-step guide to moving beyond the physical body.

    This is one of the best OBE books I've read in many years and I highly recommend it. It was thoroughly enjoyable. One of the reasons I liked it so much is just because of the author's approach. It really makes you think. Hard.
    -- Robert Peterson, Author of Out of Body Experiences, Lessons Out of the Body and Answers Within 

    Explorations of Consciousness represents a new height, a new level in the serious intellectual study of altered states, and specifically the so-called "out of body experience." But it is not a dry and pedantic framework, but an exciting, living framework that has a lot to offer people of all levels of interest. If you want a book with sound methods for inducing an OBE, Fred's book has it. If you want a sophisticated critique of past workers in the area of out-of-body experiencing, lucid dreaming and astral projection, Fred's book has it. If you wish to learn cutting edge ideas about this experience, and how it ties to other areas of learning, ranging from psychology to physics, Fred's book has it. It sets a new standard of quality and intellectual sophistication. It serves as a great example. Needless to say, I recommend you read it!
    -- Dr. Donald DeGracia, Associate Professor of Physiology, Wayne State University, Author of Do-OBE and Beyond the Physical

    With his careful, detailed scientific consideration of the phenomena, Frederick pulls OBEs out from the smoke screen of flimflammery to present them transparently as a comprehensible human experience - in particular, an experience potentially attainable by all.
    -- Dr. Kieron O'Connor, Research Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Montreal, Canada

    This book has moved the OBE ball down the field farther than anything since Robert Monroe in the 70's and 80's. The greatest contribution here is the way the author looks at the OBE. While rejecting neural reductionism, he also rejects all forms of geographical or 'travel' analogies. Consciousness is nowhere and can never be anywhere. All the apparent 'travel' to this or that world or zone of experience is a phase shift of eternally stationary consciousness. Check it out, finally somebody with a brain has probed into this deeply. It's the best thing in decades on the OBE.
    -- Scott Meredith, Author of Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    I am blown away. Frederick Aardema has written the master textbook of OBEs how it should be taught in schools. To my mind it will rank as one of the future classics of OBE literature and should be required and essential reading for all OBE investigators.
    -- Jurgen Ziewe, Author of Multidimensional Man 

    Aardema's theory and practice of the OBE deserve careful consideration--his book is bound to become one of the classic texts on the subject.
    -- Mathew Fike, Professor of English at Winthrop University

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    • $19.95
  • Catastrophe Theory by Alexander Woodcock and Monte Davis - USED Paperback

    Catastrophe Theory by Alexander Woodcock and Monte Davis - USED Paperback

    Can we predict prison riots?  Earthquakes?  Stock Market Crashes?

    Hailed by scientists as the most important intellectual development since calculus, catastrophe theory boldly suggests a controversial new way of predicting sudden, "unpredictable" change.  Imagine being able to forecast the raising of oil prices by Arab nations, the outbreak of a revolution, or the erratic behavior of a schizophrenic.  The brainchild of French mathematician Rene Thom, catastrophe theory uses seven basic geometric shapes to transform abstract concepts--fear, anger, love, hate--into concrete visual diagrams, or catastrophes, that represent patterns of behavior.

    This vanguard book illustrated with thirty line drawing, explains the catastrophe theory to laymen, explores the controversy surrounding ti, and gives fascinating examples of how it can be used to understand problems in psychology, biology, politics, economics, and history that affect everyone.

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    • $1.95
  • Destiny's Road by Larry Niven - Mass Market Paperback
    • 72% less

    Destiny's Road by Larry Niven - Mass Market Paperback

    Wide and smooth, the Road was seared into planet Destiny's rocky surface by the fusion drive of the powered landing craft, Cavorite. The Cavorite deserted the original interstellar colonists, stranding them without hope of contacting Earth.

    Now, descendants of those pioneers have many questions about the Road, but no settler who has gone down it has ever returned. For Jemmy Bloocher, a young farm boy, the questions burn too hot--and he sets out to uncover the many mysteries of Destiny's Road.

