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  • Cities of Gold and Glory (Fabled Lands Volume 2) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    Cities of Gold and Glory (Fabled Lands Volume 2) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    An epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. Be anyone you want: explorer, merchant, priest, scholar, thief, wizard, or soldier of fortune. Buy ships, goods, and townhouses, join a temple, undertake desperate adventures in the wilderness, or embroil yourself in court intrigues and the sudden violence of city backstreets. Undertake missions that will earn you allies and enemies, or remain a free agent and choose your own objectives. With thousands of quests and locations to explore, the choices are all yours.

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a British videogame designer, comic book creator, scriptwriter and UK best-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-your-own style gamebooks, including the acclaimed Fabled Lands series with Jamie Thomson, with whom he co-created Dark Lord: The Early Years, and a Kirkus-star-winning interactive version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. His acclaimed graphic novel epic Mirabilis: Year of Wonders is being serialized in both print and digital editions.

    • $10.00
  • The War-Torn Kingdom (Fabled Lands Volume 1) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    The War-Torn Kingdom (Fabled Lands Volume 1) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    An epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. Be anyone you want: explorer, merchant, priest, scholar, thief, wizard, or soldier of fortune. Buy ships, goods, and townhouses, join a temple, risk desperate adventures in the wilderness, or embroil yourself in court intrigues and the sudden violence of city backstreets. Undertake missions that will earn you allies and enemies, or remain a free agent and choose your own objectives. With thousands of quests and locations to explore, the choices are all yours.

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a British videogame designer, comic book creator, scriptwriter and UK best-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-your-own style gamebooks, including the acclaimed Fabled Lands series with Jamie Thomson, with whom he co-created Dark Lord: The Early Years, and a Kirkus-star-winning interactive version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. His acclaimed graphic novel epic Mirabilis: Year of Wonders is being serialized in both print and digital editions.

    • $10.00
  • Over the Blood-Dark Sea (Fabled Lands Volume 3) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    Over the Blood-Dark Sea (Fabled Lands Volume 3) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    An epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. Be anyone you want: explorer, merchant, priest, scholar, thief, wizard, or soldier of fortune. Buy ships, goods, and townhouses, join a temple, venture of daring quests in the wilderness, or embroil yourself in court intrigues and the sudden violence of city backstreets. Undertake missions that will earn you allies and enemies, or remain a free agent and choose your own objectives. With thousands of quests and locations to explore, the choices are all yours.

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a British videogame designer, comic book creator, scriptwriter and UK best-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-your-own style gamebooks, including the acclaimed Fabled Lands series with Jamie Thomson, with whom he co-created Dark Lord: The Early Years, and a Kirkus-star-winning interactive version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. He is the creator of the DRAGON WARRIORS roleplaying game. His acclaimed graphic novel epic Mirabilis: Year of Wonders is being serialized in both print and digital editions.

    • $10.00
  • The Plains of Howling Darkness (Fabled Lands Volume 4) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    The Plains of Howling Darkness (Fabled Lands Volume 4) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    Explore THE PLAINS OF HOWLING DARKNESS, where barbaric nomads attack all who enter their deadly wilderness. Where legendary prizes await the adventurer who can release the High King from his frozen tomb. Where a city of ghosts guards the Shadar's treasure vaults. Where the secret of immortality is contained in the ancient evil of Kaschuf the Deathless.

    Fantastic quests and hideous dangers await travellers in this savage land. You can choose to be a warrior, using weapons and combat skills to strike down all opponents; a mystical mage, skilled in sorcery; a clever rogue, acquiring wealth by theft and trickery; a daring wayfarer, probing and charting the forgotten reaches of the wilderness; a priest, fighting dark monsters with the holy fires of faith; or a troubadour, charming all you meet on your many fabulous exploits.

    Your destiny is in your own hands and there are no limits on your imagination. Success will bring the rewards that will lead you to still greater exploits in the amazing role-playing world of the FABLED LANDS.

    About the Authors

    Jamie Thomson is the best-selling author of DARK LORD: THE EARLY YEARS and winner of the 2012 Roald Dahl Prize. With Dave Morris, he is co-founder of Fabled Lands LLP, a creative studio dedicated to originating worlds, characters and properties that span media from print to games to television.

    Dave Morris is an award-winning game designer and UK #1 top-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-you-own style gamebooks with worldwide sales in the millions. His interactive version of Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN for iPad won critical acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic, with describing it as "maybe the best interactive fiction yet". He is also the creator of the acclaimed multiplayer gamebook series BLOOD SWORD and the classic British fantasy roleplaying game DRAGON WARRIORS.

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    • $10.00
  • The Court of Hidden Faces (Fabled Lands Volume 5) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    The Court of Hidden Faces (Fabled Lands Volume 5) by Jamie Thomson and Dave Morris - Paperback

    Set out on a journey of unlimited adventure!

