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  • Born Knowing : A Medium's Journey by John Holland
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    Born Knowing : A Medium's Journey by John Holland

    Learn how to awaken your own psychic abilities as you read John Holland's fascinating story. Born Knowing is John's first book. In an open and candid way, he explains how he dealt with his conflict of coming to terms with, and finally accepting, his rare ability as a spirit messenger who helps people connect with those who have passed on.

    John Holland, internationally renowned psychic medium, has been lecturing, teaching, demonstrating, and reading for private clients for over 20 years. He believes passionately that once the physical body dies, our spirit lives on. He’s dedicated his life to his own spiritual development and teaching others how to connect with Spirit, as well as offering peace and comfort during times of loss and bereavement. He continues to push the boundaries of authentic mediumship by developing an even higher awareness of Spirit. The best-selling author of Born Knowing, Psychic Navigator, 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, Power of the Soul, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, and The Spirit Whisperer, John also hosts his own weekly radio show, Spirit Connections. He has become a familiar face on television in shows such as the A&E special Mediums: We See Dead People, as well as becoming a psychic authority on the History Channel’s Psychic History.

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    • $12.00
  • Easy Tarot Reading by Josephine Ellershaw - Paperback Divination Manual

    Easy Tarot Reading by Josephine Ellershaw - Paperback Divination Manual

    Featuring a foreword by award-winning Tarot author Barbara Moore

    After learning Tarot card meanings and basic spreads, the next step for beginners is fitting all these pieces into a cohesive, insightful reading. Josephine Ellershaw, the author of the international bestsellerEasy Tarot, presents an easy, effective, and enjoyable way for anyone to learn to do amazingly accurate, helpful Tarot readings.

    Ellershaw illuminates the Tarot reading process by inviting you to virtually sit in on her readings with ten individuals. Card by card, spread by spread, she reveals her thought process behind each interpretation and decision, and tells how to make the connections that add clarity and depth to a reading. These compelling and memorable accounts of ten very different readings, along with follow-up documentation of how relevant each reading proved to be, result in a powerful and completely unique approach to learning to do Tarot readings.

    Easy Tarot Reading also includes tips on the following topics:
    ―Ethical guidelines and responsibility
    ―Conducting email and telephone readings
    ―Delivering bad news
    ―Seeker involvement and icebreakers
    ―Frequency of consultations
    ―Indicators of success, secrets, and skullduggery

    "A truly unique book . . . This engaging and honest behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of Tarot will delight and inspire both Tarot enthusiasts and curious newcomers alike."―Lisa Finander, author of Disneystrology

    "I absolutely adore this book . . . Ellershaw presents the 'story' that a reading really is in fine fashion!"―Bonnie Cehovet, Aeclectic Tarot

    "If you've never read cards before, this is the book to start with. If you're already reading cards, this is the book that will help you fine tune your skills."―Anna Jedrziewski,

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    • $12.95
  • Angel Tech : A Modern Shaman's Guide to Reality Selection 3rd Edition by Antero Alli - Paperback

    Angel Tech : A Modern Shaman's Guide to Reality Selection 3rd Edition by Antero Alli - Paperback

    Here are all the great neurological scripts of the past synthesized and modernized for our day: the Tarot, Cabala, Alchemy, The Hindu Chakra System. And here, too--praise be to the Sun Absolute!--is a refreshing absence of the cant, the pomposity and the deliberate mystification that makes most books on those subjects unreadable. --Robert Anton Wilson, Ph.D., author of Cosmic Trigger

    Angel Tech is a witty, rollicking, wise rendition of the stages of evolution we have been experiencing. Antero Alli is that special brand of human-a frontier scout for the species, out there on the rim where the past and future intersect. --Timothy Leary, Ph.D., author of Info-Psychology

    Angel Tech is a comprehensive compendium of insights and techniques for the direct application of Dr. Timothy Leary's Eight-Circuit Brain model for Intelligence Increase. What Dr. Leary posited as theory (Exo-Psychology) and Dr. Robert Anton Wilson brilliantly demonstrated in sociopolitical, mathematical and intellectual proofs (Prometheus Rising), Antero Alli has extended into tangible tasks, exercises, rituals and meditations towards an embodied realization of brain change through first hand experience. 

