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The CRC Standard Mathematical Tables is the benchmark reference and most comprehensive handbook. It is invaluable for professionals and students in mathematical and scientific fields such as engineering, acoustics, astrophysics, epidemiology, finance, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics, satellite navigation, control systems, and rocket science. With over 6,000 entries, Chemical Rubber Company Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 15th Edition continues to provide essential formulas, tables, figures, and descriptions, including many diagrams, group tables, and integrals. Material is presented in a multisectional format, with each section containing a valuable collection of fundamental tabular and expository reference material.
This is a used, hardcover reference book in good condition. Cover and binding are well-maintained and holding up good; there is no writing, highlighting, or marks of any kind present within the text. Chemical Rubber Company, 15th edition 1967. 664 pages, indexed.
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