A Gay Pirate Romance Adventure! (The Seamen Sexology, Volume 1)
Bonjour! Meet François le Foutre, the most fearsome fruit in all of France, enjoying a raunchy romp inside the world-famous poop cabin of his ship, the Raging Queen. Without warning he and his men are come upon by François' arch-nemesis and part-time lover, Captain Cocksmith Standish, who take all of François' seamen and store them in the fo'c'sle with no hope of escape.
Banned by the Texas Renaissance Festival, it's the gay pirate romance novel you've always secretly wanted! (Well, maybe openly wanted.)
A shameful use of your reading skills. Don't miss it! --A fairy queen
It will bring shame and ignominy upon your family. Unless you give it to someone as a gift, and then it will bring shame and ignominy upon their family. --Oskar Hasselhoff, author of Grab Them By The Crotch And Throw Them Out The Window
That wasn't me, that was a broom! --Carlos Santana Eduardo Guerrero
About the Author
François le Foutre was born in Fontenay sur Bois (the land of wood!) east of Paris. He entered the Navy upon finishing his studies and almost immediately rose up to the rank of Rear Admiral. With a reputation for dominating his friends and enemies alike, he earned the moniker The Most Fearsome Fruit in All of France.
Five years ago he left the Navy to enter the private sector. He is a five-time champion of the Beat Them Off with Both Hands tournament in France, the two-time champion of Blunt Force Drama: International Combat Tournament, and author of the best-selling gay pirate romance adventure series The Seamen Sexology, including its banned first installment, There's Seamen on the Poop-Deck!