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    • $1.95
  • Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens - Paperback Classics

    Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens - Paperback Classics

    “One of the most significant works of the nineteenth century.”—Lionel Trilling

    Charles Dickens 's great satire on poverty, riches, and imprisonment, Little Dorrit is the story of Arthur Clennam, a man whose kindly interest in Amy Dorrit, his mother's seamstress, assures him nothing but trouble. Her father, William Dorrit, a man of shabby grandeur, has long been imprisoned for debt in the Marshalsea. A masterly evocation of the state and psychology of imprisonment, Little Dorrit is a supreme work of Dickens's maturity.

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    • $8.95
  • The Nirvana Sutras and Advaita-Vedanta : Beneath the Illusion of Being by Stephen H. Wolinsky - Trade Paperback

    The Nirvana Sutras and Advaita-Vedanta : Beneath the Illusion of Being by Stephen H. Wolinsky - Trade Paperback

    Now, from the founder of Quantum Psychology, a direct disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and the author of fourteen books, comes the last word in Self-realization:  The Nirvana Sutras and Advaita-Vedanta: Beneath the Illusion of Being

    Following on Nisargadatta Maharaj's basic premise, "All you can teach is understanding, the rest comes on its own," Dr. Wolinsky through a series of sutras and commentaries, demonstrates using eight contexts ranging from Buddhism to science, from Advaita-Vedanta, neuro-science and linguistics, and tantric yoga, to provide a long neglected understanding which lies at the core of all of these teachings, that all spirituality and psychology are dependent on the existence of a separate independent individual subject-I, and if this subject-I is an illusion, a product of the nervous system, a miss-perception, then a not only does the "I" disappear, but so does the foundation and basic premise of all spirituality, spiritual paths and psychology.

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    • $14.95
  • The Book of Floating : Exploring the Private Sea (Consciousness Classics) 3rd Edition by Michael Hutchison - Paperback

    The Book of Floating : Exploring the Private Sea (Consciousness Classics) 3rd Edition by Michael Hutchison - Paperback

    "A superb book for initiates into the tank.”  —Dr. John C. Lilly, author, The Deep Self

    "If everyone on the planet floated everyday there would be no war, no poverty, no crime, no hunger—and nobody on the streets."  —E.J. Gold, author, The American Book of the Dead

    A thorough and absorbing summary of the healing and therapeutic uses of the floatation tank invented by Dr. John C. Lilly, the celebrated neuroscience researcher. This edition includes a new foreword by Lee Perry, additional illustrations, and updated information.

    About the Author

    Michael Hutchison (1945-2013) was a journalist, author, and researcher of brain/mind devices. 

    Lee Perry is the co-founder of the Samadhi Tank Company, which built the first commercial floatation tanks according to Dr. John Lilly's guidelines.

    • $21.95
  • Angel Tech : A Modern Shaman's Guide to Reality Selection 3rd Edition by Antero Alli - Paperback

    Angel Tech : A Modern Shaman's Guide to Reality Selection 3rd Edition by Antero Alli - Paperback

    Here are all the great neurological scripts of the past synthesized and modernized for our day: the Tarot, Cabala, Alchemy, The Hindu Chakra System. And here, too--praise be to the Sun Absolute!--is a refreshing absence of the cant, the pomposity and the deliberate mystification that makes most books on those subjects unreadable. --Robert Anton Wilson, Ph.D., author of Cosmic Trigger

    Angel Tech is a witty, rollicking, wise rendition of the stages of evolution we have been experiencing. Antero Alli is that special brand of human-a frontier scout for the species, out there on the rim where the past and future intersect. --Timothy Leary, Ph.D., author of Info-Psychology

    Angel Tech is a comprehensive compendium of insights and techniques for the direct application of Dr. Timothy Leary's Eight-Circuit Brain model for Intelligence Increase. What Dr. Leary posited as theory (Exo-Psychology) and Dr. Robert Anton Wilson brilliantly demonstrated in sociopolitical, mathematical and intellectual proofs (Prometheus Rising), Antero Alli has extended into tangible tasks, exercises, rituals and meditations towards an embodied realization of brain change through first hand experience. 

    Angel Tech challenges the reader to redefine "Intelligence"; according to hir own direct experiences and finally, dares us to live accordingly. In print for over twenty years, this Third Revised Edition of this classic "performance" book has been updated and revised based on the author's most recent research results.

