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  • God's Little Devotional for Couples Gift Set with Christian Notetakers Journal

    God's Little Devotional for Couples Gift Set with Christian Notetakers Journal

    This delightful book is basic, practical and filled with timeless wisdom from the Bible, covering topics that couples everywhere will understand.

    This gift set also includes The Christian NoteTaker's Journal.

    Use this popular journal year after year to record and refer to the best in inspirational wisdom from Christian speakers and writers. You'll also have space to record your own meditations and God's answers to prayer, for up to three years per journal.

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    • $8.95
  • A Story of God and All of Us Reflections: 100 Daily Inspirations based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" - Hardcover Devotional

    A Story of God and All of Us Reflections: 100 Daily Inspirations based on the Epic TV Miniseries "The Bible" - Hardcover Devotional

    "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

    These are the opening words of the greatest book the world has ever known. The Bible. In the Spring of 2013, husband-and-wife team Mark Burnett and Roma Downey decided to bring this story to the world in an epic television miniseries.

    This gorgeous, high-design book of 100 daily inspirations will help you to experience God's love through the text of the Bible. Each reflection includes a Bible verse, a personal reading, and a short prayer with visually stunning images from the set of the epic TV Miniseries, "The Bible."

    In this book you will find that God's love for you is a wellspring-inexhaustible, ever flowing, refreshing, and always available.

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    • $1.99
  • The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi - Paperback Hindu Scriptures

    The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi - Paperback Hindu Scriptures

    The Bhagavad Gita, also called The Song of the Lord, is a 700-line section of a much longer Sanskrit war epic, the Mahabharata, about the legendary conflict between two branches of an Indian ruling family. Framed as a conversation between Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, and a general of one of the armies, the Gita is written in powerful poetic language meant to be chanted. Equally treasured as a guide to action, a devotional scripture, a philosophical text, and inspirational reading, it remains one of the world’s most influential, widely read spiritual books.

    The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi is based on talks given by Gandhi between February and November 1926 at the Satyagraha Ashram in Ahmedabad, India. During this time—a period when Gandhi had withdrawn from mass political activity—he devoted much of his time and energy to translating the Gita from Sanskrit into his native Gujarati. As a result, he met with his followers almost daily, after morning prayer sessions, to discuss the Gita’s contents and meaning as it unfolded before him. This book is the transcription of those daily sessions.

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    • $12.95
  • A Grand New Day : A Year of Daily Inspiration and Encouragement for Women of Faith - Hardcover USED

    A Grand New Day : A Year of Daily Inspiration and Encouragement for Women of Faith - Hardcover USED

    Wake up! It's time to start your day with the amazing ladies from Women of Faith. Or hey, if you're a night owl there's no better way to finish your day. Either way, you now have a dose of love and wisdom for every day of the year.

    These women, as lighthearted as they are firmly rooted in Scripture, want to talk to you daily, give you insight from their lives, and empower you to live your life more fully. So dive in and get your daily dose . . . it'll do you good.

    Writers include Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, and more.

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    • $0.50
  • God Uses Cracked Pots : A Lighthearted Look at Life's Foibles & Fears by Patsy Clairmont - Paperback USED

    God Uses Cracked Pots : A Lighthearted Look at Life's Foibles & Fears by Patsy Clairmont - Paperback USED

    A sidesplitting, heartwarming collection of anecdotes that turn everyday events into humorous memories.

    Patsy Clairmont is a popular speaker, a coauthor of various Women of Faith devotionals, and the author of such best-selling books as "God Uses Cracked Pots" and "Sportin' a 'Tude." She and her husband live in Brighton, Michigan.

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    • $0.50
  • Exodus : The Daily Bible Study Series - Paperback by H.L. Ellison USED

    Exodus : The Daily Bible Study Series - Paperback by H.L. Ellison USED

    "Exodus," writes H. L. Ellison, "is in many ways one of the most important and spiritually interesting books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of how God freed his people from Egypt and bound them to himself by a covenant. We are given insight into how this link with God modified the people's traditional law, how God's grace reacted to a broken covenant, and how we should approach God in worship."

    Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay's New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • $0.25
  • The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe : ISAIAH 53--THE PIVOT POINT OF ALL HISTORY by Chuck Missler - Paperback

    The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe : ISAIAH 53--THE PIVOT POINT OF ALL HISTORY by Chuck Missler - Paperback

    Isaiah 53 is one of the most astonishing passages in the entire Bible:

    It is often called, “The Holy of Holies” of the Old Testament. However, it is even more broadly impacting than most people realize; that’s why we call it, “The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe.” Its reach includes the entire creation.

    Clearly, its most devotional significance details our personal salvation: indeed, the entire New Testament is summarized in its remarkable 12 verses. Yet it also includes some of the most astonishing apologetic insights in the entire Bible. Rich rewards for the diligent.

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    • $5.95
  • The Daily God Book : A Year of Listening for God - Hardcover Devotional

    The Daily God Book : A Year of Listening for God - Hardcover Devotional

    God wants to have a daily conversation with you. The Daily God Book highlights Bible passages that have a direct message to you. Each day, start your day off right with a word from God that becomes a daily conversation with your living Lord. The convenient and attractive package is a perfect companion to a spiritual break in your busy day.

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    • $12.95
  • Quiet Moments with God for Teens - Hardcover Devotional

    Quiet Moments with God for Teens - Hardcover Devotional

    Does anyone out there really understand me?

    Living life as a teen today seems tougher than ever--increasing social and peer pressures, the need to succeed just to get ahead, never mind the things that are important to you.  Perhaps a moment with the Creator of the universe is in order...

    Do yourself a favor--take five quick minutes, and let God uplift your soul.  Listen to the scriptures as they call you to relax, surround yourself with God's love, and refocus on what's truly important.  Challenge yourself with soul-searching readings and inspiring quotations designed to strengthen your heart.  God's peace is real, it's yours for the asking, and you can find it in quiet moments with Him.

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    • $4.95
  • Total Devotion : 365 Days with Jesus for Teens by Kevin Johnson - Paperback Devotional
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    Total Devotion : 365 Days with Jesus for Teens by Kevin Johnson - Paperback Devotional

    Bestselling author Kevin Johnson connects with youth like no other! He's selected some of his best devotions, written some new ones, and packed them into one handy, 365-day guide for today's young teens. Tackling difficult issues such as school blues, parental relationships, and future fears, these quick-witted and humorous devotions each include an attention-grabbing opener, an explanation with application of Scripture, and a take-away Bible verse. Parents and youth alike agree that these fun, fresh devotions will keep teens reading. Kevin Johnson's one-of-a-kind devotionals are never preachy--but always punchy.

    "My 15-year-old finds it easy to relate to the stories which helps him make life applications from the Bible texts." --

    Become a Committed Friend of God

    You probably don't need someone to force you to eat. You eat when you're hungry. Your stomach growls, and you munch until you fill up.

    Whether you know it or not, you have the same kind of natural hunger for God. Your questions, problems, doubts, triumphs, failures, the things you love and hate, your dreams of things you want to be or do--those are like a growling stomach prompting you to get closer to God by spending time with him and his Word.

    God created you to know and love him the same way he knows and loves you, but living out your faith isn't always easy--especially if you're still figuring out what that means. Total Devotion gives you solid biblical truth to help you navigate whatever challenges come your way. You'll grow confident in your faith and deepen your friendship with God--and improve your relationships with others along the way.

    Whether you've been a Christian for years or are just starting out, it's never the wrong time to work on how you act and think. If you're ready to take your faith seriously, you're ready for Total Devotion.

    Kevin Johnson is the bestselling author or coauthor of more than sixty books and Bible products. With a background as a youth worker, editor, and teaching pastor, he is now an executive coach and career consultant in Minnesota. Kevin is married to Lyn and they have three grown children.

