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  • Affiliate Start-Up Mechanic - Download for PCs

    Affiliate Start-Up Mechanic - Download for PCs

    You're about to discover the fundamental secrets to getting a head start in affiliate marketing...

    Stop Spinning Your Wheels Endlessly Trying The Figure Out How To Get Your Affiliate Business Moving!”

    Get Your Hands On The Easiest 'Do This' 'Do That' Training Videos That'll Finally Get You Where You Need To Be!

    Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make money on the Internet turn to affiliate marketing more than any other marketing niche… and with good reason, just look at what these major research firms say:

    • Affiliate marketing is now a multi-billion marketing channel, which comprises more than 200,000 businesses and individuals” (Performance Marketing Association)
    • Affiliate marketing is expected to be a $4 billion market by 2014 (Forrester Research)

    It’s safe to say that affiliate marketing has turned more “work-from-home” dreams into reality than any other Internet money-making method. Period.

    Quite simply, affiliate marketing is a low-risk, high-return strategy for online marketers.

    Still, for every one affiliate marketer who succeeds and realizes his or her dream of being able to quit their day job and make more money working for home … several more fail miserably.

    The Truth Is You Can’t Just Jump On The Affiliate Marketing Bandwagon & Start Making Money On Instinct

    This approach doesn’t work. Chances are you’ll run out of money long before you figure everything out – I personally have seen this happen again and again and again.

    I’m sure it would have happened to me as well if I hadn’t been lucky enough to have my own mentor who showed me what costly affiliate marketing mistakes to avoid and how to start making real money with affiliate marketing faster than I could have ever dreamed possible.

    Now I want to pass on what my mentor taught me – as well as all that I’ve learned since – to YOU... so you don’t have to struggle and go through the stress of wondering if you’re going to be able to make any money with your new affiliate marketing business!

    Introducing Affiliate Startup Mechanic!...

    Just Watch My Videos And Do What I Do – Succeeding At Affiliate Marketing Couldn’t Be Any Easier!

    Now instead of trying to picture in your mind what you read in an affiliate marketing ebook you can see firsthand exactly what you need to do to start making money as an affiliate marketer. In this course, I willpersonally show you such important affiliate marketing fundamentals as:

    • How to research keywords and select the ones that will allow you to drive waves of cash-in-hand, eager buyers to any web page!
    • How to buy a domain name that will grab prospects attention and entice them to visit your site!
    • How to get hosting for a price that won’t end up sucking up all your profits!
    • How to upload/FTP a website even if you have ZERO technical knowledge!
    • What affiliate marketing really is and how you can lay the foundation you need to become one of the Internet’s most successful affiliate marketers!
    • How to use CPA Networks to really send your affiliate marketing profits soaring!
    • How to promote your site/affiliate link as well as or even better than today’s most successful affiliate marketers!
    • And much more! 
    • $4.95
  • List Building Aces - Download for PCs

    List Building Aces - Download for PCs

    If your not generating at least 100 new subscribers per day then please read this important page...

    “Discover A FOOL-PROOF Method To Banking Hard Cold Cash Day In, Day Out Working No More Than A Few Hours Per Day! With A Winning Email List!”

    If You're Fed Up Of Mediocre Income And All The Short-Term Money-Making Fads You've Been Trying, Up Until Now... Then It's Time To Put It All Behind You And Become The Next Ace List Builder!

    If you have been immersed in the Internet Marketing space for at least a few months, surely you have seen some fads come and go...

    Make money from Facebooking is NOT something I would call a 'solid business model' - not when the social network keeps changing every now and then because Mark Zuckerberg and his team feels like it.

    The Search Engine Optimization game will NEVER be the same for too long. Take a look at the history of Google Slap, Google Panda, Google Penguin (and whatever is going to come next...)

    The Adwords and Pay-Per-Click game is NOT like what they used to be. As soon as some keywords start yielding high value you will pay more per click and eventually your conversions and back-end funnels won't be enough to cover even your up front cost!

    Even the affiliate marketing game CHANGES. Old redundant promotion techniques like whipping up a one-page review site get shortlived when everyone else picks up the same method and do it too!

    You may have witnessed some of these trend changes. And they all have one direction in common: DOWN.

    If you have to keep learning and relearning new techniques to ride on every trend, making money online is going to be a struggle. And how LONG can you last?

    In Short, You NEED Your Own Mailing List!

    It's tried. It's tested. It stands the test of time.