    • $21.95
  • Lucid Dreaming : Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner - Paperback

    Lucid Dreaming : Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner - Paperback

    Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self is the account of an extraordinarily talented lucid dreamer who goes beyond the boundaries of both psychology and religion. In the process, he stumbles upon the Inner Self. While lucid (consciously aware) in the dream state and able to act and interact with dream figures, objects, and settings, dream expert Robert Waggoner experienced something transformative and unexpected. He was able to interact consciously with the dream observer -- the apparent Inner Self -- within the dream. At first this seemed shocking, even impossible, since psychology normally alludes to such theoretical inner aspects as the Subliminal Self, the Center, the Internal Self-Helper in vague and theoretical ways. Waggoner came to realize, however, that aware interaction with the Inner Self was not only possible, but actual and highly inspiring. He concluded that while aware in the dream state, one has both a psychological tool and a platform from which to understand dreaming and the larger picture of man's psyche as well. Waggoner proposes 5 stages of lucid dreaming and guides readers through them, offering advice for those who have never experienced the lucid dream state and suggestions for how experienced lucid dreamers can advance to a new level. Lucid Dreaming offers exciting insights and vivid illustrations that will intrigue not only avid dreamworkers but anyone who is interested in consciousness, identity, and the definition of reality.

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    • $12.95
  • The Theory of Poker : A Professional Poker Player Teaches You How To Think Like One by David Sklansky - Paperback

    The Theory of Poker : A Professional Poker Player Teaches You How To Think Like One by David Sklansky - Paperback

    Discusses theories and concepts applicable to nearly every variation of the game, including five-card draw (high), seven-card stud, hold 'em, lowball draw, and razz (seven-card lowball stud). This book introduces you to the Fundamental Theorem of Poker, its implications, and how it should affect your play. Other chapters discuss the value of deception, bluffing, raising, the slow-play, the value of position, psychology, heads-up play, game theory, implied odds, the free card, and semibluffing. Many of today's top poker players will tell you that this is the book that really made a difference in their play. That is, these are the ideas that separate the experts from the typical players. Those who read and study this book will literally leave behind those who don't, and most serious players wear the covers off their copies. This is the best book ever written on poker.

    About the Author

    David Sklansky is generally considered the number one authority on gambling in the world today. Besides his ten books on the subject, David also has produced two videos and numerous writings for various gaming publications. His occasional poker seminars always receive an enthusiastic reception, including those given at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.

    More recently, David has been doing consulting work for casinos, Internet gaming sites, and gaming device companies. He has recently invented several games, soon to appear in casinos.

    David attributes his standing in the gambling community to three things:

    1. The fact that he presents his ideas as simply as possible (sometimes with Mason Malmuth) even though these ideas frequently involve concepts that are deep, subtle, and not to be found elsewhere.

    2. The fact that the things he says and writes can be counted on to be accurate.

    3. The fact that to this day a large portion of his income is still derived from gambling (usually poker, but occasionally blackjack, sports betting, horses, video games, casino promotions, or casino tournaments).

    Thus, those who depend on David’s advice know that he still depends on it himself.

    • $21.95
  • Working on Yourself Alone : Inner Dreambody Work by Arnold Mindell - Paperback

    Working on Yourself Alone : Inner Dreambody Work by Arnold Mindell - Paperback

    This introduction to process-oriented meditation is a fresh approach to the new body of philosophy and technique that unites the foundations of Western psychotherapy and Eastern meditative traditions in a single holistic system.

    About the Author

    A graduate of MIT in Boston and the Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland, Arnold Mindell, PhD., is the founder of a new school of therapy called Process Oriented Psychology. Dr. Mindell is known throughout the world for his innovative synthesis of dreams and bodywork, Jungian psychology, group process, consciousness, shamanism, quantum physics, and small and large group conflict resolution. He is the author of 20 books including Dreambody, Sitting in the Fire, The Shaman's Body, and ProcessMind.

    • $15.00
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions : 50th Anniversary Edition by Thomas S. Kuhn - Paperback

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions : 50th Anniversary Edition by Thomas S. Kuhn - Paperback

    A good book may have the power to change the way we see the world, but a great book actually becomes part of our daily consciousness, pervading our thinking to the point that we take it for granted, and we forget how provocative and challenging its ideas once were—and still are. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is that kind of book. When it was first published in 1962, it was a landmark event in the history and philosophy of science. Fifty years later, it still has many lessons to teach.