    FABLED LANDS is an epic interactive gamebook series with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. You can choose to be an explorer, merchant, priest, scholar or soldier of fortune. You can buy a ship or a townhouse, join a temple, undertake desperate adventures in the wilderness or embroil yourself in court intrigues and the sudden violence of city backstreets. You can undertake missions that will earn you allies and enemies, or you can remain a free agent. With thousands of numbered sections to explore, the choices are all yours.

    At the Court of Hidden Faces, no one is who they seem. The sinister lords of the Uttakin go masked to hide their treachery. The secret police of the god Ebron kill those who flout their fanatical codes. In this tyrannical realm of betrayal and assassination, life is cheap. But rich rewards await the adventurer courageous enough to penetrate this hostile land.

    Will you uncover the secrets of the High King’s citadel, where no mortal has trod for ten generations? Or wrest the holy sword from the crypt of Kizil Irmak, the Harbinger of War? Or find the key that unlocks the greatest secret of all – the means to open the gate of Time and travel back into the past?

    Your fate is in your own hands. You choose your skills, your goals, where you will venture and what you will do. The only limit is your imagination.

    The choices are all yours. And success will give you the powers to venture ever deeper into the amazing role-playing world that is Fabled Lands.

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    • $10.00
  • Lords of the Rising Sun (Fabled Lands Volume 6) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    Lords of the Rising Sun (Fabled Lands Volume 6) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    FABLED LANDS is an epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. You can choose to be an explorer, merchant, priest, scholar or soldier of fortune. You can buy a ship or a townhouse, join a temple, undertake desperate adventures in the wilderness or embroil yourself in court intrigues and the sudden violence of city backstreets. You can undertake missions that will earn you allies and enemies, or you can remain a free agent. With thousands of quests and locations to explore, the choices are all yours.

    * * *


    The Lords of the Rising Sun hold absolute power over the exotic kingdom of Akatsurai. But proud warrior clans constantly seek to overthrow them. In the turmoil of war there are countless opportunities for a quick-witted adventurer. Will you spy for the Shogun? Will you pledge your life to the Sovereign as one of his chivalrous knights? Or just play one side against the other in your pursuit of riches and power?

    Track down the elusive, raven-winged Tengu to learn the secret arts of sorcery and swordplay. Defeat the vampires, skilled in martial arts, who guard the Lost Tomb of the Necromancer. Enter the dreadful cloisters of the Noboro Monastery, where you will fight the most dangerous opponent of all ? yourself ...

    A thousand quests await you and every decision is in your hands. Be whoever you choose, go anywhere you please, do anything you want ? the only limit is your imagination.

    The choices are unlimited, the adventures endless, in the fantastic role-playing world of the FABLED LANDS.

    • $10.00
  • The Keep of the Lich Lord (Fabled Lands Quests Volume 1) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    The Keep of the Lich Lord (Fabled Lands Quests Volume 1) by Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson - Paperback

    Return to the Fabled Lands…

    Fabled Lands Quests are a series of single-quest interactive gamebooks that you can play as standalone adventures or as part of your ongoing Fabled Lands campaign. Originally published as part of the Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks series, The Keep of the Lich Lord is back in print after twenty years in a completely revised edition with new rules, a new introduction, a host of extras, and all-new sections that make it now a part of the Fabled Lands world.

    Lord Mortis has risen!

    Clawing his way back from the grave, the Lich Lord has once again set his sights on conquest. Allying himself with the Reavers of the Unnumbered Isles, he threatens to bring the northern kingdoms under the cruel dominion of his undead armies. They have already taken Bloodrise Keep, a key point in the defence of the islands, and soon nothing will stand between Mortis and the ultimate victory of the zombie horde.

    A cunning and fearless adventurer is needed for a vital mission to enter Bloodrise Keep and overthrow the evil Lich Lord – an adventurer like you!

    • $18.95
  • The Battlepits of Krarth (Blood Sword Volume 1) by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson - Paperback

    The Battlepits of Krarth (Blood Sword Volume 1) by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson - Paperback

    THE BATTLEPITS OF KRARTH is the first title in the Blood Sword series. It can be played solo like a traditional gamebook, or it can be played by a team of up to four people. Combining the best of role-playing, gamebooks, novels and boardgames, the Blood Sword series builds into a sweeping fantasy epic that delivers the most exciting challenge yet in interactive adventure.

    Every thirteen lunar months the Magi of Krarth hold a desperate contest to see which of them will rule that bleak and icy land. Teams of daring adventurers are sent down into the labyrinths that lie beneath the tundra, each searching for the Emblem of Victory that will win power for their patron.

    Only one team can prevail. The others must die.

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a bestselling author - in fact, he was 1990’s top-selling author in the UK.

    In addition to having written a string of adventure novels and role-playing gamebooks for older kids and young adults, he is also an award-winning videogame designer with two Top Ten hits to his name.