    You won't be at the mercy of shortlived trends because email is an essential Internet tool - and everyone with an Internet access has an email account.

    Once you get people onto your mailing list, it's yours. They have already given you their permission to email them, and you can be making money just sending emails to them.

    How long does it take to write an email? No more than five minutes of your time.

    How often can you send emails to them? As often as you want! (I prefer to send once a day but it's up to everyone's preference)

    How much money can you make? Well, the more email subscribers you have, the more potential income you can make - literally with the click of the mouse!

    I Hate To Break It To You... If You Don't Have A Mailing List - You Don't Have Much Of A Business!

    By 'mailing list' I don't mean just a list of names and email addresses. If no one on your list is a willing buyer, you can't start lining your pockets.

    While most Level 1 amateurs don't have a list (and resort to animal instincts to make money online), I suspect the Level 2 marketers already have their own auto-responder and may have some subscribers already.

    Except that they are NOT making money yet.

    You need a pool of hot, hungry buyers waiting to give you money every time you ask for it - not an ocean of tire-kickers!

    Your Subscribers Need You MORE Than You Need Them!

    Over the years, I have applied every technique I know to build my list to build, support and grow my business. Some worked like gangbusters, while others were just a waste of time and money. In the end, I distilled techniques that worked and kept using them to generate new customers to make sales to.

    The best part is that all the time throughout, whenever a fad bursts it has little or no effect on my profits.

    Because I don't build my business on shaky grounds. And I certainly don't waste my energy and efforts on anything I suspect is just a passing trend. As fad bubbles pop and the latest moolah-making technique is exposed for the fraud it is, I continue to chug cash into my PayPal account, ClickBank account...

    You get the drift.

    Play Your Hand With List Building Aces!...

    ...And Start Banking Perpetual Income Using These Hardcore Methods! - No Newbie Stuff In Here!

    Introducing List Building Aces!...

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    • $4.95
  • Personal Service Profits - Download for PCs

    Personal Service Profits - Download for PCs

    If you're fed up of selling cheap little $7 products, and want to sell high ticket, then stay on this page...

    “How Would You Like To Generate $97Sales, $197 Sales, $497 Sales Or Even MORE Into Your PayPal Account?”

    With Personal Service Profits That's Now Possible Because For The First Time You'll Get Access To The Insider's Perspective On Providing Services For REAL PayPal Cash!

    If you've been struggling online but you know a thing or two about internet marketing, then fate may have brought you to this page.

    Why?... Because you can make good money selling services that webmasters and internet marketers are already looking for.

    Fact Is... You may have been neglecting some of your talents and abilities up until now. We're not talking about complex services here. You CAN pull this off. All it takes is the desire to do so.

    Imagine Getting Paid Good Money For This...

    If you can pull off at least one of these services, then you can make money with it...

    Designing banners - yes people need banners because they want to promote their product! If you can create a half-decent looking banner then you've got customers will to pay you.

    Creating website headers - webmasters and marketers alike need to present their products. Headers are perfect for this and can add value to their websites - again something that you can provide!

    Designing websites - why not take it a step further and do a complete design package? Provide more value, then charge accordling. It's not uncommon for designers to charge $500+ for graphics!

    Writing services - marketers need products to sell, articles to add to their blogs, reports to give away as gifts, and eBooks to sell! If you can research a topic and write about it then expect to be paid for it!

    Technical services - if you're capable of setting up a blog, installing a .html website, setting up an online script, or even programming for that matter then there's a mass of people willing to pay you!

    Installation services - with the ever increasing number of 'turn-key' resell rights products there is a need for installation services hands down!

    Seriously! It's NOT Rocket Science!

    Many of these sevices you can learn (or have already learned) in just a few hours. Yet these simple skills can become your new cash cow.

    If you've been doing affiliate marketing or selling your own products up until now with little or no success, then you should take a swing at selling services.

    So Why Do Services Sell So Well?

    There's a good reason...

    Because people are lazy and they often don't know what they're doing either.

    You can ride in on your white horse, save the day, and best of all get paid for it.

    Don't Know What To Charge?... Don't Worry!

    In fact, it doesn't matter whether you've even sold a single service before!

    I'm going to take you by the hand and walk you through how you can make a big splash... maybe faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.

    Why? Because this course was created from REAL experience.

    And I can tell you now... There's nothing scary about selling services! Especially when you know how to get the right clients (which I'll show you.)