    “Like Thomas Kuhn, Ian Hacking has a gift for clear exposition. His introduction provides a helpful guide to some of the thornier philosophical issues. . . . We may still admire Kuhn’s dexterity in broaching challenging ideas with a fascinating mix of examples from psychology, history, philosophy, and beyond. We need hardly agree with each of Kuhn’s propositions to enjoy—and benefit from—this classic book.--David Kaiser, Nature

    With The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn challenged long-standing linear notions of scientific progress, arguing that transformative ideas don’t arise from the day-to-day, gradual process of experimentation and data accumulation but that the revolutions in science, those breakthrough moments that disrupt accepted thinking and offer unanticipated ideas, occur outside of “normal science,” as he called it. Though Kuhn was writing when physics ruled the sciences, his ideas on how scientific revolutions bring order to the anomalies that amass over time in research experiments are still instructive in our biotech age.

    This new edition of Kuhn’s essential work in the history of science includes an insightful introduction by Ian Hacking, which clarifies terms popularized by Kuhn, including paradigm and incommensurability, and applies Kuhn’s ideas to the science of today. Usefully keyed to the separate sections of the book, Hacking’s introduction provides important background information as well as a contemporary context.  Newly designed, with an expanded index, this edition will be eagerly welcomed by the next generation of readers seeking to understand the history of our perspectives on science.

    • $14.95
  • The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback
    • 79% less

    The Best American Science Writing 2005 - Paperback

    Together these twenty-seven articles on a wide range of today's most current topics in science, from Oliver Sacks, James Gleick, Atul Gawande, and Natalie Angier, among others, represent the full spectrum of scientific writing, proving once again that "good science writing is evidently plentiful" (Scientific American).

    From Publishers Weekly

    The editor's claim that we are now living in the "golden age" of science writing is borne out in this superb anthology of pop-science essays and news reports. Progressing from the hardest to the softest fields, the eclectic selections include think pieces on the conceptual foundations of physics, updates on cutting-edge controversies in genetic engineering and stem-cell research, profiles of leading researchers, ecological meditations and debunkings of the latest scientific fads and frauds. Among the brightest in a stellar lineup are Frank Wilczek's exploration of the worldview embodied in Newtonian mechanics; Jim Holt's humorous look at cosmologists' varying scenarios for the end of the world; Philip Alcabes's critique of the current panic over bio-terrorism; and Mark Solms's account of the return of repressed Freudian theories of the mind in contemporary neuropsychology. The essays are well attuned to a general audience, but scientists will also find them full of intriguing information and interpretations. The result is a wonderful collection that expands the mind without overwhelming it.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    • $2.95
  • Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion by John Hick - Paperback USED

    Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion by John Hick - Paperback USED

    When medieval theologians wrote their Quaestiones Disputatae, the disputed questions concerned relatively peripheral topics, for Christians agreed on all of the most basic matters. But today even the most central issues in Christianity are controversial, and Christian discourse itself is part of the wider dialogue that includes all the great religious and philosophical traditions of the world. In this book a leading philosopher of religion offers fresh insights into some of the disputed religious questions of our time.

    John Hick begins by addressing the most fundamental questions: whether religion is a wish-fulfilling projection or a human response to the Transcendent, and whether religious experience constitutes authentic awareness of a divine Reality. He then considers specifically Christian beliefs, such as the deity of Jesus and the problems encountered by attributing to Jesus both all divine and all human properties, and he suggests an alternative image of Jesus as a man extraordinarily open to and inspired by the divine spirit. Hick gives a personal account of how he has come to accept religious pluralism—that the major world faiths are different but equally valid responses to ultimate Reality. He considers how much Christians have to learn from Buddhism, discusses the ongoing dialogue among Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and outlines a philosophy of religions—a conception of the relationship between world religions and between them and the ultimately Real. Finally he turns to the mystery of death and, using the resources of the world religions and of parapsychology, suggests a possible conception of life after death.

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    • $1.25
  • Exploring Jupiter : Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential by Stephen Arroyo - Paperback

    Exploring Jupiter : Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential by Stephen Arroyo - Paperback

    This book is the very essence of Jupiter. From its apt title, to its generous use of many famous chart examples, to Arroyo's trademark insight and wisdom on every page, "Exploring Jupiter" is positively a winner! The presentation of the astrology is clear, practical and intelligent, making it a must for both newer students and more experienced practising astrologers. 