    As a mentor in the American Film Institute digital content lab, he has worked with partners like NBC and Microsoft to create new forms of entertainment that fuse the best of traditional storytelling and interactivity. As a scriptwriter he has worked for the BBC, Endemol, Carlton, Pearson and Flextech.

    All of these skills of drama, visual storytelling, interactive design and new media come together in his epic 900-page graphic novel saga Mirabilis, part-funded by Random House, which was launched in both digital and print media in early 2011.

    • $15.00
  • The Kingdom of Wyrd (Blood Sword Volume 2) by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson - Paperback

    The Kingdom of Wyrd (Blood Sword Volume 2) by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson - Paperback

    BLOOD SWORD can be played either solo or in a team of up to four people, providing the most exciting challenge yet in fantasy adventures, combining the best of role-playing, novels and tabletop games.

    The Warlock King holds the land of Wyrd in thrall. His tyrannized subjects live in perpetual fear, knowing that he can see into their dreams and kill them while they sleep.

    But now an ancient prophecy has brought outsiders from beyond the shores of Wyrd. You seek the lost hilt of the Sword of Life. To claim it you must find the Palace of Eternal Dusk and there confront the Warlock King.

    It is a struggle which will test the limits of your courage and skill, for the nightmares you must face will be shaped from the darkest corners of your own subconscious mind.

    * * *

    What reviewers are saying about BLOOD SWORD:

    “Real effort has gone into the world-building and characterisation of this series.”

    “A lot of really cinematic elements.”

    “A memorable story, along with a memorable game-playing experience. Long paragraphs and detailed descriptions add to the atmosphere.”

    “There are multiple paths to victory, and each path will provide you with differing challenges.”

    “The atmosphere is fantastic. From the snow-capped landscape to the fear of constantly being stalked by minions of the True Magi, this campaign is very gripping, with great evocations of the senses of claustrophobia and urgency.”

    • $15.00
  • The Demon's Claw (Blood Sword Volume 3) by Dave Morris - Paperback

    The Demon's Claw (Blood Sword Volume 3) by Dave Morris - Paperback

    The darkest hour approaches…

    To recover the final fragment of the Sword of Life, you are forced to make an uneasy alliance with the exiled prince who seeks its twin, the Sword of Death.

    The next phase of your quest takes you through the alleyways of the city of Crescentium, where assassins lurk in the shadows and fanatic crusaders are vigilant to mete out punishment to any who break their harsh laws.

    But mortal foes are not your greatest threat. You must embark on a ship that voyages between worlds, face jinn and fire wizards, and contend against the still-powerful remnants of forgotten gods.

    In this land of sorcery, you will encounter terrors and wonders more fabulous than you have ever imagined – until your ultimate destination, the very shores of Life and Death, where you come face to face with your greatest foe.

    Blood Sword can be played either solo or in a team of up to four people, providing the most exciting challenge yet in fantasy adventures, combining the best of role-playing, novels and tabletop games.

    What reviewers say:

    ”A lush and gorgeous campaign, one of the best I've played…”

    “Without exaggeration, the finest entry in the best 'ongoing story' gamebook series ever crafted…”

    ”A grand adventure. Ends on an absolutely awesome cliffhanger that leaves you just gasping to read the fourth book in the series..."

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a videogame designer, comic book creator, scriptwriter and best-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-your-own style gamebooks, including the acclaimed Fabled Lands series with Jamie Thomson, with whom he co-created Dark Lord: The Early Years, and a Kirkus-star-winning interactive version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. His graphic novel epic Mirabilis: Year of Wonders is being serialized in both print and digital editions.

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    • $15.00
  • Doomwalk (Blood Sword Volume 4) by Dave Morris - Paperback

    Doomwalk (Blood Sword Volume 4) by Dave Morris - Paperback

    Your quest for the Sword of Life leads into the domain of Death…

    The True Magi are gathering their powers. Soon the moment of their reincarnation will be at hand.

    Only one thing can stop them from returning to enslave mankind. One weapon has the power to slay them. The Sword of Life. But it has been seized by your arch-enemy and taken to a place beyond the reach of all but the mightiest of heroes.

    And so you set out on your most desperate adventure. To recover the Sword of Life, you must travel to the land of the dead.

    .Blood Sword can be played either solo or in a team of up to four people, providing the most exciting challenge yet in fantasy adventures, combining the best of role-playing, novels and tabletop games.

    What reviewers are saying:

    ”A beautifully wrought and utterly fantastic epic quest…”

    “A blast from start from finish.”

    “Easily one of the best gamebooks out there.”

    About the Author

    Dave Morris is a British videogame designer, comic book creator, scriptwriter and UK best-selling author. He has written more than two dozen choose-your-own style gamebooks, including the acclaimed Fabled Lands series with Jamie Thomson, with whom he co-created Dark Lord: The Early Years, and a Kirkus-star-winning interactive version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. His acclaimed graphic novel epic Mirabilis: Year of Wonders is being serialized in both print and digital editions.

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    • $15.00