    And here's the real beauty of it...

    There are so many ways to generate clients, even if you don't have an e-mail list.

    You've Probably Seen The Other Big Service Providers Out There

    They never have to worry about where their next check is coming from.

    They have relationships with their clients.

    They're the go-to-guys and go-to-girls everyone goes to in order to get things done.

    You can be sure there will ALWAYS be work available because services are ALWAYS in high demand and marketers need things done - ALL THE TIME!

    Things change rapidly online, as you already know. You can always learn new skills to offer as a service if needed. But the demand for services never changes.

    This Ensures You're Always In Business And I Want To Show You How To Sell Many Types Of Services In My New Video Course!

    Introducing Personal Service Profits!...

    • $4.95
  • The Amazon Reviewer - Download for PCs

    The Amazon Reviewer - Download for PCs

    Discover how to create your own Amazon review site starting today...

    “Start Building Your Own Network Of Amazon Review Sites Using My Simple, Clear-Cut ‘Newbie Friendly’ System!

    ...So You Can Start Bagging Your First Commission Within A Matter Of Days!”

    If you've ever wanted you own Amazon product review site but don't know where to start, how to do it, or not sure if what you're already doing is really working, then continue scrolling down this page because I'm about to reveal some things that'll help you on your journey towards success...

    It can cost you $97 to $197 or more to have an Amazon Product Review Site built for you. That's only with 5 pages of content or less - and there's no software out there that will build you a review site with unique content that ranks in search engines.

    Now unless you want to dish out $97 to $197 to have one built for you, that leaves just one option... You have to build it yourself.

    Building Your Own Amazon Blog Review Site May Have Seemed Impossible Up Until NOW!

    But I tell you... it's NOT rocket science (as they'll have you believe!)

    Imagine building your own review site, filled with Amazon products that you get commissions for. Even if you've never even built a website before thanks to this easy-to-follow course I've put together for you!

    Introducing The Amazon Reviewer!...

    • $4.95
  • Content Magnet Fortune - Download for PCs

    Content Magnet Fortune - Download for PCs

    What if I told you that every single SEO trick you've been doing until now is not as effective as this?...

    NEVER Work Hard For SEO Traffic Again!”

    Simple, LEGAL, And PROVEN System Reveals Elite Method To Getting Others To BUILD Your Website For You With Your Ads & Links Inside... Whilst You Sit And Watch It Grow!

    You have probably been told many times in your Internet marketing career that one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is through article marketing?...

    You have been told to submit your content to article directories so you can get more exposure, backlinks, and credibility.

    The reason you have been told all of this for so long and in so many courses is because it REALLY DOES WORK well for you. 

    I am sure through this process you have encountered many different online article directories, and I know that you probably thought to yourself how nice it would be to actually own your very own article directory.

    You probably realized that your articles when you submit them have advertisements surrounding them that directly profit the article directory owner?...

    Not only do you benefit every time you submit an article online, the owner of the article directory also benefits from your work!

    How Would You Like To Own Your Own Article Directory That Adds Content Daily That You Can Profit From?

    Now you can actually be the one that sits back and profits while other people submit content to your website daily, and you don't have to do any of the work to create that content!

    Imagine being able to setup the article directory one time and within hours after setting it up start receiving new content instantly that results in nearly instant traffic to your website.

    "Introducing A Unique System For Generating Your Very Own Article Directory Empire From A To Z"

    Introducing Content Magnet Fortune!...

    Here's A Quick Summary Of What You'll Uncover...

    An entire step-by-step blueprint for starting and maintaining your very own, highly profitable article directory.

    The place to go to download free article directory software that powers some high class online article directories.

    How to monetize your article directory so you can get the maximum profits from your new traffic.

    A method for generating fresh, search engine friendly content on autopilot.

    How to garner hoards of new pages so you can get massive free organic search engine traffic to your website.

    Discover all you need to know to create your very own high end profitable article directory.

    plus so much more!...

    You are going to learn with an easy to follow step-by-step video series how to go from start to finish and setup your very own article directory.

    • $4.95
  • Free Cash Generator - Download for PCs

    Free Cash Generator - Download for PCs

    Who says you need money to make money?... It's all non-sense!...

    “Elite System Takes You Under The Wing And Reveals How To Generate FREE Cash Online Without Spending A Dime!”

    This System Is So Valuable It's Like Having The Ability To Print Money! - And Now You're Going To Learn How!