    Unlike the majority of modern astrologers, Arroyo refers to Jupiter's ancient rulership of Pisces as being significant, and the book is written with this in mind. Otherwise much of the book is built on the usual "cookbook" approach: Jupiter through the signs, Jupiter through the houses (arranged by element), Jupiter aspects in the birth chart and so on. As always with Stephen Arroyo, it is the clarity and profound depth of these guidelines for interpretation that is so striking. The chapter on transits involving Jupiter is particularly good, building on ideas he has expressed in earlier writings.

    About the Author

    Stephen Arroyo (born October 6, 1946 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American author and astrologer. Arroyo has written seven books on psychologically oriented astrology which outline his theory that the individual's experience of the Solar System's impacts on their personal energy field, both psychological and physical. His works recast astrological concepts in psychological terms, and reject what he perceives as the fatalism and negativity of old-fashioned astrology. His books have now been translated into 20 languages. Regarding his written works, the Library Journal stated: "The simplicity and clarity of his treatment of complex ideas is remarkable; it makes accessible even to the beginner a wealth of understanding.…giving meaningful psychological grounding to astrological interpretation.”[citation needed] Arroyo has been guest speaker at events in the North America and Europe, and has taught astrology courses in the United States. He has been awarded the British Astrological Association Astrology Prize, the Fraternity of Canadian Astrologers' International Sun Award, and the United Astrology Congress's Regulus Award. He has an honors degree in literature from the University of California and a Masters Degree in Psychology. Previous occupations include marriage counseling, and the practice of a homeopathy and polarity therapy.

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    • $14.00
  • The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004 - Paperback
    • 82% less

    The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004 - Paperback

    Since its inception in 1915, the Best American series has become the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction and nonfiction. For each volume, a series editor reads pieces from hundreds of periodicals, then selects between fifty and a hundred outstanding works. That selection is pared down to the twenty or so very best pieces by a guest editor who is widely recognized as a leading writer in his or her field. This unique system has helped make the Best American series the most respected -- and most popular -- of its kind.

    The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004, edited by Steven Pinker, is another "provocative and thoroughly enjoyable [collection] from start to finish" (Publishers Weekly). Here is the best and newest on science and nature: the psychology of suicide terrorism, desperate measures in surgery, the weird world of octopuses, Sex Week at Yale, the linguistics of click languages, the worst news about cloning, and much more.

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    • $2.50
  • An Introduction to Information Theory by John R. Pierce - Paperback Dover Edition

    An Introduction to Information Theory by John R. Pierce - Paperback Dover Edition

    An Introduction to Information Theory : Symbols, Signals and Noise (Dover Books on Mathematics) by John R. Pierce - Paperback

    "Uncommonly good...the most satisfying discussion to be found." — Scientific American.

    Behind the familiar surfaces of the telephone, radio, and television lies a sophisticated and intriguing body of knowledge known as information theory. This is the theory that has permitted the rapid development of all sorts of communication, from color television to the clear transmission of photographs from the vicinity of Jupiter. Even more revolutionary progress is expected in the future.

    To give a solid introduction to this burgeoning field, J. R. Pierce has revised his well-received 1961 study of information theory for a second edition. Beginning with the origins of the field, Dr. Pierce follows the brilliant formulations of Claude Shannon and describes such aspects of the subject as encoding and binary digits, entropy, language and meaning, efficient encoding, and the noisy channel. He then goes beyond the strict confines of the topic to explore the ways in which information theory relates to physics, cybernetics, psychology, and art. Mathematical formulas are introduced at the appropriate points for the benefit of serious students. A glossary of terms and an appendix on mathematical notation are proved to help the less mathematically sophisticated.

    J. R. Pierce worked for many years at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, where he became Director of Research in Communications Principles. His Introduction to Information Theory continues to be the most impressive nontechnical account available and a fascinating introduction to the subject for lay readers.

