Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique for the progressive refinement of the nervous system through the regular alternation of deep rest and activity. It is not a religion, a philosophy, or a way o life, though it has relevance to all of these.
Transcendental meditation is complete in itself. Being entirely practical, it does not depend upon belief or acceptance of theories: all that is needed for successful practice is a simple willingness to experiment.
Basing his book on the work done by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the author discuses such topics as finding the right question, pure awareness, practical applications, cosmic consciousness, ethics and free will, the Absolute, the seven states of consciousness, creativity, enlightenment, and desire. He believes, "Maharishi's teaching offers us the possibility of achieving something which to many people today seems an utter impossibility: I mean a restoration of a lost wholeness in our view of ourselves and the world."