    NO Advertising Costs, NO Domain Names, NO Webservers Or Hosting, NO Email Lists... NOTHING! All You Need Is A Little Time And The Knowledge I'm About To Share With You!

    We all know that we live in tough times right now. We live in times where you may have a hard time paying your more basic bills, and you may be struggling with high credit card payments, or are having a hard time just staying afloat financially...

    The problem is that making money online initially may seem very expensive for those just starting out.

    There is good news though.

    "You Can Make Money Online Without Any Out Of Pocket Expenses"

    Are you willing to put in some time & effort if you knew you could really make some money for your efforts?

    Are you someone that can honestly say that you have a strong will and desire to succeed?

    Are you someone that can follow a simple step-by-step plan if it is laid out in a plain easy to follow way?

    Then you have what it takes to succeed with our totally brand new step-by-step video training program!

    We realized that money was unfortunately an issue that was holding people back from actually getting started so we got the rights to a system that teaches you an entire affiliate marketing system without having to invest a dime. We take you from market research to setting up a free website to even marketing the website using powerful free online marketing techniques that are safe even with the latest Google updates!

    "38 Step-By-Step Content Rich Videos Show You How Right Before Your Eyes..."

    Once we mastered this system we wanted to make sure we presented the materials in an easy to follow formula so you can actually follow along. We have compiled a total of 38 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be wildly successful online without having to invest anything at all!

    Introducing Free Cash Generator!...

    • $4.95
  • Physical Product Profits - Download for PCs

    Physical Product Profits - Download for PCs

    If you're not bringing in the commissions you want from digital products, then pay attention...

    “Discover The Simplest & Fastest Way To Sell Physical Products Through Amazon™ That Pay Out FAT Commissions!

    Now It's The Little Guy's Turn To Piggy Back Off The Large Corporations Without Having To Stock Or Risk In Any Products Themselves!

    We have all heard about being an affiliate for information products over and over again, but did you realize there is a whole new market that you are missing out on that can allow you to sell the most popular items over and over again?...

    Did you realize there is a huge set of products that people use and enjoy everyday that often times gets more interest than your everyday information product?

    Imagine now that you have at your disposal the opportunity to become an affiliate for products where millions upon millions of dollars in advertising is spent weekly. Every single day millions of people are being exposed to these products, and they are ready to buy them.

    There is good news...

    "You Can Leverage Marketing Dollars From Huge Corporations For Dollars In Your Pocket"

    Almost everyday it seems you see advertisements on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines for items like flat screen televisions, video game systems, kitchen gadgets, popular movies, home entertainment systems, major appliances, and more.

    These huge companies that promote these products are spending millions of dollars annually to generate interest and buzz for their products.

    When this buzz is created you can cash in!

    "Nearly 2 Hours Of Step By Step Video Content Shows You How Right Before Your Eyes..."

    You can now learn how to cash in on the buzz for these popular products around the clock potentially as an affiliate. I have compiled a total of 16 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be wildly successful online without having to worry about pushing products that no one ends up wanting to buy!

    Introducing Physical Product Profits!...

    Not rated yet
    • $4.95
  • Digital Product Production Factory - Download for PCs

    Digital Product Production Factory - Download for PCs

    If you thought that selling your own digital product online was beyond you then think again...

    “Get Your Own Product Uploaded And Ready To Start Collecting PayPal™ Payments Within A Matter Of HOURS!”

    Discover How To Create Audios, Interviews, Video Courses, Reports, And Ebooks In A Single Afternoon!

    Do you sometimes think to yourself that you can't createyour own product because it simply looks too complicated?...

    Do you sometimes avoid creating one altogether because you think it should be best left to the professionals?...

    Maybe you even think that it's not worth doing it because you'll just fail and fall back into place where you already are?...

    If you can relate to this then you may be surprised to know that creating your own digital products is not as hard as it looks - or as hard as they make it out to be!

    In fact, from today onwards you can turn the tables around and have affiliates promoting YOUR product, instead of you pushing someone elses!

    Imagine 10s, 100s, even 1000s of affiliates doing all your dirty work for you and sending you hordes of visitors. If all you're doing right now is affiliate marketing, then you're missing out on the opportunity to multiply your business overnight.

    Why Be 1 Of 100 Affiliates When You Can Have 100 Affiliates Promoting You?

    As glorious as they make affiliate marketing sound, they're actually making the bulk of their money from the product they're selling you. Funny how that works, isn't it?