    Angel Tech challenges the reader to redefine "Intelligence"; according to hir own direct experiences and finally, dares us to live accordingly. In print for over twenty years, this Third Revised Edition of this classic "performance" book has been updated and revised based on the author's most recent research results.

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    • $21.95
  • Are You My Guru? by Wendy Shanker - Paperback Memoir

    Are You My Guru? by Wendy Shanker - Paperback Memoir

    From the author of The Fat Girl's Guide to Life—an insightful and humorous memoir of one woman's quest to navigate the world of alternative healing. 

    At age 33, Wendy Shanker was on the verge of Have It All-itis: a Midwestern girl living in Manhattan, writing for television, mingling with celebrities, and publishing her first book. Plus, she had a fierce haircut. Life was good. Then suddenly, it wasn't. 

    Diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease, Wendy knew she was in for it- at the very least a cocktail of chemo and steroids (certain to challenge her body image), a bustling career put on hold, and a major hurdle to her dating life. When she ran out of medical options, Wendy found herself exploring everything from acupuncture, colonics, and energy healing to detox retreats, tarot card readers, and an intuitive therapist who wanted her to talk to her liver. Surely there must be a guru somewhere who can fix everything-right?

    About the Author

    Wendy Shanker is the author of The Fat Girl's Guide to Life and a contributor to The Modern Jewish Girl's Guide to Guilt. She's also performed stand–up and two acclaimed one–woman shows.

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    • $1.95
  • Divination for Beginners : Reading the Past, Present & Future by Scott Cunningham - Paperback

    Divination for Beginners : Reading the Past, Present & Future by Scott Cunningham - Paperback

    Anyone can practice divination. You don't need to be psychic, or believe that a higher power controls the cards. Anyone can learn to predict the future using the methods described in this book. Learn how to choose the methods that works best for you, and ask the right questions so you get accurate answers. Discover the secrets of a wide variety of methods, from Tarot cards and the I Ching to crystal gazing, palmistry, and even reading signs and omens in the world around you 

    The earth, the air, the chaos and the sky,
    The seas, the fields, the rocks and mountains high
    Reveal the truth.
    - Lucan 

    The real value of divination is in planning and prevention. If you like the answers you receive, continue on. If it looks like trouble ahead, adjust your course of action and see how your new plan affects the outcome. In this way you can use divination to fine tune your future and start living the life you've always dreamed of. 

    About the Author

    Scott Cunningham practiced magic actively for over twenty years. He was the author of more than fifty books covering both fiction and non-fiction subject matter; sixteen of his titles are published by Llewellyn Publications. Scott's books reflect a broad range of interests within the New Age sphere, where he was very highly regarded. He passed from this life on March 28, 1993, after a long illness. 

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    • $11.95
  • Llewellyn's Complete Book of Divination by Richard Webster - Paperback

    Llewellyn's Complete Book of Divination by Richard Webster - Paperback

    Answer Questions and Predict the Future with this Comprehensive Collection of Proven Tips and Techniques

    Explore the Profound Wisdom and Fascinating Secrets of Divination 

    Richard Webster, one of the world’s bestselling new age authors, explores the incredibly wide variety of divination systems from around the world. Discover in-depth information and how-to instruction for more than thirty divination practices, including:

    Tarot • Astrology • Palmistry • Numerology • Pendulums • I Ching • Automatic Writing • Candle Reading • Coin Divination • Flower Reading • Dowsing • Runes • Scrying • Geomancy • Bibliomancy • And Much More

    Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Divination also features helpful tips for choosing the best form of divination for your specific needs and preparation methods to practice before a divination session. Learn about the history of divination and the historical figures who could see the future. Find out how raising your intuitive skills can improve nearly every aspect of your life, from relationships and health to money and career. Whether you’re just getting started or are a seasoned expert, this thorough guide holds sacred wisdom and wonderful surprises for you.