    • $5.95
  • Act of Deceit : A Harlan Donnally Novel by Steven Gore - Mass Market Paperback

    Act of Deceit : A Harlan Donnally Novel by Steven Gore - Mass Market Paperback

    "Act of Deceit is great, one of those stay-up-all-night-reading stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat . . . Gore gets where he is going with a series of twists, turns and revelations that keep the reader on board and frequently guessing . . . Act of Deceit is one that shines brightly" -- Bookreporter

    From the author of Final Target and Absolute Risk, here comes the first book in a thrilling series featuring a compelling new hero, former San Francisco homicide detective Harlan Donnally.

    With Act of Deceit, Gore enters the crime fiction domain of Harlan Coben, Robert B. Parker, Stuart Woods, and Robert Crais, and immediately proves he can stand tall with the best of them. A heart-racing masterwork of mystery, thrills, and suspense, Act of Deceit plunges Donnally into a deadly morass of murder, sex trafficking, and church corruption as he seeks the dark truth about the death of a sister of a dying friend.

    Praise for Gore's previous novels:

    Absolute Risk:
    "Masterful.... Sharp, smart writing and convincing economic detail put this in the front rank of genre fiction"--Publishers Weekly.
    "VERDICT: Vast knowledge of international affairs, economics, politics, and psychology . . . Brad Meltzer and Vince Flynn fans will love this"--Library Journal.

    Final Target:
    "A truly thrilling thriller" --San Jose Mercury News

    "With his command of storytelling and insider's knowledge, Gore can go up against Nelson DeMille and Daniel Silva and come out a contender"--Library Journal

    Mt. Shasta is far from the San Franciscosidewalk on which Harlan Donnally’s lifenearly ended in a crossfire—

    But all too close to a decades-old secretthat will force him into another.

    The former detective swore he’d never play anyone’s postman. But a dying friend’s plea takes Donnally bearing a letter alive with tragedy toward a sister long dead—the victim of the bizarre criminality of a counterculture that had lost its way.

    Stunned to learn that her killer was never prosecuted, Donnally soon finds himself in battle against a broken justice system and on a trail of evil into a dangerous borderland in which the falsely pious and the wealthy abuse the young and the poor. And though each step takes him farther down a perilous path that wrenches him between his inner demons and his mission to redeem a brother’s love, he won’t stop until he knows the truth.

    For Donnally made a promise to a dead man, and he’ll keep it—or die trying.


    Steven Gore is a renowned private investigator turned "masterful" writer (Publishers Weekly) who combines "a command of storytelling" with "insider knowledge." (Library Journal). With a unique voice honed both on the street and in the Harlan Donnally and Graham Gage novels, Gore's stories are grounded in his decades spent investigating murder, fraud, organized crime, corruption, and drug, sex, and arms trafficking throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit his website at

    • $9.99
  • Men to Match My Mountains by Irving Stone - Paperback Classics
    • 17% less

    Men to Match My Mountains by Irving Stone - Paperback Classics

    The Monumental Saga of the Winning of America's Far West

    Acclaimed author of biographical and historical fiction Irving Stone turns his magnificent talent to telling America’s most colorful and exciting story—the opening of the Far West.

    Men to Match My Mountains is a true historical masterpiece, an unforgettable pageant of giants—men like John Sutter, whose dream of paradise was shattered by the California Gold Rush; Brigham Young and the Mormons, who tamed the desert with Bible texts; and the silver kings and the miners, who developed Nevada’s Comstock Lode and settled the Rockies.

    America called for greatness...and got it. There is nothing in history to match the stories of these men who braved wilderness to bring new nation to the shores of the Pacific.

    About the Author

    Irving Stone was born in San Francisco on July 14, 1903. He wrote several books in a genre that he coined the “biographical novel,” which recounted the lives of well-known historical figures. In these novels, Stone interspersed biography with fictional narrative on the psychology and private lives of his subjects. He also wrote biographies of Clarence Darrow and Earl Warren, and short biographies of men who lost presidential elections. He died on August 26, 1989.

    • $14.95
  • Pineal Gland & Your Third Eye by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler - Paperback Clairvoyance

    Pineal Gland & Your Third Eye by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler - Paperback Clairvoyance

    Pineal Gland & Your Third Eye : Proven Methods to Develop Your Higher Self by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler


    Science Meets the Metaphysical ...The Amazing TRUTH About Your Third Eye!