    Some of the most popular products on affiliate marketing weren't created by the best affiliate marketers.

    They're created by people who know a thing or two about affiliate marketing, but...

    They Know Where The Real Money's At... In Creating And Selling Products!

    So if you've been struggling online for a while with affiliate marketing, then you need to break out of that shelland amplify your business to the max!

    You can make money hand over fist when you have your own paid product to sell and other products you can give away and add as bonuses to your paid products.

    That's why I created this complete newbie guide...

    You'll go from not knowing a lick about product creation to being able to crank out your own products at will... all in a single afternoon!

    Introducing Product Production Factory!...

    • $4.95
  • Tech Challenge SOS - Download for PCs

    Tech Challenge SOS - Download for PCs

    Do you feel as though your business is out of control and that you're always relying on someone to help you?...

    “Grab Your NEW Online Business By The Wheel And Steer It In The Right Direction Without Ever Getting Yourself Stuck On The Basic Tasks Again!”

    ...Watch Over My Shoulder As I Show You How To Accomplish Basic Marketer& Webmaster Tasks So You'll NEVER Need To Rely On Someone Else Again!

    If you want your own dot com website, your own PDF and video products, your own auto-responder, and even your own Warrior Special Offers... but have serious difficulty getting started and knowing where to go and who to turn to then look no further!

    Unless you FINALLY learn these skills that I'm about to show you, you'll NEVER get your business off the ground - unless you're made of money and have VERY deep pockets to have someone help you out.

    Unfortunately, not everyone has deep pockets and that's probably the main reasons why you came online to start a business in the first place! :)

    Besides... You can't depend on hiring someone to do all the work for you all the time because you're always putting your business in someone elses's hands. If they don't feel like doing something, your business is at a halt. If they do a job sloppily, then you're at fault. If they didn't set something up right because they're lazy (knowing that it's not their business) then you get the blame from your customers (and refund requests if it gets bad!)

    At Some Point Or Another, You're Going To Have To Learn Some Basic Technical Skills... It's Really Not That Hard!

    Why not start now?

    I've been online long enough to show you how to do the most simplest tasks. I've had my fair share uploading, file management, designing, list-creation, list-building, cPanel usage and much more... and I'm glad to say that you won't have to go through the same hassles I've gone through!

    I've put together a short but concise 17 part video course that willl show you everything you need to know to get over that technical hurdle that's currently stopping you from getting any further!

    I've made this training as painless as possible.

    The good news is you can learn this stuff just once then use it for the rest of your career.

    Introducing Tech Challenge SOS!...

    • $4.95
  • WordPress Know How - Download for PCs

    WordPress Know How - Download for PCs

    Like the idea of having your own blog that you can use on any computer around the world?...

    FINALLY Discover How To Setup Your First Blog And Customize It How You Want WITHOUT Pulling Your Hair Out!”

    New Video Series Reveals How To Unlock The True Power Behind The Worlds Most Popular Blogging Platform!

    If you're like most people starting out online, WordPress can be quite intimidating. In fact, if you grew up working with HTML websites then the thought of making the switch to blogs can be quite off-putting.

    The thought of editing a WordPress theme, installing a plugin or maintaining the site is enough to scare off and beginner - and that's even before it's installed!

    So why bother blogging?...

    Blogging has several advantages when it comes to creating websites fast - not to mention when it comes to making money online!

    With a WordPress blog you can post articles and other content on a regular basis from any computer in the world without having to remember your FTP details to upload files! Not only that, but when you do add new content, it's organized nicely so that search engines like Google can pick it up quicky!

    With a WordPress blog you can monetize it easily with AdSense Ads, ClickBank text links, banners, sign-up forms and so much more to your sidebar which will update all the pages within your blog so you don't have to update each page individually! This alone is a great time saver especially as your blog grows over time!

    With a WordPress blog you can easily customize and add new fuctional features to it called 'plugins' to allow you to sell products online, review products as an affiliate, build massive mailing lists, and automate repetitive tasks!

    ...and the best part is that this platform is FREE!

    All you need is a domain and webhosting and you're good to go - and you'll be able to start your online business!

    The Problem Is... How Do You Use It To It's Full Potential So You Can Make Money Online?

    Well that's why you're here on this page today! We're going to show you step-by-step how to setup your first blog within a matter of minutes and then teach you how to customize it so that it's ready to use so you can start making money with it!

    Introducing WordPress Know How!...

    • $4.95