    About the Author

    Richard Webster was born and raised in New Zealand. He has been interested in the psychic world since he was nine years old. As a teenager, he became involved in hypnotism and later became a professional stage hypnotist. After school, he worked in the publishing business and purchased a bookstore. The concept of reincarnation played a significant role in his decision to become a past-life specialist. Richard has also taught psychic development classes, which are based on many of his books.

    Richard's first book was published in 1972, fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an author. Richard is now the author of over a hundred books, and is still writing today. His best-selling books include Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians and Creative Visualization for Beginners.

    Richard has appeared on several radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad including guest spots on Hard Copy, WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV (Los Angeles), KSTW-TV (Seattle) and the Mike and Matty Show (ABC). He currently resides in New Zealand with his wife and three children. He regularly travels the world to give lectures, workshops and to continue his research.

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    • $28.95
  • Becoming Indigo : A Novel by Tara Taylor & Lorna Schultz Nicholson - Paperback
    • 67% off

    Becoming Indigo : A Novel by Tara Taylor & Lorna Schultz Nicholson - Paperback

    “Once you open up your heart, you are going to figure out what you are supposed to do.”

    “Indigo has left home and spread her wings, and she’s now developing her intuitive gifts. This wonderful story is packed with twists and turns that will have you tearing through the pages. It’s one of those books you can’t stop reading—but that you don’t want to end. A great addition to the Indigo series. Can’t wait for the next one!”— David Michie, author of The Dalai Lama’s Cat

    High school is finally over, and Indigo Russell is living with two of her best friends in the Glebe, a hip, eclectic neighborhood in downtown Ottawa. It’s summertime, which means longer days filled with music, parties, boys—and even later nights. When the apartment starts making strange noises, Indie wonders: is it just her imagination, or is something more sinister at play?

    Meanwhile, she has no idea what she wants to do with her life. As close friends and classmates prepare to head off to university, she’s left wondering where to go—a task made all the more difficult because her thoughts are interrupted by weird voices. Who are these voices that keep talking to her? Angels or villains? Is the apartment haunted . . . or is she?

    As she searches for answers and attempts to control her supernatural abilities, Indie forms a close bond with Paul, literally the nicest guy ever. Not long after, Indie’s first love, John, comes back into her life, complicating everything. Fate leads her to Annabelle, a woman who shares her psychic gift and teaches her to use tarot and oracle cards—and who may be the one to help her figure it all out.

    In the face of danger and heartache, Indie must learn to follow her intuition, listen to her inner guide, and discover who she should trust so she can become the person she is meant to be.

    “Captivating! An evocative glimpse into a very different kind of coming-of-age story. Becoming Indigo is a compelling page turner that will leave any reader wanting more.”— Jordan Dane, critically acclaimed and best-selling author of Indigo Awakening

    “Becoming Indigo is a delicious mix of gritty realism and mystical elements guaranteed to keep readers flipping pages to see what will happen next! This fast-paced novel will appeal to a wide variety of readers. Both contemporary and paranormal readers will have elements to love!”— Janet Gurtler, author of the RITA Award finalist I’m Not Her

    About the Author

    Tara Taylor is an internationally known intuitive counselor, spiritual teacher, and motivational speaker. She is president and CEO of Whitelight Wellness and co-founder of the Just Say Yes seminars.Tara counsels people of all ages and guides professional intuitives and children with clairvoyant gifts, as well as friends and family who need help understanding these special children.

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    Lorna Schultz Nicholson is a full-time writer who has published over 20 award-winning books, including Roughing and Northern Star. Her nonfiction book, Home Ice, was on the Globe and Mail bestseller list for many months and was a top selling sports book during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Lorna divides her time between Calgary and Penticton, where she and her husband share their homes with their crazy golden retriever, Snowball, and whiny bichon-shih tzu, Molly.

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