    DO YOU WANT A DIRECT EXPERIENCE OF HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS? Mystics, philosophers, religious teachers and shaman throughout time tell us the third eye is the gateway to our higher self and deeper life meaning. This unusual book de-mystifies the third eye and explains its true nature in the brain as the pineal gland. Major research studies say at least 85% of us are capable of exciting higher self and 3rd eye experiences. Contains 15 proven-effective step-by-step methods to activate your pineal gland and open your third eye.


    "A brilliant read. Easy to follow, insightful and honest."

    "The best on the subject, very informative and complete."

    "Become self-aware... you can be driven by a higher motivation and achieve more than you had ever dreamed possible."

    "If you feel there's more to existence than what you can see around you, I recommend this book."

    " I liked the science ... instructive and helpful to seekers of the inner truth."


    The author, Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a 45-year pioneer mind/brain and consciousness researcher, doctor of psychology, and metaphysician with a passionate interest in parapsychology and “higher self” states of consciousness and awareness.

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    • $8.99
  • The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience by Clifford A. Pickover - Paperback
    • 23% less

    The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience by Clifford A. Pickover - Paperback

    In his most ambitious book yet, Clifford Pickover bridges the gulf between logic, spirit, science, and religion. While exploring the concept of omniscience, Pickover explains the kinds of relationships limited beings can have with an all-knowing God. Pickover's thought exercises, controversial experiments, and practical analogies help us transcend our ordinary lives while challenging us to better understand our place in the cosmos and our dreams of a supernatural God. Through an inventive blend of science, history, philosophy, science fiction, and mind-stretching brainteasers, Pickover unfolds the paradoxes of God like no other writer. He provides glimpses into the infinite, allowing us to think big, and to have daring, limitless dreams.

    From Publishers Weekly

    Pickover, an inventor, computer artist and professional puzzler (who has edited brainteaser columns for both Discover and Odyssey), invites readers on a paradoxical and sometimes merely quirky exploration of logical and psychological puzzles surrounding God and religion. Many of these "paradoxes" simply put a new face on the familiar conflict between divine foreknowledge and free will; others lead to unexpected conclusions such as Pickover's demonstration of how omniscient beings are at a huge disadvantage in games of "chicken" with non-omniscient beings. (By staying the course, a daring challenger can compel an all-knowing opponent to turn aside, guaranteeing their mutual safety.) This and other examples show how omniscience can become a practical liability in some situations, countering the widespread assumption that knowledge is power. The book is also liberally salted with religious and nonreligious curiosities and conundrums, ranging from biblical oddities to the neuropsychology of time perception, all related with an attitude of mischievous irreverence...

    Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

    • $16.95
  • Desperate Remedies by Thomas Hardy - Paperback Penguin Classics

    Desperate Remedies by Thomas Hardy - Paperback Penguin Classics

    Cytherea has taken a position as lady's maid to the eccentric arch-intriguer Miss Aldclyffe. On discovering that the man she loves, Edward Springrove, is already engaged to his cousin, Cytherea comes under the influence of Miss Aldclyffe's fascinating, manipulative steward Manston.

    Blackmail, murder and romance are among the ingredients of Hardy's first published novel, and in it he draws blithely on the 'sensation novel' perfected by Wilkie Collins. Several perceptive critics praised the author as a novelist with a future when Desperate Remedies appeared anonymously in 1871. In its depiction of country life and insight into psychology and sexuality it already bears the unmistakable imprint of Hardy's genius.

    From Library Journal

    Hardy launched his writing career with this 1871 novel, which actually was published anonymously. Its sexuality, including lesbianism, was apparently too much of a Victorian eyebrow-raiser for him to attach his name. This edition includes a map, a glossary, and scholarly notes.
    Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

    About the Author

    THOMAS HARDY (1840-1928) was recognized, and even revered, as the major literary figure of his time by his contemporaries. Most of his major novels are available in Penguin Classics.

    MARY RIMMER is Associate Professor of English at the University of New Brunswick in Canada. She has written extensively on Hardy, and is currently writing a book on narrative voice in Hardy.