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    • $2.99
  • Teen to Teen : 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Guys for Teen Guys by Patti M. Humme - Hardcover

    Teen to Teen : 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Guys for Teen Guys by Patti M. Humme - Hardcover

    What more encouraging way to gain perspective than by talking to someone who has been there, especially when that someone is one of your peers. 

    Written expressly for teens by teens, this unique 365 day devotional is filled with personal experiences that are relatable and heart-felt. 

    In addition to learning teen to teen how to deal with difficult issues and maneuver the often trying path to adulthood, each devotion leads teens to move into a deeper relationship with Christ as they recognize that He is the answer to life's problems and strife. Through the stories of others, teens see how God works in our lives when we open ourselves to Him. 

    The devotion includes hundreds of teen authors and teens love reading what their peers have written. This devotional creates a safe, social atmosphere for teens to learn that they are not alone and that God is at work in their lives. Teens learn from other's failures and triumphs how to make the right choices. The impetus for this devotional is to help teens understand how God can and does work in their lives.

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    • $14.95
  • The Lotus Sutra translated by Burton Watson - Paperback
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    The Lotus Sutra translated by Burton Watson - Paperback

    Since its appearance in China in the third century, The Lotus Sutra has been regarded as one of the most illustrious scriptures in the Mahayana Buddhist canon. The object of intense veneration among generations of Buddhists in China, Korea, Japan, and other parts of the world, it has had a profound impact on the great works of Japanese and Chinese literature, attracting more commentary than any other Buddhist scripture.

    As Watson notes in the introduction to his remarkable translation, " The Lotus Sutra is not so much an integral work as a collection of religious texts, an anthology of sermons, stories, and devotional manuals, some speaking with particular force to persons of one type or in one set of circumstances, some to those of another type or in other circumstances. This is no doubt why it has had such broad and lasting appeal over the ages and has permeated so deeply into the cultures that have been exposed to it."

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    • $16.00
  • Anchored in the Storm : Pursuing Christ in the Midst of Life's Trials by Adam Holland - Paperback

    Anchored in the Storm : Pursuing Christ in the Midst of Life's Trials by Adam Holland - Paperback

    On January 2, 2014, Adam Holland woke up on the floor of his bedroom. Scattered on the floor around him were objects from his nightstand: a glass of water, clock, watch, lamp—all on the floor. He was in a haze but still knew that something wasn’t right. Adam hurriedly picked everything up, tried to dry the carpet from the water, and then went back to sleep. He later woke up with a vague idea of what had happened in the night—and also with a mild black eye and bruised face. Thus started the trial of—and for—Adam Holland’s life. After discovering that Adam had a brain tumor, his doctors wanted to do further testing. The final blow came when one of the neurosurgeons walked into the room where Adam and his parents were waiting and told them that the tumor was malignant. He had cancer. Out of Adam’s cancer came Anchored in the Storm, this devotional book for those who are suffering. Distress and anguish take on many forms, including not just physical but also emotional, economic, and relational. The goal of this book is to encourage and exhort your faith in Christ during the hardest, darkest, and most difficult times you may ever face in this life. Adam Holland shared his own story so that you would get to know, at a deeper level, your Creator and the glorious purposes and incredible destiny He has for you.

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    • $10.10
  • The Bible in 366 Days for Women SEALED Paperback GIFT Book
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    The Bible in 366 Days for Women SEALED Paperback GIFT Book

    The Bible in 366 Days for Women Devotional, explores meaningful, core passages from the New Living Translation (NLT), presented chronologically from Genesis to Revelation, with a short and relevant devotional thought for each day. Draw from the promises and blessings from God daily for inspiration in your everyday life.The devotional thoughts are written by Nina Smit, who is a best-selling Christian and children's books author. 

    • Size: 7.1" (L) x 4.5" (W) x .9" (H)
    • 400 Pages
    • Die-Cut Softcover Binding with Fold-In Flaps
    • Gold Foil Title and Accents
    • Screen-Printed Cover Featuring Passage From Isaiah 43:1
    • Presentation Page for Gift-Giving
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    • $12.00