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Greater Spirituality is a new relevation for the new millennium. It is a doorway into a greater universe. It is here to prepare humanity for the greatest of all thresholds: the world's emergence into a Greater Community of intelligent life.
Greater Community Spirituality provides the greater context for realizing the purpose that has brought you into the world at this time. This is a different kind of spirituality. It is not based upon any world religious tradition or philosophy. It transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language, providing the foundation for recognition and relationship between people, nations and worlds.
Greater Community contains 27 chapters, each answering a fundamental question about the meaning of life, our relationship with God and our destiny, all from a Greater Community perspective. This book is for those who have not found their spiritual home in the religious traditions of this world. It is essential for anyone who feels the great change that is coming.
This is a used book in nearly new condition. Trade size paperback, softcover.