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    • $16.95
  • Life's Little Ironies by Thomas Hardy - Paperback Classics

    Life's Little Ironies by Thomas Hardy - Paperback Classics

    Introduction and Notes by Dr Claire Seymour, University of Kent at Canterbury The proverbial phrase life s little ironies was coined by Hardy for his third volume of short stories. These tales and sketches possess all the power of his novels: the wealth of description, the realistic portrayal of the quaint lore of Wessex, the Chaucerian humour and characterization, the shrewd and critical psychology, the poignant estimate of human nature and the brooding sense of wonder at the essential mystery of life. The tales which make up Life's Little Ironies tenderly re-create a rapidly vanishing rural world and scrutinize the repressions of fin-de-siecle bourgeois life. They share the many concerns of Hardy's last great novels, such as the failure of modern marriage and the insidious effects of social ambition on the family and community life. Ranging widely in length and complexity, they are unified by Hardy's quintessential irony, which embraces both the farcical and the tragic aspects of human existence.

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    • $5.95
  • When : The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink - Hardcover

    When : The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink - Hardcover

    Instant New York Times Bestseller
    #1 Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller
    Instant Washington Post Bestseller

    "Brims with a surprising amount of insight and practical advice." --The Wall Street Journal

    Daniel H. Pink, the #1 bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human, unlocks the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, at school, and at home.

    Everyone knows that timing is everything. But we don't know much about timing itself. Our lives are a never-ending stream of "when" decisions: when to start a business, schedule a class, get serious about a person. Yet we make those decisions based on intuition and guesswork.

    Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink shows that timing is really a science.

    Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology, and economics, Pink reveals how best to live, work, and succeed. How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test scores? How can we turn a stumbling beginning into a fresh start? Why should we avoid going to the hospital in the afternoon? Why is singing in time with other people as good for you as exercise? And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers, or get married?

    In When, Pink distills cutting-edge research and data on timing and synthesizes them into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible stories and practical takeaways that give readers compelling insights into how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

    • $19.99
  • When the Impossible Happens by Stanislav Grof, M.D. Ph.D. - Paperback USED New Age

    When the Impossible Happens by Stanislav Grof, M.D. Ph.D. - Paperback USED New Age

    Feelings of oneness with other people, nature, and the universe. Encounters with extraterrestrials, deities, and demons. Out-of-body experiences and past-life memories. Science casts a skeptical eye. But Dr. Stanislav Grof―the psychiatric researcher who cofounded transpersonal psychology―believes otherwise.

    When the Impossible Happens presents Dr. Grof 's mesmerizing firsthand account of over 50 years of inquiry into waters uncharted by classical psychology, one that will leave readers questioning the very fabric of our existence.

    From his first LSD session that gave him a glimpse of cosmic consciousness to his latest work with Holotropic Breathwork, When the Impossible Happens will amaze readers with vivid explorations of topics such as:

    • Temptations of a Non-Local Universe―experiments in astral projection
    • Praying Mantis in Manhattan and other tales of synchronicity
    • Trailing Clouds of Glory―remembering birth and prenatal life
    • Dying and Beyond―survival of consciousness after death

    When the Impossible Happens is an incredible opportunity to journey beyond ordinary consciousness, guaranteed to shake the foundations of what we assume to be reality, and sure to offer a new vision of our human potential.

    • $9.50
  • The Mind's I : Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul - Paperback USED LOT OF 2

    The Mind's I : Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul - Paperback USED LOT OF 2

    The Mind's I : Fantasies And Reflections On Self & Soul by Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett - Paperback USED Like New

    With contributions from Jorge Luis Borges, Richard Dawkins, John Searle, and Robert Nozick, The Mind's I explores the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology, and other disciplines. In selections that range from fiction to scientific speculations about thinking machines, artificial intelligence, and the nature of the brain, Hofstadter and Dennett present a variety of conflicting visions of the self and the soul as explored through the writings of some of the twentieth century's most renowned thinkers.

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    • $15.00
  • The Mind's I : Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul - Paperback USED
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    The Mind's I : Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul - Paperback USED

    The Mind's I : Fantasies And Reflections On Self & Soul by Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett - Paperback USED Like New

    With contributions from Jorge Luis Borges, Richard Dawkins, John Searle, and Robert Nozick, The Mind's I explores the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology, and other disciplines. In selections that range from fiction to scientific speculations about thinking machines, artificial intelligence, and the nature of the brain, Hofstadter and Dennett present a variety of conflicting visions of the self and the soul as explored through the writings of some of the twentieth century's most renowned thinkers.

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    • $12.95
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